Are Home Blood Pressure Monitors Accurate?


Should You trust Your Automated Blood Pressure Monitor?

Several studies have shown that automatic blood pressure monitors can yield inaccurate results in and out of the hospital setting. Blood pressure management, whether low, normal or high or is determined by measurements obtained using automated devices, therefore it’s critical that the devices are functioning as expected.

However, just as the reading is reliable as the equipment, the same can be said for the operator of the device. If there is uncertainty of that measurement is wrong then both the equipment and operator should be validated.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research in 2016 showed that automated blood pressure could give very inaccurate readings even though they are easier to use than manual blood pressure. Similarly, an article published in Harvard Health interviewed several doctors who spoke to the inconsistencies of automated blood pressure monitors.

In the Journal of Family Practice (2000), Durme concluded that automated blood pressure equipment results in pharmacies were not accurate. This was more evident in patients that had really small arms or really large arms. When compared to manual pressure, the machines were wrong.

As more and more people are being diagnosed with high blood pressure, there has been a need for public health education regarding how to take your blood pressure the correct way. Because of this, there are numerous studies and articles pointing to the dangers of inaccurate blood pressure readings that might be attributed to the monitors. However, blaming the inaccuracies only on the monitor can be a missed opportunity for public education on how to take blood pressure correctly and the  possible causes of wrong reading that can be corrected once identified.


A sphygmomanometer is a medical device used to measure blood pressure.

Manual blood measurement using an aneroid sphygmomanometer and stethoscope is the gold standard in healthcare for checking blood pressure. However, they are not ideal for home usage. Besides, unless you are a contortionist, it is extremely challenging to take your own blood using the manual method.

On the other hand, an automated blood pressure machine displays your blood pressure reading digitally with the touch of a button. They are very easy to use. But just like any other equipment they can malfunction and are only reliable if they are calibrated and instructions are followed per manufactures recommendation.

It is important to remember if you are using an automated blood pressure monitor, that you purchase one that is validated by a company that checks it for safety and accuracy before being placed on the market for use in and out of the hospital setting. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instruments (AAMI), British Hypertension Society (BHS), and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) all have safety protocol for medical equipment. Look for monitors approved by these companies.

There might be a possibility that you might be the reason for the inaccurate measurement. Therefore before giving up on your automated blood pressure machine review the correct way to take your blood pressure at home. In the meantime here are some immediate actions you can try first.

Possible Causes for Inaccurate Blood Pressure Reading


Can You Feel Irregular Heartbeat In My Arm

If you have an irregular heart rhythm such as Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib), then you might have inaccurate blood pressure reading. Since the cuff need to pick  up blood flow, this  can be very difficult to pinpoint with an irregular heart rhythm. Your doctor will be able to guide you on how to take your blood pressure with an automated machine.  The manual approach is ideal for patients with Afib.

If the Cuff Doesn’t Fit

If the automatic or digital blood pressure monitor that you are using has the wrong cuff size,, then the reading is likely to be wrong too. This is because it may be too loose or too tight and would not be able to get an accurate reading from the deep-seated blood vessels in the arm. Too tight blood pressure gives you a higher reading. Too loose blood pressure cuff gives you a lower reading. Make sure you measure your arm and check the manufacturer recommendation for cuff size.

Stay Still and Don’t Move

It’s important to relax before and during your blood pressure measurement. No texting, talking laughing, crying or watching TV. Nothing that causes stress, even if it is good stress.  It only takes a minute to check it. If you move it takes longer . Have you ever had the cuff squeeze tighter and tighter because you moved? This is because when you move it is difficult for the bladder in the cuff to detect the blood flow in your brachial artery. Therefore it squeezes even tighter and the reading will most likely be high. I have seen this happen too many times and it can be painful. So don’t move because it will only keep on squeezing.

Incorrect Arm Position

Arm position can interfere with blood pressure reading. Arm position above your heart can cause your blood pressure to be lower than normal. Arm positioned below your heart can cause your blood pressure to be higher than normal. Therefore make sure you arm with the cuff is at the level of your heart. If the cuff is not positioned correctly above the bend of the arm right above the brachial artery, then the results are likely to be erroneous. It is essential to practice with a medical professional to get the positioning right.

Broken  Equipment

One obvious and overlooked reason why an automated blood pressure machine might be giving a wrong reading is that it was not calibrated or its broken. A machine that comes from a reputable company will have instructions on when and how to calibrate it. Follow the same safety protocols they use  in clinical settings to ensure they have equipment that are working correctly. After all the equipment is  part of a myriad of tools they use to help  diagnose a patient.

If you ever have the opportunity to check out the equipment at the doctor’s office, you should look for a sticker with a date that indicates when it was the last checked. Hospitals have their equipment  checked at least two times a year . Any equipment that shows any possible sign of being broken is take out of service immediately. You should do the same with your equipment.

The equipment at the pharmacy should also have a sticker with the date it was last checked. If you cannot locate one then ask the pharmacist. If there is no record of calibration then do not use it.

If hospitals rely on automated blood pressure measurement, then you can too. Consult with your  physician regarding any abnormal reading. Stop using the equipment and check with the manufacturer if you suspect it not working.


The Correct Way To Take Your Own Blood Pressure at Home

Checking your own blood pressure comes with lots of great benefits. Studies show that home monitoring of your blood pressure is a critical step towards achieving blood pressure control. This is because whenever you find that your blood pressure is outside the acceptable range, you are able to seek medical attention quickly.

The option of having your blood pressure checked outside of the clinical setting also reduces elevated blood pressure associated with white coat hypertension. White coat hypertension is a medical term used to describe an increase in blood pressure at the doctor’s office. This can be caused by anxiety surrounding anticipated doctor’s visit.

In addition, its aso cheaper than going to the doctor’s office for just for a blood pressure check. This does not mean you should skip your doctor’s appointment

The ability to take your own blood pressure also serves as early detection of high blood pressure for people with normal blood pressure.

The Correct Way to Check Your Blood Pressure

Let us review the steps involved in checking your blood pressure the right way. Also, remember the preparation for checking your own blood pressure is the same as preparing to have it checked at the doctor’s office.

If you cannot avoid some of the items listed , then inform the person taking your blood pressure. This way it can be noted in the medical  record. For instance, if you had coffee, then let the clinician know so they can make a note of your coffee intake in your chart. This is important especially if your readings are higher than expected.

Devices used to measure blood pressure are called sphygmomanometer and there are several types.  The  method used to check  blood pressure varies, but they all include wrapping a cuff around a limb such as your arm or leg. The cuff is squeezed and inflated  around the artery in that limb using a bulb or pump and then  slowly released. The pressure is detected and measured with a gauge, mercury or digital device.

Aneroid and mercury sphygmomanometer utilizes  manual measurement technique using a stethoscope to detect blood flow in the artery. Excellent listening skills and a quiet environment is essential for this technique to be accurate . Some clinicians still use this technique, but you will find that most use digital devices/automated devices.

Digital device uses oscillometer and an automatic calculation to display the measurement. A button on the device is pressed to start the measurement. These devices are routinely used in hospitals because they are quicker and more convenient. Efficiency is critical when you have a patient that needs frequent blood pressure check as often as every 5 mins.

Location Matters

Chances are you will use an automated digital device to check your blood pressure . American Heart Association (AHA) recommends using the upper arm for measurement. It should be snug but you should be able to slide your finger under the cuff easily.

The finger is  not recommended because the blood vessels in those areas are small and will show a higher reading. You can use your wrist on under special circumstances. See the limb alert section below.

If you are unable to take measurement in your upper arm, then wrist or leg will be a better option than the finger. Keep in mind that the further away you are from  the heart the higher the reading.

If you have to take your blood pressure on your leg, do this lying down with your leg at the level of your heart. Use a pillow to support your legs to raise them up to your heart level.

When taking your blood pressing while laying in the bed make sure your arm is supported at the level of your heart. If necessary use a pillow to support your arm.

Assume the Correct Position

  •  Non restrictive sleeve
  •  No caffeine 30 mins prior
  •  No exercise 30 mins prior
  •  No smoking 30 mins prior
  •  Empty your bladder
  •  Relax for 5 mins
  •  No talking, text, watching TV or activity
  •  Sit in a chair with back supported
  •  Uncross legs
  •  Feet flat on the ground or supported by a foot stool
  •  Relax upper part of the arm at the level of the heart on a flat surface
  •  Place cuff directly on the skin 1 inch above the bend of the arm
  •  Cuff should cover about 80% of arm length
  •  Keep tube still
  •  Follow manufacture instructions on how to use the device
  •  Repeat if necessary but no more than 2 times 2-3 mins apart
  •  Record reading date and time
  •  Take at the same time every day

Size Matters: One size  Does Not Fit All

You will have to measure your arm to find the right size cuff. Make sure you take your arm measurement at the largest part above the bend of your arm. The measurement should be in centimeter. You should re measure your arm if you gain or lose weight. Before you buy a machine, find one that has you the cuff in your size.

Cuff sizes are as follows:

Cuff Size recommended by American Heart Association
Cuff Arm Circumference (cm) Bladder Width (cm) Bladder Length (cm)
Small Adult 22- 26 10 24
Adult 27-34 13 30
Large Adult 35-44 16 38
Adult Thigh 45-52 20 42


Using the wrong cuff size can impact your blood pressure reading. If the cuff is too tight, it will overestimate and cause a higher reading. If it is too lose, it will underestimate and produce a lower reading.

Device Validation and Certification Programs

Medical equipment must pass a safety testing before than can be used in the hospital or clinic. However, devices that are sold for personal usage are not required to pass safety testing before being placed on the market. Therefore, some devices that are being sold are not checked for safety and are not recommended by the American Heart Association.

In order for any equipment to pass the reliability and safety test in an out of the hospital setting, they must pass testing according to the standard international testing protocol. This also includes home blood pressure equipment. Therefore, before you purchase a device make sure it has met standards set by one of the following listed below :

Device Validation and Certification Programs

  • Association for the Advancement of Medical Instruments (AAMI)
  • British Hypertension Society
  • European Society of Hypertension

Take the device with you to your doctor’s office so you can compare the readings. With their equipment.

Limb Alert

You may have a good reason why you are unable to take your blood pressure on your arm. In these instances you can use your wrist or leg.  Individuals with the conditions listed below should not take blood pressure in the affected arm.

  • AV Graft
  • AV Shunt
  • Fistula
  • Arm Trauma
  • Inflammation
  • Cast
  • Bulky Bandage
  • Breast Surgery
  • Axillary Surgery

When To Call Your Physician or Seek Medical Attention

  • For multiple high readings
  • For SBP above 180
  •  Diastolic above 110

Regardless of the blood pressure equipment used, calibration determines the reliability of the machine. Follow the manufactures guide on how to calibrate the device.

Common Substances that affect Blood Pressure Control

For some individuals control can be a challenge. It maybe ok today but then out of the blue it goes array. Both you and your doctor is left wandering what’s going on . Why this sudden increase? This can be tricky because your physician has to now decide whether to change your treatment plan or not.

Even so, physicians usually don’t adjust medication based on just one reading or one office visit but the cause of the sudden increase needs to be explored further.

Studies show that most people do not have their blood pressure within the normal range even though they take blood pressure medication. One reason can be due to the recent changes made by the American Heart Association.

Another reason might be related to the substance, chemical  or drug you are ingesting, smoking sniffing or injecting. Even prescribed medication can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Back in 2017 AHA adjusted the ranges for blood pressure. The new normal blood pressure is a systolic blood pressure of less than 120 and diastolic blood pressure less than 80. Some experts say this is too low. But as of now they have not changed their recommendation.

Because of this change, it some can take up to 3 medications to meet this new goal. But it is worth every effort. If it takes 3 pills to save your brain and your kidneys , then you should take it.

Just in case you did not know, high blood pressure kills and disables individuals. It is the leading causes of stroke and the leading cause of cardiovascular related death worldwide. So even if you live Timbuktu, this applies to you.

Besides lifestyle modification and taking your prescribed blood pressure medication another way you can help control your blood pressure is by examining and limiting  some of your other recreational habits that might be interfering with you reaching the target blood pressure goal set by your physician.

Many of the substances that we indulge in on a regular basis can be harmful to us. We know recreational drugs and alcohol is bad for us but too much coffee can worsen your blood pressure. This can make it seems like the blood pressure medications are not working.

Do you drink coffee everyday ? How much coffee do you drink daily? Do you know how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee? You should keep track of this information. Cut back. Skip a few days and see what happens to your blood pressure.

In addition, some prescribe medication might also be affecting your blood pressure causing it to be high. The goal of this post is to bring awareness and make you think about the possible causes of your persistent high blood pressure. However, do not stop taking your medication without first talking to your doctor. I make a strong assumption that if you are taking any prescribed medication you are doing so under the supervision of a doctor.

If you do not have any of the risk factors associated with high blood pressure, this information may still apply to you. You can also control your blood pressure by paying attention to substances that you put in your body.

Drugs And Substances That Can cause High Blood Pressure or Interfere with Blood Pressure Control

Unfortunately, some prescription drugs that are known to cause hypertension must be taken in order to keep the conditions that they are treating under control. These medications that are known to cause drug-induced hypertension are as follows:

✔ Systemic corticosteroids – This class of prescription medications are use to treat auto immune conditions, inflammatory conditions and sometimes allergic reaction. Some examples are prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, or fludrocortisone.

✔ Ketoconazole -This class of prescription medication use to treat fungal skin infections. An example is Nioral

✔ Erythropoietin -This class of prescription medication is use to treat anemia. An example is Procrit or Epogen.

✔ Antiemtics -This class of prescription medication is use to treat nausea. Example are Reglan and Litican

✔ Angiogenesis inhibitors – This class of prescription medication are prescribed by physician to shrink tumors. Example are bevacizumab.

✔ Tyrosine kinase inhibitors – This class of prescription medication also fights tumors. Two examples are Sunitinib and sorafenib.

✔ Immunosuppresants – This class of prescribed medication is use to suppress the immune system and is given to patient had an organ transplant. It can use to treat Rhuematoid Arthritis. An example is cyclosporine.

✔ NSAIDs – This class of the  drug can be purchase with or without a prescription. It can be use to treat pain,fever or prevent blood clot. Non prescription examples are aspirin and Ibuprofen Prescription option are Celebrex, . Check out the enter list here.

✔ Antidepressants – This class of medication is prescribed to treat depress. Examples are Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Marplan) and Tricyclic Antidepressants (Doxepin)

✔ Atypical antipsychotics -This class of prescription medication is use to treat psychosis. Examples are Clozapine and Olanzapine.

✔ Amphetamines – Conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy are often treated by amphetamines such as dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine

✔ Recreational drugs – This class of drug is used recreationally. Examples are MDPV which is known as bath salts, methamphetamine, and cocaine

✔ Caffeine – This substance is found in coffee and chocolate.   Amount over 300mg /day can cause high blood pressure

✔ Alcohol – This substance is also consumed socially and found in beer, wine, rum , vodka

✔ Herbal supplements – This substance can be plant or herb based and found in many food, drinks and pills .Examples are  Ma Huang and St John’s Worth.

✔ Decongestants – These substances can be purchased without a prescription and are use to treat sinus congestion. Examples are pseudoephine and phenylphrine .

✔ Oral contraceptives – this class of medication is prescribed to women to prevent pregnancy.

This list is not all inclusive.
It only list the most common substances that most of us tend to use or consume from time to time and sometimes regularly. Review the list  then select the  over the counter items you can eliminate or use sparingly.  Ask the pharmacist for an alternative.

Do not forget to always keep a current medication list of all prescription, over the counter and herbal supplements and make it available to your doctor.

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally without Medications

If you are reluctant to take medications to decrease your blood pressure or perhaps you are having a hard time reaching and maintaining your targeted blood pressure goal, do not worry. Worrying causes added stress and only makes it worse.  Instead, you should check out activities listed below that can help you achieve your blood pressure goals without adding medications.

There is an activity that fits your situation and personality.  You might discover something that you like and can stick to. But you might also find that you have to remove yourself from people, place, and things that might be hazardous to your health. Just explore.

You are What You Eat

Food is one of the main contributing factors to high blood pressure.  It’s no secret that we like to eat and enjoy a good meal. Look at the size of our plates and waist line. These are good measurement tool that tells us and the world that we are overeating food.

It’s our over-hyped taste buds that get us in trouble and causes us to overindulge in our favorite treats.

From salty to sweet and everything in between there is a treat for every taste bud. Also, the food that you enjoy eating the most depends on your culture. For this reason, dieting is difficult for many.

Even when we know that we are possibly eating our way to an early grave, we still part take in sweet treats way more than we should.  And we never just take “one bite,” and we are always starting our diet the next day. No wonder we have high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. All of these are attributed bad food.

Have no fear. There is still hope for you, me and the old lady. However, you will have to make adjustments to your food selections.

Did you know that you can eat your way to good health? This is especially important if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetic. You can prevent and control high blood pressure by eating more blood pressure friendly foods like the following:


Rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, three minerals that help with the regulation of blood flow, yogurt has shown significant promise in reducing blood pressure naturally. A daily dose of low-fat yogurt is necessary, and research has shown that daily yogurt decreases the risk of developing high blood pressure by over 30%. But if you do not like yogurt here is some other options.

Foods High in Calcium

  • Cheese Products
  • Milk Products
  • Tofu
  • Sardines
  • Dairy Products
  • Fortified Cereals

Foods High in Potassium

  • Baked Potato
  • Beet Greens
  • Adzuki Beans
  • White Beans
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Sweet Potato
  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Soy Beans
  • Peanuts
  • Avocado
  • Spinach

Foods High in Magnesium

  • Pumpkin Seed
  • Swish chard
  • Spinach
  • Edamame/baby soy beans
  • Beans (any variety)
  • Almonds
  • Black-eyed peas/cowpeas
  • Pumpkin or squash seeds
  • Brazil nuts

 Black Tea

Full of flavonoids, black tea has been shown to help lower blood pressure by small amounts. Although not a hugely significant finding, even the most minor changes can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Researchers have revealed that flavonoids may help relax blood vessels which then results in lower blood pressure.

There are other ways to lower your blood pressure naturally.  They can also help improve your overall well being.

Volunteer for a Charity or Event

At first,  most people don’t volunteer to gain benefit for themselves. Volunteering for some is just giving back to society. If you ask them, they will say they do it to help others. They then start to find out some of the benefits they also gain such as stress reduction and happiness knowing they have made a positive difference in someone else’s life. If you have volunteered, then you know what I mean. If you have not then you need to try it. If you have a food bank in your area, sign up and try it out.  Giving from the soul is good for the heart. Local charities are always looking for a few volunteers, and just a quick search online will result in plenty of opportunities

Walk a Dog

Pet ownership has many benefits, and that includes an overall improved mood and an increase in exercise levels. Walking at least 20 minutes a day with a dog will alleviate stress, which is a natural way to reduce blood pressure. Even those who don’t own a pet can reap benefits from this exercise by going to a local shelter and offering to be one of the dog walkers.

Listen to Music

Soothing music is used by many at the end of a stressful day, but we often do not know why soothing music is helpful. Soothing music slows down the heart rate, decreases breathing rate, and lowers blood pressure naturally. Whether classical, new age or love songs, any music that is slow and soothing can do the trick. In the alternative, music that is upbeat will increase heart rate and may help improve levels of exercise and activity

Exercise or Be More Physically Active

Moderate aerobic exercise, 30 minutes a day, will improve cardiovascular health and, in turn, reduce the risk of developing hypertension. People who start to exercise on a regular basis, either in a fitness class or by going for a brisk walk, will see significant improvement in their blood pressure without the use of medications. According to the American Heart Association, exercise can decrease your systolic (top number) by 4-9mm Hg.

Foster Positive Relationships

Detoxing from a bad relationship can help reduce your blood pressure. Toxic relationships can be stressful, burdensome, draining and unfulfilling.  The constant arguing and fighting can be disastrous for your health. Do you get headaches or feel drained after an argument? Do not get me wrong.  We don’t all think alike. Seven brothers, seven different minds. Therefore, from time to time we will have disagreements with our loved ones. But if you feel exhausted after an argument then its time to make some changes. The exhaustion that you feel is a sign of the stress hormone cortisol.

Stay Calm and Be Still

Sitting still and focusing your mind on one object or thing is almost impossible for some people. However, studies have shown that meditation is very helpful in reducing stress in the body because it decreases the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol in high amounts can cause high blood pressure.

Enjoy Massage Therapy

A good massage can help relieve stress, pain, and tension in the muscle. Physical touch by a human hand during a massage also sends a positive signal to the brain causing a sense of relaxation and peacefulness in the mind and body.

Start Coloring

Coloring books are not only for children. The adult version of coloring books allows you to be free, creative and mindful. This is an activity that you can do with your entire family that can cultivate a positive relationship within your family.  Also, the color spaces are so small that it forces you to be mindful and in the moment.

As we get older, due to our family and work commitments, our lives can become very stressful. A huge contributor to high blood pressure is stress. This can be through a direct or indirect path. Some are obvious while some are not obvious.  Amongst other things, we make bad food choices when we are stressed. Therefore, finding activities that can help us decrease our stress level will also reduce our blood pressure.
With just a few changes, we can control our blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease without medication. From coloring books to exercise lifestyles changes can make a big difference in overall health.


The New Normal Blood Pressure Range: Are You Normal?

For some individuals, blood pressure control is a challenge. Studies show that most people do not have their blood pressure within the normal range even though they take blood pressure medication. One reason can be due to the recent changes made by the American Heart Association. With the new changes more and more people are being diagnosed with elevated blood pressure or high blood pressure.

This means they are also required to start taking medications as well and make adjustment to their lifestyle such as being more active.

It can be very frustrating that you are doing all the right but even with three blood pressure medication your blood pressure remains elevated. There might be a good explanation that can be easily corrected. Continue reading to find out what might be preventing you from reaching your blood pressure goals.

Blood Pressure Range

AHA Blood Pressure Range

Back in 2017 AHA decrease the ranges for blood pressure. The new normal blood pressure is a systolic blood pressure of less than 120 and diastolic blood pressure less than 80. Some experts say this is too low. But as of now, they have not changed their recommendation.

It can take up to 3 medication to meet this new goal. But it is worth every effort. High blood pressure kills and disables individuals. It is the leading causes of stroke and the leading cause of cardiovascular-related death.

Whatever steps you can take to diminish your risk of developing complication from high blood pressure, take it and take it now. Not later.

It does not have to be major changes. Small changes here and there can make a big difference. All your small incremental efforts will lead to success.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Besides lifestyle modification and taking your prescribed blood pressure medication another way you can help control your blood pressure is by examining some of you other recreational habits that might be interfering with you reaching your target blood pressure.

Many of the substances that we indulge in on a regular basis can be harmful to us. We know recreational drugs and alcohol is bad for us, but too much coffee can also be bad for your blood pressure causing it to be worse. This can make it seems like the blood pressure medications are not working.

Do you drink coffee every day? How much coffee do you drink daily? Do you know how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee? You should keep track of this information. Cut back on the amount of coffee you drink and see what happens to your blood pressure.

Also, some prescribe medication might also be affecting your blood pressure. What’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander.

The goal of this post is to bring awareness and make you think about the possible causes of your persistent high blood pressure. Put your detective hat on and start investing your habits.

However, do not stop taking your medication without first talking to your doctor.

Even if you do not have any of the risk factors associated with high blood pressure, this information may still apply to you.

Prescribe Medications that Increases Blood Pressure

✔ Systemic corticosteroids – This class of prescription medication is used to treat autoimmune conditions, inflammatory conditions, and sometimes allergic reaction. Some examples are prednisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, or fludrocortisone.

✔ Ketoconazole – This class of medication is used to treat fungal skin infections. An example is Nioral.

✔ Erythropoietin -This class of prescription medication is used to treat anemia. An example is Procrit or Epogen.

✔ Antiemetics -This class of medication is used to treat nausea. Examples are Reglan and Litican

✔ Angiogenesis inhibitors – This class of medication is prescribed by physician to shrink tumors. An example is bevacizumab.

✔ Tyrosine kinase inhibitors – This class of medication also fights tumors. Two examples are Sunitinib and sorafenib.

✔ Immunosuppressants – This class of prescribed medication is used to suppress the immune system and is given to post organ transplant patient. It can also be used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. An example is a cyclosporine.

✔ NSAIDs – This class of the drug can be purchased with or without a prescription. It can be used to treat pain, fever or prevent a blood clot. Nonprescription examples are aspirin, and Ibuprofen. Prescription option is Celebrex.

✔ Antidepressants – This class of medication is prescribed to treat depression. Examples are Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Marplan) and Tricyclic Antidepressants (Doxepin)

✔ Oral contraceptives – this class of medication is prescribed to women to prevent pregnancy.

✔ Atypical antipsychotics -This class of medication is used to treat psychosis. Examples are Clozapine and Olanzapine.

✔ Amphetamines – Conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy are often treated by amphetamines such as dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine.


The items listed in this category can be elimated without discussing with your doctor. Furthermore, none will not improve your health so why not just stop consuming it .But if you must continue, a few have substitution. For instance , instead of drinking regular cofee drink decaf.

✔ Recreational drugs – This class of drug is used recreationally and strictly for fun. Examples are MDPV which is known as bath salts,  methamphetamine, and cocaine.

✔ Caffeine – This substance is found in coffee, tea and chocolate. Amount over 300mg /day can cause high blood pressure.

✔ Alcohol – This substance is also consumed socially and found in beer, wine, rum.

✔ Herbal supplements – This substance can be plant or herb based and found in many foods, drinks and pills Example Ma Huang, St John’s  Worth.

✔ Decongestants – These substances can be purchased without a prescription and are used to treat sinus congestion. Examples are pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine

Always keep a current medication list of all prescription, over the counter and herbal supplements and make it available to your doctor.

As for the non-prescribed substance, avoid the ones that might potentially increase your blood pressure. For instance, if you have a cold or sinus problems ask the pharmacist about other options that are available to help  alleviate your symptoms.


Top 3 Best Types of Exercise and Their Surprising Health Benefits

Ready to tweak your lifestyle, get active and become healthy? Perhaps you want to drop a few pounds, build lean mass, or improve your overall fitness? By now, you should know that regular exercise comes with a lot of health benefits. But what type of exercise would work best for you? Not every exercise is for everyone.

There’s weight training, running, CrossFit, Pilates, team sports, group classes and everything in between. Some people could spend hours lifting weights but run out of breath after climbing the stairs.

Some prefer to train alone, while others enjoy working out as part of a team.

To help you make a choice, we’ll take a closer look at the most popular types of exercise and their health benefits.

Strength Training

Contrary to popular belief, strength training isn’t just for gym buffs and those looking to build mass. Its benefits go beyond a strong, lean body.

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to balance your hormones, increase bone density,  burn fat, and skyrocket your metabolism. When combined with a balanced diet, this training method can improve your body composition aka muscle-to-fat ratio and shape your figure the way you want.

Do you want to gain bigger or stronger muscles? If so then training for increase in muscle size involves different training technique than training for stronger muscles. Both can be achieved by alternating strength training and size training workout program.

Here are different types of strength training and their benefits.

  • Agile Strength Training – enhances the ability to change direction and move quickly while maintaining coordination and balance.
  • Strength Endurance Training  – enhances the ability to  hold a position for extended period.
  • Maximum Strength Training – enhances the ability to resist force against an external object.
  • Relative Strength Training -enhances the ability to resist force against to external object relative a persons size
  • Speed Strength Training -enhances the ability to move an object at high speed
  • Starting Strength Training – enhances the forces at the beginning of the movement
  • Explosive Strength Training -enhances  the most forces in a short period of time

Strength training may also delay and even reverse the effects of aging, such as loss of balance, falls and slips, fractures, and osteoporosis. It’s just as beneficial for the elderly as it is for young people. In clinical trials, this form of exercise has been shown to protect against diabetes, improve glycemic control, and reduce heart disease risk. Who says you can’t go to the club with your grandmother. I am talking about the health club. Don’t get it twisted.

Just like with any other activity, too  much of a good can cause more harm than good. To get the minimal benefits from weight training experts recommends training each muscle group only two time a week.

Cardiovascular Training: Slow Steady or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

From swimming and running to rowing, there are lots of ways to squeeze more cardio into your routine.  Cardio is consider endurance training and is best known for its ability to torch fat and improve cardiovascular health. Its beneficial effects, though, are much greater.

This training method can help lower your blood pressure, improve blood lipids, and prevent diabetes. It also stimulates the release of serotonin, dopamine, and other “feel-good” hormones that balance your mood and ward off depression.

The verdict is still mixed on whether cardio or resistance training offers more weight loss. A study by Duke University suggested cardio. However, cardio exercise isn’t a cure-all as many goers think. Too much cardio can mess up your hormones as it raises cortisol levels and reduces testosterone levels. In the long run, it may lead to muscle loss and injuries.

It is recommended that moderate intensity cardio should occur fives time a week at a minimum of 30minutes per session.

For best body composition results, mix cardio and weight training.

Another alternative is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT provides all of the benefits of cardio in a fraction of the time. It torches stubborn fat, improves insulin response, and helps preserve lean muscle. HIIT session should be short , intense and performed 2 – 3 times per week. Be careful not to hurt yourself because HIIT also comes with an increased risk of injury.

CrossFit: The New Kid on the Block


A good way to incorporate both cardio and strength training into your routine is to practice CrossFit. This high-intensity training protocol offers the best of both worlds. It promotes lean muscle growth and burns fat, boosts cardiovascular fitness, and improves overall conditioning. Plus, it enhances your balance, coordination, speed, strength, and flexibility.

One of the most appealing aspects of CrossFit is the support network behind it. The moment you join a CrossFit studio, you’ll become part of a team that shares your goals and supports you every step of the way.

Beware, though, that CrossFit isn’t for everyone. If you’re new to exercise, you may not be able to keep up with its demands. The workouts are intense and challenging, and may seem grueling even for veteran gym goers. The risk of injury is higher too.

If you prefer a gentler form of exercise, you can always go for Pilates, yoga, or brisk walking. It all comes down to your goals and fitness level. Regardless of what you choose, start slowly and focus on building up your endurance and strength. You will still gain some of the health benefits of exercise . Be consistent, stick to your workouts, and the results will follow.

When Should I Check My Blood Pressure at Home?

Way too many billions of people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension (HTN) and they don’t know it. Some never check their blood pressure while others don’t check it enough. They only have it checked when they go to the doctor’s office.

Furthermore, 45% of individuals with known high blood pressure do not have it within an acceptable range even though they go to the doctor. They are taking prescription  blood pressure medication that is failing to control their blood pressure. This might be you.

Elevated or not, you should get into the habit of checking your blood pressure especially if you are overweight, diabetic, drink alcohol, eat a high sodium diet, inactive, smoke, snore, abuse drugs or if you have a family history of high blood pressure or have kidney disease.

A question frequently asked by individual that are ready to take steps to lower their blood pressure is when should I take my blood pressure at home? And its good question. Plan to check your blood pressure when you wake up and before bedtime. Also plan to take it if you had a stressful day or feel symptoms of high or low blood pressure such as head ache or dizziness.

Facts about High Blood Pressure

  •  75 million people in the US have high blood pressure
  • 81% are unaware that they have it
  •  75% are treated and only 51% is adequately controlled
  • Occurs more often in blacks at a rate of 41%
  • Morbidity and mortality are greater in blacks
  • 2/3 of people over 65 have high blood pressure
  • High blood pressure increases with age

Statistics show that the most common reason why we visit the doctor is for blood pressure management. Yet still our blood pressure is poorly managed and out of control leaving us at risk for complications.

I Got 99 Problems and Getting a Doctor’s Appointment is One

When you first found out that you were hypertensive with a BP of 150/95, you refused to take the prescription. If being more active can help, then you are on it like white on rice.  However, 6 months later your blood pressure did not budge, so you decided to take the blood pressure pill prescribed by your doctor, continue walking and ditched the  french fries and hamburgers.

Fast forward now.  You feel the same. Well you did not have any symptoms of high blood pressure to begin with. So how do you know if any of this is working?  According to the chart in the doctor’s office, by now you should see a decrease in your systolic blood pressure by approximately 15- 20 points. But you have not followed up with your doctor. Now what?

There is no denying that we sometimes have too much on our plate like career and family, but sometimes it also very difficult to get a doctor’s appointment. After waiting two months for your visit, you had to wait 2 more hours to be seen by the doctors.

I appreciate and respect doctors and their expertise, but they are also a part of the problem. Have you ever tried to call your doctor after hours or on the weekend? What kind of help do you get? None!!

Doctors play a role in this problem too because once the office closes for the day, holidays and weekends, they are impossible to reach and sometimes they  take days to return a phone call or call in a prescription to the pharmacy. Forget about the physician on call. They never want to make changes to your medication because they don’t know who you are. You are told to wait for the office to reopen and go the emergency room in the case of an emergency.

Self Management of Blood Pressure

Did you know that studies have shown that if you check your blood pressure on a regular basis, you will have better control over it? However, you cannot rely only on your visit to the doctor to have your blood pressure check. Fortunately, you have options including checking it yourself. But don’t be misled. You will still need support and guidance from your physician.

Hopefully, you have a physician that understands the role you will now play to help control your own high blood pressure. He/She will guide you on how to take, track and report your blood pressure readings. You might even receive instructions on how to adjust your medication base on the readings.

The only way to know if your lifestyle changes and blood pressure medication is working is to take your blood pressure regularly. Depending on where you live, you can also have your blood pressure taken at the pharmacy. Some churches and community centers offer blood pressure screening. Look for one in your area.

If your blood pressure is elevated only when checked in the doctor’s office, then you might have a condition called white coat hypertension. Being able to check your blood pressure outside of the doctor office will help the doctor decide if you have true hypertension. If it is still then your are most  like hypertensive.

However, the reverse can also be true, your blood pressure can be normal at the doctor’s office but high at home. Therefore, having the right tools and resources to check your blood pressure regularly is crucial for you over all health and well-being.

Tricks of the Trade from a Nurse

Experts recommend that you check your blood pressure two times per day. Take your blood pressure 2-3 times, one minute a part as follows:

  • Relax for 5 mins before checking
  • Sit in a chair with your back  supported
  •  Uncross legs
  •  Feet flat on the ground or supported by a foot stool
  • Relax Arm at the level of the heart on a hard surface
  •  No talking, text, watching TV or activity
  •  No caffeine, exercise, or smoking 30mins before checking.
  •  Empty bladder
  • Take your blood pressure at the same time everyday

BP Devices

  •  Automated (recommended]
  • Manual

Select the right site

  • Upper arm (recommended)
  • Wrist
  • Thigh
  • Lower Leg

Select the Right Arm Circumference Cuff Size

  • 22-26cm Small Adult
  • 27-34cm Adult
  • 35—44cm Large Adult
  • 45-52cm Adult Thigh

Select a device that is Validated and Certified by one of the following;

  • Association for the Advancement of Medical Instruments
  • British Hypertension Society
  • European Society of Hypertension

Somebody Please Call 911 or Your Doctor or Go to the Emergency Room

Now that you understand the importance of taking your blood pressure and you learned the skills of proper blood pressure measurement the next step is to know when to call 911.

If you experience any of the below symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nosebleed
  • Sudden difficulty speaking and understanding
  • Sudden loss of vision or vision problems
  • Sudden weakness in one arm, one leg or one side of the face
  • Sudden spinning sensation in head
  • Sudden severe headache
  • Sudden chest or arm pain
  • Sudden Confusion
  • Several high blood pressure reading
  • SBP greater than 180 or DBP greater than 110

Because I don’t know your circumstances, I cannot advice you  on which action to take if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. I am very aware that we don’t all have access to the same healthcare. But you should know that something serious might be happening to you and you need to seek help.

If you are diagnosed with hypertension but despite taking medications, your blood pressure is still high then start to monitor your blood pressure.  You will increase your chances of getting it within normal range.

If you are overweight, diabetic, smoke , stressed, eat and drink too much of the wrong things then you will develop high blood pressure. No questions ask. You should also start checking your blood pressure too and get a head of it.

The most effective way for you to be successful with checking your blood pressure often  is to have your own equipment at home. Select a  machine that is easy to use. Preferably one that stores your information . This way you can  keep track and report your measurements to your doctor. Taking your blood pressure is a quick and painless process. With the right mindset, support and tools you will be on  your way towards good health.