High Glucose During Pregnancy: How to Manage Gestational Diabetes

How to Manage Gestational Diabetes 

On you prenatal visit, your doctor break the news to you that you have Gestational Diabetes. Now what? You don’t know what to do or where to begin, and you have been feeling anxious and sleepless for the past few days. Gestational diabetes or GDM can be totally scary and unexpected, especially because you know have you worry about you and the baby growing inside your tummy.

But there’s good news! GDM can be managed in non-invasive, even natural ways. Even more, the condition can be reversed to a significant often without  medication.

First, let’s take a closer look at GDM.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

This type of diabetes can occur even if you do not have a previous problem with your blood sugar or have not been diagnosed with any form of diabetes. Presently, it affects 2-10% (that’s roughly 135,000 to 200,000 women in the United States) of all pregnant women annually, typically developing around the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy.

Basically, GDM happens when a woman’s body is not able to use or make the insulin it needs for the demands of pregnancy, which typically mean about three times much more than what the woman requires before conceiving.

Symptoms of GDM

Gestational diabetes will present with similar symptoms to the other forms of diabetes, including:

  •  Increased hunger
  •  Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Blurry vision

Before worrying that you have the condition, remember that due to hormones, most  pregnant women naturally experience some these changes and discomforts of pregnancy, such as a big appetite and more frequent visits to the toilet. But if you have risk factors/issues or symptoms that seem out of the “normal,” talking to your doctor would be a good idea.

Causes & Risk Factors

To date, there is no known cause for GDM, but there are several risk factors associated with this type of diabetes, including:

  • Family history– if someone in  your family  has diabetes, you may be at risk since your genes or DNA may predispose you the disease  Do check your family history and take measures below to prevent the condition from occuring
  • Age– pregnant women more than 25 years old are at higher risk for developing GDM
  • Ethnicity– Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and Asians have a higher tendency to develop GDM than Caucasians
  • Weight– women who are overweight before being pregnant, as well as those who gain excessive weight during pregnancy are at high risk
  • Previous Incidence– if you have had GDM in one of your previous pregnancies, you are more likely to acquire it again, than someone who has not had the condition before

What can happen with GDM?

Increased rate of miscarriage or birth defects –GDM may affect your baby’s major organs or result in physical abnormalities that may be life-threatening

Overnutrition or excess growth for your baby– this increases the likelihood that you’ll undergo cesarean delivery since with vaginal or natural birth, a large baby will be traumatic to the fetus

“Fat baby” or “big body” syndrome- although the pregnant mother’s insulin does not cross the placenta, the extra sugar does giving the unborn baby high sugar levels. In effect, the fetus grows abnormally large with excessive body fat. This is medically known as ‘macrosomia.’ Children with this syndrome are at higher risk for childhood obesity, breathing problems, and type 2 diabetes.

Heightens the likelihood of stillbirths– this refers to the birth of an infant that has died in the mother’s womb after having survived at least the initial 28 weeks of pregnancy

Low blood sugar– also called ‘hypoglycemia’ which can manifest with symptoms of shakiness, sweating, blurred vision, hunger and dizziness

Getting Tested

Your doctor ordered an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to check if you have GDM. You will be instructed to consume a sugary solution, then your blood sugar will be measured from your blood sample typically after 2 hours (or as ordered by the physician).

If it comes back positive, treatment should begin as soon as possible to prevent further harm or complications for you and your baby.

If you’re diagnosed with GDM, don’t get too stressed out. You simply need to work with your doctor or healthcare providers to manage your condition in the best possible way. Complying with the recommended treatment will ensure that your baby stays healthy and that your health will be kept optimal throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

The general guidelines for screening state that:

  • If your OGTT result is normal in weeks 27 through 31 of your pregnancy, you don’t need more screening.
  • If you experienced GDM during one of your previous pregnancies, the screening should be done earlier (as early as the 13th week).
  • Other reasons for early screening include previous delivery of a large baby, obesity, sugar in the urine, and family history for diabetes. 

Like all other forms of diabetes, the management for GDM will commonly include:

1. Special diet plans – below are guidelines for pregnant women with GDM from a nutritionists; but you need to consult with your physician and nutritionist to plan the best meals for your unique condition

  • Maintain a healthy weight.  Avoiding obesity (especially before getting pregnant) places a mom-to-be at less risk for GDM and other pregnancy-related complications.
  • Generally, a pregnant woman with GDM needs to have a daily food intake with 35-38 kilocalories per kilogram of ideal body weight.
  • Your ingested protein should be approximately 20% of your daily kilocalories.
  • Your carbohydrate intake should be 50-55% of your daily kilocalories.
  • Your fat intake should be lower than 30% of the total kilocalories per day.
  • Maintain a fasting and pre-meal sugar level below 90mg/dl.

2. Watching your weight- the appropriate weight gain should depend on your baseline body mass index (BMI) and weight before pregnancy. Talk to your doctor for ideal weight changes that should not go too low or too high

3. Scheduled physical activity– moderate exercise is beneficial in controlling your blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight  during pregnancy

4. Daily blood sugar testing– women with GDM need to maintain stricter levels of blood sugar control during pregnancy; hence, blood sugar needs to be monitored more frequently (e.g., before meals, bedtime, occasionally an hour after eating)

5. Taking multivitamin supplements

According to a study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women who take multivitamins such as folic acid and B vitamins, significantly reduce the risk of birth defects for the baby.

Consult with your physician for the recommended multivitamin and mineral preparation for you.

6. Medications

  • This commonly includes insulin injections to keep blood sugar within the controlled range throughout the pregnancy.
  • Insulin is widely administered (as prescribed by the physician) if a pregnant woman’s diet does not sustain the fasting blood sugar (FBS) below 90 mg/dl.
  • Insulin will typically be stopped at the time of the baby’s delivery (or as per advice of your physician).

7. Testing for defects

  • Blood tests may be recommended by your doctor commonly at 15 weeks gestation to check for defects of the unborn baby.
  • An ultrasound may be ordered at 18 weeks that can determine malformations for the growing fetus. This will not harm or be painful for the fetus or the pregnant woman.
  • Some doctors request for a non-stress test, where a device will be placed on the woman’s abdomen to listen to the heartbeat of the fetus. When there is fetal movement, the heart rate of the baby normally speeds up by 15-20 beats per minute (this ‘speeding up’ should occur at least three times in 20 minutes)

Usually, GDM goes away after the birth of the baby. However, there are cases when women with the condition discover that they have diabetes (either type 1 or 2) that is no longer pregnancy-linked since signs and symptoms continue to show even after pregnancy. Statistics show that many women with GDM develop diabetes type 2 in the future. This is why a healthy, active lifestyle is recommended before, during, and after pregnancy.

Lose Weight and Live Longer

Understanding The Basics of Losing Weight

If you are overweight you must try to lose some of that extra pounds. It is well researced and documented in many medical journal that obesity is the leading cause of many of our ailments. Obesity is linked to high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. In fact, if you are overweight and you have not had you blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol checked you need to have the checked immediately and at least yearly. Most people that have type 2 diabetes are overweight. If you lose weight you can decrease your chances of developing these condition.  Furthermore, if you have any of these condition losing weight, eating the right foods and  increasing your activity can improve your numbers drastically.

Contrary to what many people think, there is still no magic pill or ‘extra-special’ diet that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. There are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight. Like most things in life, losing weight requires determination, effort, discipline, and most of all, perseverance. Getting rid of 10, 20, or even 50+ pounds boils down to what you choose to do daily. If you choose to eat right and exercise day in day out, you will eventually get rid of all that excess weight and fat. You will be very happy you stuck it out.

However, if you choose to neglect your daily weight loss obligations, you will never achieve your weight loss goals. The truth of the matter is that being overweight or obese is not fun at all. If you are tired of looking or being called fat, it is high time you take matters into your own hands. Do not wait for the perfect day to begin your weight loss journey as this day may never come. Your new life awaits you. All you need is to take the first step, and the rest will be history.

If you are ready to embark on the challenging but rewarding journey of losing weight, it is necessary that you get to know some tips for fast and lasting weight loss. Knowing these tips can help you to achieve your desired results in no time. You also need to maintain a high level of focus and discipline every day so that you do not backslide and end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

No human being is perfect, so it is quite possible for you to veer off your weight loss road at one point or the other. However, you should not focus on your misstep or failure but rather focus on how you are going to get back on the road. Never punish yourself or feel demoralized because of slow progress or failure. The key is to keep pushing on even when times get tough. Here are 3 tips for fast and lasting weight loss.

1. Eat Less (Quantity)

Number one is to eat less. This is a no-brainer, but many people tend to forget this when trying to lose weight. Common sense should tell you that eating more directly translates to gaining weight. Here, it does not matter the kind of food you eat. It can be healthy, natural foods, or it can be unhealthy processed foods. The fact still remains, eating more causes you to add weight.

Eating less creates a deficiency of calories that is necessary to help your body shed pounds. You must adapt your body to get used to getting a certain amount of calories daily and nothing more. Calories are the basic unit of weight gain. The more calorie-packed foods you ingest, the more weight you accumulate over time. The best thing you can do is to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat. This means no more super-sized meal orders at your local fast food joint. Also, no more having unnecessary meals and snacks throughout the day.

All of this is aimed at cutting back the quantity of food that you consume on a day to day basis.

2. Eat Better (Quality)

Apart from reducing the quantity of food you consume, you also need to improve the quality of the food you consume. Quality is determined by how nutritious, and beneficial food is to your body. You may already know that junk foods such as pizzas, fries, cookies, and other yummy treats are not really quality foods as they have very few nutritional benefits. On the other hand, there are foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits that are packed with a wide range of healthy nutrients.

You are what you eat. If you are used to eating low quality, unhealthy foods, then you are of low quality and unhealthy as well. The only thing you get from eating lots of junk food is a ton of extra calories that are converted into body fat. So, what should you do if you want to lose weight? Well, you should firmly resist the temptation of eating junk foods.

3. Exercise Regularly

Last but not least, if you really want to lose weight fast and stay that way, you should get your body moving. Regular exercise is a key element in any weight loss program. However, to make it easier for the average person, regular exercise does not have to be very intense or demanding. Exercise can be anything from walking to jogging, aerobics, yoga, swimming, hiking or just any physical activity that gets your heart rate up and your sweat glands working. That’s all that is needed. You must engage in your physical activity of choice as often as possible in order to lose weight fast.

About Blood Glucose Meters

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to convert glucose (sugar) into usable energy. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 8.3 percent of Americans are afflicted with the condition. ADA further asserts that 18.8 million people are diagnosed, with another 7 million people undiagnosed. Another 79 million people are prediabetic. With this diabetes such a widespread condition, the need for glucose meters is high.

What is a blood glucose meter?

A blood glucose meter is a medical device used to monitor a person’s blood glucose levels. The devices have become increasingly sophisticated as technology has advanced, leading to more accurate blood glucose level testing.

Why is a blood glucose meter important?

Blood sugar levels are connected to numerous body functions. As a result, failure to keep blood sugar levels regulated can cause significant health problems. The Mayo Clinic notes that uncontrolled blood sugar can cause damage to vital organs such as the heart and kidneys. The New York Department of Health adds that poor blood sugar levels can cause issues such as fast heartbeat, shaking, headache, irritability, vision problems and drowsiness. By using a blood glucose meter, a person can determine how much food or drink is safe to consume to keep blood glucose levels stable. They also can figure out whether they need to take medication to further stabilize their blood sugar. This can prevent or lessen symptoms related to diabetes.

What types of blood glucose meters are available?

Individuals who need blood glucose meters have several options from which to choose. When a person first is consulting with a physician about their health and blood sugar, the doctor often prescribes the use of a continuous meter, which provides many readings over several days to give the doctor an idea of best to treat the patient. Some meters are used to track glucose levels before and after eating or drinking. Many meters are of the all-in-one type, meaning the lancet is built in. Others include a blood pressure cuff, which is a benefit because many patients with diabetes also suffer from high blood pressure.

In the past, traditional blood glucose monitors required the patient to prick through his skin in order to obtain a physical blood sample. The glucose meter used the physical sample to provide a blood sugar level analysis. Today, thanks to technological advances, individuals can opt for wrist meters, which use electrodes to monitor blood sugar and therefore no longer require a person to prick the skin. Some meters even accommodate other health issues or disabilities. For example, there are meters that will “speak” the blood glucose result as an aid to the visually impaired. If a patient is unsure about what meter is best for him, his doctor can make suggestions about which type of meter would be a good fit. Many patients end up changing meters over time, either because technology advances and provides a better system or because the old meter wears out, so it is normal for patients to try several different meters to manage their health.

How much does a blood glucose monitor cost?

In some cases, individuals can get a very basic, no-frills blood glucose monitor completely free from diabetes- or health-related organizations, provided they have evidence from a physician or reputable medical facility that the meter is a medical necessity. Insurance companies typically cover the cost of blood glucose meters, as well, again requiring evidence of a medical condition connected to blood glucose. Some newer models with added features easily top $1,000 as of 2012, however, so if a person does not have insurance or cannot get approval through a diabetes- or health-related agency, meters can be costly.





Want to Know If You are Eating Too Much ? and Hamburger, Your Lipid Profile Will Tell You.

What is lipid panel?

Your doctor has ordered a lipid panel or lipid profile for you, and you wonder what is the reason for the test. What exactly will the test tell him and you about your body?  Simply, this blood test will check the status of your body’s fat metabolism, which is essential to determining your risk for heart problems. It will measure your fats and its other forms, also known as “lipoproteins.”  If you are in active and/or eating to many french fries and hamburgers then it will show up in the results.

In particular, this laboratory test will give you the following values after your blood sample is taken:

Total cholesterol– this is a rough measure of all the cholesterol and triglycerides you have in your blood

Triglycerides– these are neutral fats in your blood and tissues, which may contribute to heart disorders. Abnormally high values are linked with conditions such as obesity and diabetes

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) –contains the highestproportion of cholesterol, which is the culprit for the fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels (the arteries), often resulting in heart disease; thus its alias, the “bad” cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) – this helps ‘soak up’ excessive cholesterol stuck on the walls of blood vessels. HDL carries the excess bad cholesterol back to the liver where it is being broken down, and thereafter removed from the body in the bile. Because of its beneficial role in lowering the incidence of heart problems, this is called the “good” cholesterol

Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) contains the highest proportion of triglycerides. Like LDL, it contributes to the deposit of cholesterol in the blood vessel walls, which is why it is also considered a type of “bad” cholesterol, especially in deranged amounts.

Factors affecting the Lipid Panel

The following elements may affect your lipid profile readings:

Age– Cholesterol tends to elevate with age. Doctors recommend taking precautions early in life to prevent dangerous levels of cholesterol as you age. Many years of uncontrolled cholesterol can be fatal or trickier to treat.

– Men typically have higher levels of cholesterol than women throughout life. However, women’s cholesterol values tend to increase, even more than their male counterparts, from menopause onwards.o

Alcohol use– Moderate drinking, according to research, elevates “good” cholesterol. Heavy alcohol consumption, however, has an opposite effect, because it raises both triglyceride and cholesterol levels. o

Smoking/ tobacco use– Cigarette or tobacco use is linked with adverse effects on the lipid panel, increasing the “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, while lowering the “good” cholesterol.

Exercise– Moderate physical activity has proven beneficial to improving high cholesterol levels; thereby, reducing the risk for heart problems.

Bodyweight– Weight loss among obese or overweight individuals is associated with reduced levels of “bad” cholesterol.

Ethnicity– This is also related to genetics, which may explain why Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic blacks are more likely to have abnormal lipid and cholesterol levels that predispose to heart diseases.
Medications– A number of drugs and medication classes are reported to affect the lipid profile. Heart medications, hormones, drugs for psychiatric illnesses are known to negatively impact lipid readings.

Chronic disorders such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, obstructive liver disease, kidney disease– Common changes generally brought about by chronic illnesses include a decrease in blood levels of the “good” cholesterol and elevation of triglycerides.

Normal vs. Abnormal 

The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends theguideline below to be used for the interpretation or management of cholesterol levels in the general adult population.

However, many experts, such as your physician, will not rely on this guideline entirely, but will consider other significant factors such as your gender, age, ethnicity, total cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking habits, and the presence of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, to determine the best possible therapy for you.

Adult Values



High Risk

Very High Risk

Total Cholesterol

< 200 mg/dl

200-239 mg/dl

240 /dl

>240 mg/dl


< 150 mg/dl

150-199 mg/dl

200-499 mg/dl

>500 mg/dl


60 mg/dl or higher

40-59 mg/dl

35-40 mg/dl

<35 mg/dl


60 – 130 mg/dl

130-159 mg/dl

160-189 mg/dl

>190 mg/dl

Preparations for Lipid Profile Testing

To know your cholesterol level, your doctor may order a lipid panel or lipid profile test for you through a blood test done in a clinic or laboratory, usually in the morning. This will require fasting from food or drinks (except water) for 12 hours before a sample from your blood is taken. Just take your usual diet pattern the night before, but be sure to avoid alcoholic drinks as this may affect your result.

How to Lower High Cholesterol

According to the National Institute of Health report, if your cholesterol levels have gone through the roof, the most effective way to improve your numbers is through therapeutic lifestyle changes. These changes may include the following:

Participate in moderate aerobic exercise (e.g., lap swimming, cycling, or brisk walking) for 20 to 60 minutes daily, at least three to five times a week to increase your good cholesterol – the frequency and intensity of modification in your physical activity and lifestyle will depend on your initial fitness level.  o If you are a smoker, the time to quit is now – smoking cessation can increase your good cholesterol by 15-20%.o Red wine can help – according to studies, moderate consumption of alcohol (one to two drinks per day), red wine in particular, can boost your good cholesterol.o Avocado, nuts, canola, and olive oil are cholesterol-friendly – these contain monounsaturated fats which have been shown to improve your good cholesterol, without increasing your bad cholesterol. o Avoid bakery items, processed foods, and snacks- these contain the deadly “trans fats” which are already being phased out in restaurants and processed food world-wide because of its harmful effects to vital organs of the body, especially the heart. o Take a diet rich in grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, and olive oil – the Mediterranean-style diet sustains the heart in optimum shape.o If you are a heavy alcohol drinker, seek help – too much alcohol in your system will bring you down, and trigger all sorts of complications in line with your high cholesterol figures. o Eat fatty fish – sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel, lake trout, albacore tuna are some of the healthy types of fish that have the essential omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial for you and your high lipids.

How to Know When Your Diabetes is Out of Control


Taking care of your health after a diabetes diagnosis isn’t just a matter of taking your medicine. Diabetes is an unpredictable condition that can change quickly in relation to your daily choices. Knowing the details of your condition and the best way to improve your symptoms can help you keep your blood sugar levels under control.

Contributing Factors

Diabetes is an illness with many factors that contribute to the way you feel and how you manage your health. The progression of the disease depends on your ability to pay attention to your symptoms and make healthy choices. The foods you eat, your activity level, and your ability to track your health all have a major effect on how you keep diabetes under control.

The Effects of Carbs

Since carbohydrates turn to sugar when broken down, they can quickly change your blood sugar levels and the way you feel. It’s vital to keep track of your carb intake to keep the right balance both daily and long-term. Carbohydrates are present in many foods, and it’s easy to overindulge with a snack or a favorite meal. Utilizing portion control and eating complex carbs that are also a good source of protein can help keep your sugar levels under control.

Tracking the Numbers

You should have a schedule to check your blood sugar daily. Using additional spot checks can give you a clearer picture of where you stand at all times. Keeping your blood sugar levels as close to normal as you can is the best way to keep diabetes under control. Tracking your numbers multiple times a day will help you learn what actions to take for optimal success.

Activity Levels

If you have diabetes, exercise is like medicine. Diabetes is a condition that causes the insulin in your blood to work less effectively. During an activity, insulin becomes more effective. This effectiveness is maintained for hours after you exercise.

Your medications are only useful if you take them every day. Exercise works the same way. Even if you’ve been exercising regularly for a year, the effects can wear off as early as a week after you stop. Finding an enjoyable way to incorporate 30 minutes of daily exercise into your schedule can help keep your blood sugar stable.

Signs your Diabetes is not Under Control

Controlled diabetes is not an immediate danger to your daily health. However, if your condition is not under control, you could quickly be on your way to serious side effects that will land you in the emergency room. If you aren’t keeping track of your blood sugar levels, your sugar may be creeping up to dangerous levels without you realizing it. These subtle symptoms might be a sign your diabetes isn’t under control:

•​Increased hunger without weight gain – When insulin doesn’t turn sugar to energy, your body uses other available sources like fat and muscle mass. The food you eat isn’t doing its job, so your body thinks you need more which results in chronic hunger.

•​Extreme fatigue – When insulin isn’t doing its job, sugar doesn’t convert to energy. The result is fatigue and lethargy.

•​Excessive thirst and frequent urination – When sugar builds up in your blood, your kidneys work harder to eliminate it. Frequent urination can quickly cause excessive thirst and dehydration.

•​Blurry vision – High blood sugar levels create fluid buildup. This fluid can leak into your eyes causing the lenses to swell. Blurred vision and difficulty focusing are the most common symptoms.

•​Skin changes – Skin tags or dark patches are indicators of insulin resistance. Other skin problems like blisters and infections can be a sign of high blood sugar levels.

•​Numbness and tingling in hands and feet –Numbness, tingling, and pain in the hands and feet (diabetic neuropathy) are usually symptoms of progressive diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes can also cause these symptoms.

•​Slow healing injuries – Poor circulation and nerve damage caused by uncontrolled diabetes restricts blood flow and slows healing.

Potential Dangers

Early symptoms of diabetes often go unnoticed by patients. For the same reasons, it may not be obvious when the condition is getting worse. Ignoring symptoms can be dangerous or even fatal. Diabetes affects every part of your body. Keeping your sugar levels under control can help you manage the symptoms and control the progression of the disease.

Ignoring your health plan to keep your diabetes under control has immediate effects on the way you feel. Lack of energy and other physical symptoms are present immediately as sugar levels rise. Ignoring your symptoms will lead to rapid progression of other serious symptoms. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, nerve damage, coma, and death. Understanding your condition and taking measures to keep it under control can help you stay healthy and avoid dangerous symptoms.

Routine visits to your doctor and a healthy lifestyle are essential tools in fighting the progression of diabetes. If you are unsure whether your diabetes is under control, contact your doctor today.


1.​WebMD – 5 Steps to Get Your Diabetes Under Control

2.​Livestrong – Things that Impact Fasting Glucose Level

3.​Everyday Health – 7 Signs your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control

Low Carb Snack for Diabetes

low carb snack10 Low Sugar Snacks

If you want to control your blood sugar, do you know what to eat to keep your sugar from spiking then dropping a few hours later? Although fat is high in calories, a diet low in fat contains more carbohydrates, particularly sugars, which tend to increase your blood sugar.  One likely mechanism for high carb diets hindering fat loss is that carbohydrates are broken down into the sugar glucose, raising levels of the hormone insulin, which triggers fat storage and hunger. Another possible reason why carb-rich diets are bad news for you is their lower protein content, as protein helps you stay fuller for longer. While you can still include moderate amounts of low GI carbs at mealtimes, such as oats and  sweet potatoes , you should avoid sugary snacks. Even fruit gives you a lot of sugar if you have a large portion, so if you want to keep your blood sugar level in check to control your diabetes try the following ten low sugar snack ideas.


An ounce of almonds provides 160kcal and just 1g of sugar. If you usually aim for snacks under 100kcal, don’t be put off by the higher calorie count, as research shows almond will cause an increase in your blood sugar and is considered a low glycemic food.

Pumpkin seeds

With 150kcal and zero sugar, you also get a boost of the minerals iron, magnesium and manganese when you choose pumpkin seeds as a snack.


One-third of an avocado gives you just 80kcal and less than 0.5g of sugar, while providing useful amounts of vitamin C and various B vitamins. Simply mash avocado with lemon juice and black pepper before loading on to a rye crisp bread.

Hardboiled egg

A large egg contains 75kcal and 1g sugar, as well as providing 6g of protein to aid satiety. Mash an egg with a diced tomato and use as a topping for an oatmeal cracker.

Greek yogurt

Regularly eating foods rich in calcium is associated with weight loss, so Greek yogurt makes an ideal snack if you’re watching your waistline and your blood sugar. A 3oz portion comes in at just 80kcal and 3g of naturally occurring sugars. With 7g of protein in a serving, you’ll stay full till your next meal.

Cottage Cheese

Another good option for protein, cottage cheese provides 10g of protein in 3oz, while giving you just 70kcal and 2g of natural sugars. You can add your own diced vegetables and seasoning to spice up cottage cheese before using it as a vegetable dip or a topping for low GI crackers.

Salsa and vegetable sticks

There are just a few calories and minimal sugar in a tablespoon of salsa, but store-bought salsa is high in salt. Tomato-based salsas also have the added bonus of lycopene, which besides lowering your risk of prostate cancer, may also make bladder, breast, colon, lung, ovarian and pancreatic cancer less likely. Additionally, making lycopene a regular part of your diet may protect your blood vessels from narrowing.


With 25kcal per tablespoon and no sugar, hummus makes a good bet for blood sugar control. You needn’t worry about the natural sugars in carrot, pepper and cucumber sticks, as they are all low on the Glycemic Index.

Homemade vegetable soup

If you steer clear of potatoes and parsnips, you can make a low- calorie soup that is low in sugars and has a low GI. You can bring down the glycemic index of soup further by adding lentils or beans.

Nut butter and celery

Load a tablespoon of almond butter into celery sticks and you’ll get 100kcal without any sugar. Just make sure you choose a nut butter without added salt or make your own.

Although you still need to watch your calorie intake, choosing a low-sugar diet that incorporates healthy snacks can keep your blood sugar under control.  Varying the snacks you choose each day keeps your diet interesting, allowing you to maintain your efforts towards being healthy The ten snack ideas discussed above are just a start. What other low-sugar snacks can you come up with?

How To Test For Diabetes


Testing for Diabetes

You should get tested for Diabetes mellitus (also called DM or just “diabetes”) if you’re frequently experiencing symptoms that include:

  • Extreme thirst and hunger
  • Fatigue or feeling tired
  • Urinating often
  • Having wounds that don’t heal
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Having blurry vision
  • Feeling irritable

Also, it is wise to get tested according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) if you belong to or have any of the following:

  • You’re overweight or obese (body mass index more than 25)
  • You live an unhealthy (inactive) lifestyle
  • You have parents/siblings or a family line with diabetes
  • You are African-American, Native American, Latino, Asian-American, a Pacific Islander
  • You have high cholesterol or triglycerides, high blood pressure, or heart problems
  • You have a history of insulin or high blood sugar problems
  • You are more than 45 years old

Diabetes is diagnosed with blood tests that may include fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, or HbA1c. According to the ADA, diabetes can be diagnosed if any one of the following criteria is met:

Glycosylated or glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) equal to or greater than 6.5%

fasting blood sugar (FBS) of 126mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher- fasting means that the person has not consumed food for 8 hours before a blood sample is taken.

An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) blood sugar level of 200mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher- this is taken two hours after drinking the recommended 75-gram solutionfor the test

random blood sugar reading of 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher – monitoring of blood sugar levels may be advised by doctors for individuals with classicsymptoms of high blood sugar.

These blood tests will be ordered by your doctor and may require preparations, or a number of steps to complete. Blood will be drawn from your vein and sent to a pathology laboratory. Once you receive your test results, discuss with your doctor so you can fully understand and clarify concerns.

Typically, testing positive for diabetes once isn’t enough to be diagnosed with the condition. Your doctor may order a repeat test (or other confirmatory tests) at another date to verify and make the diagnosis.

Preparation for Fasting Blood Sugar

Your doctor may have ordered a fasting blood sugar or FBS test for you. This has a preparation which involves not eating or drinking (except water) for eight hours before having your blood sample taken. Specific instructions such as the number of hours for fasting can also be instructed by your physician.

What Happens When You Fast?

During the time that you fast before your blood sample is drawn, a hormone inside your body called “glucagon” is stimulated. The stimulation of glucagon naturally elevates the blood sugar levels in your body. If you don’t have diabetes, your body will produce the regulating hormone “insulin” so your body canregain its balance, and bring down your blood sugar levels to normal range.

However, if you have DM, two things can happen. Your body will not use insulin effectively, so your blood sugar levels will not normalize (which is typical in diabetes type 2). Or your body does not produce sufficient insulin to bring back the balance in your blood sugar levels (which happens in type 1 diabetes).

What is Fasting Blood Sugar used for?

Apart from being used as an indicator for possible diabetes, FBS can also examine the effectiveness of dietary and lifestyle modifications you are doing in relation to your blood sugar levels. The effect of different medications on your system (especially if you already have diabetes) will also reflect in your result.

Further, your blood sugar can increase as a result of medical conditions such as “Cushing’s syndrome,” “pancreatitis,” or “eclampsia,” and other disorders that affect your kidney or liver.However, these conditions are often diagnosed by your doctor using more specific laboratory tests.

FBS Normal Range and Values

3.9 – 5.5 mmol/l (70 – 99 mg/dl) – generally, this range will be interpreted by your doctor as normal.

5.6 – 6.9 mmol/l (100 – 125 mg/dl) – a little over the normalmay indicate a pre-diabetic stage or that you may have started to develop impaired blood sugar tolerance. This implies that you need to have major lifestyle and diet changes to prevent or delay a full-blown diabetes state.

7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or higher – typically, this may alert your doctor to run a second test or order other confirmatory tests, as this may mean that you already have diabetes.

Glucose Tolerance Test

This medical test checks how your body processes sugar (glucose). The test has different versions, but the most commonly used is the oral glucose tolerance test or OGTT. In this test, you will be instructed to take a beverage that is mostly sugar in content. Then, your blood will be taken to check for your blood sugar after two hours (or as requested by your physician).

Preparation for OGTT

No restrictions in your usual intake of food days or weeks before the test is done. The preparation begins a day before the actual test, where you need to fast from eating/drinking for 8-12 hours before the test (or as per instruction of your physician).

What happens during OGTT? 

1. Typically, the procedure starts when your first blood sample is taken in the morning, upon your arrival at the laboratory.2. You will then be instructed to drink a high-sugar solution within five minutes.3. After 2 hours (or depending on the interval and number of times requested by your doctor), your blood sample may be drawn to test for your blood sugar or insulin levels.

OGTT Normal Range and Values

Less than 140 mg/dL – Normal

140 mg/dL – 199 mg/dL – Pre-diabetes

200 mg/dL or higher – Diabetes


Another simple but useful screening for diabetes also used to monitor the blood sugar control of individuals who already DMis referred to as hemoglobin A1c, glycatedor glycosylated hemoglobinor simply HbA1c. What makes this different from other sugar tests is that it gives an approximate of the sugar (glucose) in your blood over the last few months.

Why is the test done? 

Doctors may recommend individuals with diabetes to have an HbA1c test every 3-6 months, as this can show blood sugar levels over the past 8 to 12 weeks. If the result for this test turns out elevated, this may indicate an increased risk for diabetes, or that you have a greater risk for developing complications with your kidneys, eyes, and other major organs.

For individuals who have DM, HbA1c may be used with a home blood sugar monitoring device to give a picture of whether medical management is effective.

Preparation for HbA1c

HbA1c is a simple laboratory test that can be completed with no preparation required. After your blood sample is taken, results will be available no more than 24 hours.

Normal Range and Values

3.5-5.6% (15-38 mmol/mol)- considered as the normal rangefor HbA1c

5.7-6.4% (39-46 mmol/mol) – this may mean you have poor control of your diabetes. Or if you have not been diagnosed before, you may be in a pre-diabetic phase. Also, yourphysician may make a diagnosis of diabetes after running confirmatory tests to verify.

6.5% (48mmol/mol) or higher – is generally considered to mean you have diabetes; but a repeat test may be requested by your physician to confirm the results, especially if you have no symptoms.

It is important to know that there are medical conditions, such as anemia, that can affect your HbA1c result, so you need to talk to your doctor to understand your results.

Exercise In Your House: The Bed, Wall and Couch Method

Everybody wants to be a home body sometimes. You may be tired after a long week at work and don’t feel like leaving the house. Perhaps you can’t leave the house for one reason or another. Either way, this workout routine can help you get your body right without requiring you to leave your home. You can start off first thing in the morning without needing to leave your bed, then move to your wall and from there the couch. Doesn’t sound like very much work, does it? It may sound simple, but this routine will have you literally on your ass.

Bed Workouts

1. Legs Raises

To do this exercise, lie on the bed with your legs stretched straight out. To make it a bit easier, you can position yourself to where you can grab the corner of your mattress behind you with your arms. Then you want to simply raise your legs up and down. However, when you come down, do not touch the bed with your legs. If you want to make this more challenging, then have somebody push your legs down as they come up. This will make it much more difficult for you not to touch the bed. You can do this exercise with repetitions or timed, but beware that this is a difficult one.

2. Full Body Crunch

First you want to lie flat on your back on the bed and extend your arms all the way back. Then you want to crunch up. As you do bring your legs up to a right angle and hug them with your arms. After that, extend back out, and you have one rep. I would recommend doing this exercise in either sets of 10 or for 45 seconds. Whichever you feel more comfortable with starting off. This workout will do wonders for your abs.

3. Bicycles

For this exercise start off by sitting at the edge of your bed. Place your palms on the edge of the mattress and then slowly raise up your feet. Get your legs to a 90-degree angle and then keep it there. Then simply kick your feet out as if you were riding a bicycle. I recommend starting off with 30 seconds a set and working your way up. If you want to increase the intensity of this workout, then put your palms on the back of your head and touch your left elbow with your right knee when it comes towards you; and vice versa. This exercise is great for working out your abs, legs and thighs.

4. Leg Lifts

To do this exercise, start off flat on your back with your arms at your side. If you want to make it more challenging, put your hands under your butt, so that you cannot depend on them for support. Now, lift your legs slightly off of the bed. After that, lift on leg straight up, followed by the opposite leg. Then when they are both in the up position, lower one leg down to the beginning position and then follow it with the other leg. Be sure not to touch the bed when lowering your legs. Then raise up again, one leg at a time. I recommend doing this exercise for about 30 seconds per set to start off. This is another excellent ab workout.

5. Frog Pumps

Start off on your back, with your knees facing the ceiling, just like the previous exercise. Put your feet about hip-width apart and place your extended arms to your side with your palms turned to the bed. Gently press your hips upward by squeezing your gluts. Continue to push upwards until your legs and hips are straight; and torso and legs are aligned. Now, slowly lower back down to your starting position and you have one rep. I would recommend doing these in sets of 15 to start out. This exercise is great for developing your hip, leg and thigh muscles.

Wall Workouts

1. Wall Squats

For this exercise you need to find a nice and sturdy wall and put your back up against it (who hasn’t had their back against the wall at some point). Go down to about a 90-degree angle, so that your knees are out, and your back is straight. Squeeze your inner thigh in slightly and hold this position for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. This exercise works out your gluts, hips, legs and thighs.

The second method to do a wall squat, is more of a traditional squat, which makes it a bit more difficult. Face the wall and stand about a foot away, then you need to raise your arms up. Make sure that your feet are slightly wider than hip-width and your toes are faced outward. Now, lower your hips down to where they are about parallel to the ground. Try not to allow yourself to move forward while lowering. Make sure that you maintain your back, chest and head positions; and extend your hips and knees by pushing your feet into the floor.  Keep going until you reach your starting position and then you have achieved a rep. If possible, place a ball of some sort behind you. It doesn’t need to be a workout ball; it is just to help you reference how far down you are squatting, without breaking position. Once mastered this exercise is great for your abs, butt, hips, legs, calves, shins and thighs.

2. Wall Push-Ups

There are a few different methods to do wall push-ups. Depending on your level of expertise, some may prove more difficult than others. In order to execute the first method, stand facing the wall at a distance to where you are able to fully extend your arms in front of you. Align your arms with your shoulders and keep your feet slightly apart. Also, keep your head in a straight forward position and bend your elbows to bring your chest as close to the wall as possible without touching it. Push back until you are in your starting position, and then you have done one rep. This exercise will benefit your chest and triceps.

The next form of the wall push up is a bit more difficult, but more similar to a standard push-up. Start in a kneeling position, with the wall behind your feet. Slowly place your right foot on to the wall and then your left. After that slowly extend to where you have no bending of the hips or knees. Align your head with your spine and make sure your feet are close together against the wall, but not quite touching. Now, while maintaining a straight body; do a downward phase (like a normal push-up) and then an upward phase. This may be difficult to do at first but start with lower reps and you will get the hang of it. This exercise works out your arms, chest, shoulders and core.

The final form of the wall push up that we will be discussing is the most difficult of all. For this method, you need to get into a handstand position, with the back of your feet against the wall. this alone can be difficult for most. Then you simply pump up and down, while maintaining that position. This method does require a certain amount of balance, but if mastered it will benefit your triceps, shoulders and chest.

3. Wall Plank

There are several different ways to do planks in general and a couple of those ways involve a wall. The first of these methods that we will be discussing is called the rotational wall plank. In order to do this plank, you must first stand in front of the wall with your feet about shoulder length apart. Then lean against the wall on your forearms and make sure your body is straight. Now, rotate to the to the right with your left forearm still up against the wall; remaining in perfect position the entire time. Then come back to the front and switch arms rotating to the left, with your right forearm on the wall. Be sure to keep your core strong during all of this and it will improve exponentially. This form of plank is perfect for beginners and will help you master more difficult methods in the future.

To do the second method of wall planks you will need to get on your hands and knees with the wall behind your feet. Stretch your arms out and then place them slightly in front of your shoulders. After that place your right foot on the wall, followed by your left foot. Then make sure you are completely straight and parallel to the floor. Now depending on your stamina hold that position for about 45 seconds to 1 minute. Finally, after the time is up; slowly decrease one leg onto the ground and then the other. This plank will work out your abs, back and arms; as well as improve your overall flexibility and posture.

4. Abductor Lifts

To do the abductor lift, you must stand with one of your shoulders towards the wall. Let’s start with your right. Then extend your arm out and place it against the wall. Now, lift up your right leg, putting all of the weight on your left leg. After that take the right leg and lift it across the front of your body past your left leg. Slowly bring your leg back to the beginning position and there you have a rep. After you have completed your desired reputations on that side, turn to where your left shoulder is beside the wall and repeat the steps. This exercise is primarily to improve abductor strength as well as your core.

5. Glut Bridges

For this exercise you may want to grab a mat or a soft towel because you will be on your back. Lie with your feet facing the wall and then lift them up and put them flat on the wall. Your legs should be at about a 90-degree angle. Now, push your feet against the wall, while simultaneously lifting your pelvis. Keep your head, shoulders and arms on the ground. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and then decrease. Do this for as many reps as you feel comfortable. If you want to step this exercise up a notch, then lift one leg straight into the air while you do your reps. This exercise great for improving your gluts, abs and your hamstrings.

Couch Workouts

1. Couch Squats

This exercise is pretty self-explanatory, but very useful. To start, you will stand with your couch behind you and your legs about hip-width apart. Now, simply sit down and get back up. Make sure that you are squeezing your gluts and your core in order to get the best results. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 1 minute a set. These are almost like beginner squats, but if you want to make them a little more challenging; try sitting down and standing up on one leg at a time. This exercise benefit your abs, butt, legs, hips, calves, shins and thighs.

2. Couch Push-Ups

To do this exercise, place your arms on top of the couch and enter the couch plank position. Extend your legs out behind you or kneel if you are a beginner. Then simply do a push-up. This exercise is best done in reps. There is also another kind of push-up that you can do with the couch. For this one, place your feet on top of the couch and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. This is version is much more difficult than the previous kind. If you still want to step it up a bit, raise one of your legs in the air while doing the reps. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.

3. Triceps Dips

To do this exercise sit on the couch and place your palms at the corner of the cushion, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your butt off of the couch and then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 10 to start off. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps.

4. Couch Mountain Climbers

To do this exercise, start with kneeling in front of the couch. Position your knees and feet, hip-width apart. Now, place your palms on top of the couch. After that extend both of your legs out behind you into a high plank position. Finally, bring your left knee up to your chest and as you are extending it back; bring your right knee up to your chest. I recommend doing this for intervals of 30 seconds. This exercise benefits nearly your entire body, but specifically targets your butt, hips, legs and thighs.

5. Couch Lunges

For this exercise, begin by bending down in front of your couch. Stretch your arms out onto the couch and then extend your left leg back, and then bring it forward. Focus all your weight onto the balls of your feet. Make sure your feet are about hip-width apart and your body is straight the entire time. Do this for about 30 seconds on each leg; one at a time. This exercise is beneficial to your butt, quads and thighs.

These are just a few of the possibilities that you have when working out at home. Tools like dumbbells or resistant bands, can enhance these exercises, so feel free to add them. Nonetheless, enjoy your day off and a great workout.

Too Busy To Workout? How To Free Up 15mins For A Quickie

With only 24 hours in a day, it may seem impossible to balance fitness with the rest of your life responsibilities. However, there are plenty of quick exercises that you can do throughout the day to help maintain  balance.  In fact, a quickie workout can give that boost of energy, second wind or get you in a good mood resulting in a productive day. Check out some of our other articles for some of these methods.

Exercise can be done almost anywhere, and you don’t have to dedicate hours a day to the cause either. A quick 15 minutes a day can do wonders for your body. We doesn’t want that?  You may be saying to yourself, no way I don’t even have that time. Well we have provided you with some tips on how you can free up 15-minute time slot to get quickie in.

1. Learn to say “No”

Some say 24 hours is simply not enough time in the day to everything that they need to. However, we beg to differ. The problem is committing to every single task or activity that comes your way. We like to think we can do it all, but it just isn’t possible. Saying no to something of little to no value gives you power over your own life. Most people will say yes to something that they don’t even want to do, just to please the person that asked. If you start saying no to these non-urgent tasks, you will quickly see a freeing up of your time.

2. Good enough is good enough

Stop going back and forth, second guessing work that you have already done. That is a quick way to get burnt out, instead of burning calories. You don’t need to wash your car three times a week. One will do just fine.

3. Record Your Television Shows

Everybody has a set of shows that they cannot live without and if we are assuming, they are not on Netflix, the next best thing is to record them. This way you aren’t on the television networks time, but on your own time. You can free up time easily by saving your shows until the end of the day. However, if you just can’t wait. We have a few articles with home work out techniques that you can complete, while catching up on your favorite shows.

4. Be Proactive

We have all been guilty of tossing mail or paperwork into a pile and having to go through a large stack sometime in the future. Stop doing this. Not only is cluster stressful to deal with, it is also extremely distracting. Instead, try opening that mail as soon as you get it. You’ll love yourself in the future.

5. Phone Calls over Text

Texting can be awesome. It is a great way to send a quick message to somebody without making demands on their time. You can respond when you have a moment and it shouldn’t be an inconvenience, yet somehow it is. Why spend several minutes in a

50-message text conversation, when you can make a call and have the same conversation in 50 seconds? You tell me what makes more sense.

6. Stop Multitasking

A lot of us believe that we are the best multitaskers, but multitasking isn’t as efficient as it seems in theory. When doing several things at once, our attention is split, and we don’t perform at 100% on any of them. In fact, we move slower because we are trying to do the most. Make a to do list and complete the task one by one. You will start to finish your task quicker and more efficiently. Then afterwards you will have plenty of time to exercise.

7. Get Up Earlier

I know this one is going to sound absurd to a lot of people, but I can only imagine how many times they hit the snooze button in the morning. If you just cut back on two snoozes, that is an extra 20 minutes. Even if you don’t pop up and get to working out, you can get to work and try to leave 20 minutes early. This way you can exercise when you get back home.

8. Use a Timer

Another strategy you can use is keeping yourself on a tight schedule by setting a timer of some sort. This can be an egg timer or simply the clock app on your smartphone. Either way, this will help you not to get off task for long periods of time. Who hasn’t gotten lost on a shopping website that they had no intentions of getting on in the first place? The timer will serve as a wake-up call to you throughout the day.

9. Buy Some Time

They say that no amount of money can ever buy a second of time, but it depends how you look at it. You can buy more hours in the day by purchasing help. Outsourcing is the key to saving you time. These are easy tasks that anyone can do but are time consuming. If you were to get a cleaning service that would save you time from having to wash dishes or fold laundry. Take some money out of your entertainment fund and put it towards a maid service. There are plenty of inexpensive services if you look into it. This will give you plenty of extra time to focus on your physical fitness. You don’t have to have them at your home every day. Once or twice a week should do for most.

10. Know what you want

Many people are indecisive about irrelevant things, like what they are going to eat or what shirt they will buy online. This can be extremely time consuming. If you are going to order food or trying to decide on a movie. Don’t hesitate, just do it. Weigh out the pros and cons, then get it done. The time wasted on these decisions can easily be spent getting in shape. In fact, working out should boost your appetite, so just go ahead and get the bigger meal.

11. Know your peak moments

There is a certain time of the day for everyone that is ideal for certain activities. Some perform better working out first thing in the morning, while others prefer it being the last thing they do before bed. This applies to every activity you do in life. There is no wrong way. Just find out when your peak moments are for exercise and then get to work. You may find that an exercise routine that would normally take you 30 minutes in the morning, takes you 15 at night. Find your peaks and adjust your schedule accordingly.

12. Put it in the calendar

No body dares to not complete tasks on the calendar. Do you want a red star or a gold star? All jokes aside, the calendar demands attention and what better way to commit to exercising than placing it on something that you can’t ignore. Put your workouts in your calendar, like you would a doctor’s appointment. You wouldn’t miss a doctor’s appointment, would you?

13. Put things where they belong

Keys, wallet, glasses; who hasn’t misplaced one of these items before. We’ve all wasted far more time than 15 minutes in a single instance looking for one or all of these items. We buy hooks and baskets and still lazily put them in the wrong places. If you put your items in the correct places every day, then you will save tons of time for exercise.

14. Set out your stuff in advance

Mark Zuckerberg wears the same outfit days in a row, so that he does not have to waste time and brain power deciding what to wear. Set out your workout clothes the night before, as well as your work clothes. Iron them and hang them up. This way the process of getting up to exercise and then work afterwards, is much less of a tedious process. This will also save you massive amounts of time. This applies to meals as well. If you start a meal plan, you will have extra time not only to work out but to relax as well.

15. Stay off Social Media

The last tip may be the most valuable of them all. The new screen time application on the iPhone should have a lot of people ashamed, but sadly no one seems to care. You don’t need to cut off social media for good, but you need to set parameters and limitations. Most people spend more than 15 minutes a day on Instagram alone. Unless you’re using it for business purposes, it shouldn’t be in constant use. Get off social media and get on a treadmill.

These are just a few helpful tips designed to give you more free time to get in shape. I hope none of them are taken the wrong way, because we all could improve on at least a few of these. Time is what you make it and we should make it work for us. So there you have it, 15 ways to save 15 minutes for exercise.

How Does Glycemic Index Affect Blood Sugar?

Glucose And The Glycemic Index

Glucose or C6H12O6 as it is called in biology, is an important constituent of the human body.  It is the body’s main source of energy and is mostly derived from digesting sugar and starch from carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, fruits and pasty.

The digestive system breaks down the starch and sugar in these foods, to produce glucose.  Once the glucose reaches the bloodstream, insulin, excreted by the pancreas joins with the glucose.

Some of the glucose enters the body’s cells giving the body enough energy to undertake its day-to-day activities.The rest of the glucose is stored in the muscles and liver for later use.  Excess sugar becomes fat, which is stored throughout the body. This explains why you are getting fat from eating too much rice.

Glucose is particularly important to the brain and red blood cells, which use no other type of fuel.  The brain is particularly sensitive to shortages in glucose, which is why diabetics tend to feel very “light headed” when their sugar levels are low.  Luckily the body has a number of mechanisms that keep a supply of glucose to the brain.  Should the glucose levels fall too low then the person will go into a coma, so that fuel to the brain can be maintained.

Glucose in its purest form is found in a considerable number of foods.  In the USA and many western countries the most common food additive comes from cornstarch. There are also other forms of glucose used in food production such as fructose which is derived from fruits and vegetables.

In 1981, Dr. David Jenkins, a professor at the University or Toronto developed the Glycemic Index (GI).  This is a rating system for foods and each type of carbohydrate has an assigned numerical value.  These values give the food its Glycemic Index or GI which is based on how each food affects the body’s sugar levels.

The Glycemic Index uses pure glucose as its control food and rates all other carbohydrates in relation this base-line. Thus white bread, also used as the control food, is rated as “100” and all other foods related as high, medium and low with a corresponding numerical value. The tests were on how the foods affect a person’s blood sugar, insulin and lipid levels compared to the base-line of glucose or white bread.

A “high” rating corresponds to a GI of above 70 and a “low” rating is considered to be 55 or lower. Therefore a “medium” GI food is within the range of 56 to 69.

Although all foods affect different people in different ways, the actual Glycemic Index testing was undertaken in a very scientific manner and many different test subjects from different backgrounds were used within the tests.

Foods that have a high GI are broken down quickly by the body and the glucose, vitamins and minerals from the food quickly enter a person’s bloodstream.  This often gives the person a feeling of energy and euphoria – often called a “sugar high”.  This explains the love of sweet foods such as candy, ice cream and chocolate, particularly when a person is unhappy.

Low GI foods are absorbed by the body in a slower fashion, avoiding any sudden highs and ensuring that energy is available to the body over a longer time period.

Foods also have an effect on insulin levels with the body. Insulin is the traffic police of the body.  It tells the body’s cells whey they have had enough glucose and other nutrients.  It then re-routes the extra glucose to the liver and muscles to be stored for later use.  Any excess is then rerouted as fat cells to be stored in those all too familiar places on the body.

Eating too many high GI foods regularly forces insulin to be continuously released by the beta cells within the pancreas. Insulin unlocks cells throughout the body, allowing glucose to enter and become available for fuel.

If the insulin cannot keep up with the work load, this is called “insulin resistance” and is the leading cause of Diabetes 2, which can be managed by diet and exercise or pills.

Where insulin is not released or released in insufficient amounts, this can lead to Diabetes 1 and insulin will need to be injected for the rest of the person’s life.

Both kinds of diabetics have to regularly measure the amount of glucose or sugar in their bloodstreams.  Following a GI diet makes it far easier to control a person’s sugar levels and lessen the possibilities of the medical problems that diabetes can trigger. Too much glucose within the blood stream triggers a number of symptoms and long term medical problems, particularly within the heart, kidneys, nerves and eyes.

Many hospitals are now absorbing and following the Glycemic Index study and teaching their overweight and/or diabetic patients how to more easily regulate their glucose levels and stop excess glucose being turned into fat within the body.  There are also a considerable number of diets that follow the teachings of the Glycemic Index study, meaning that people can now be sure of which carbohydrates will cause problems and lead to too much glucose within a person’s bloodstream.