12 Chest Workouts You Can Try At Home
By now you’ve probably realized you don’t need a gym to get the body you want. We’ve covered the shoulders , the biceps , and the triceps , and now it’s time to talk about the chest.
Targeting the muscles of the chest is important because it helps to improve breathing, arm strength, stability and posture and can even give women a natural breast lift, making boobs perkier by giving them more support.
If you have no time or access to the gym, you can utilize your body weight and household items to tone and strengthen the chest. Here are 12 different ways you can do it:
1. Decline Push-ups
A decline push-up is similar in concept to a regular push up, however, with this version, your chest and shoulders get more of a workout. You will need a chair, step, table, bench, or any elevated surface that is sturdy.
Step 1: Get into a kneeling position with your back facing your elevated surface.
Step 2: Place your palms on the floor and place one leg at a time onto the elevated surface. Extend your body once you arecomfortable. Your body should be completely straight. This is your starting position.
Step 3: Brace your glutes and core as you bend your arms at the elbows and lower your chest towards the ground.
Step 4: Pause for a second, then push your palms into the ground to straighten your arms to return to your starting position. This is one rep.
Modification: No decline (level surface).
2. Wide Press-up
The wide press-up is another version of the traditional push-up, however, with this version, your arms are wider apart to engage your chest muscles.
Step 1: Assume a plank position with your palms flat on the ground, arms and legs extended, and back straight.
Step 2: Widen the distance between your arms, a bit wider than shoulder’s width apart. It should be wide, but not too awkward.
Step 3: Bend your elbows slowly to lower your body to the floor, then straighten to return to your original position. This is one rep.
Modification: Bend your knees.
3. Diamond Push–up
Diamond push-ups include having your palms closer together for a more intense chest and triceps workout. It also engages the shoulders and back.
Step 1: Get on all fours with your palms flat beneath your chest and your hands forming a diamond or triangle (do this by touching your thumbs and index fingers).
Step 2: Kick your legs back and extend onto your tippy toes, forming a straight line from your legs to your head. This is your starting position.
Step 3: Bend your arms at the elbows to lower your chest to the floor. Your elbows should be tucked beside your sides.
Step 4: Straighten your elbows to return to your starting position. This is one rep.
Modification: Bend your knees.
4. Spiderman Press-up
The Spiderman press-up won’t make you as agile and strong as your friendly neighborhood spiderman, but consistent workouts will bring you close enough. This exercise engages both the upper and lower body and will help to tone your chest.
Step 1: Get into the plank position. Remember to keep your body straight, head neutral, and core engaged. Once there, widen the distance between your arms a little beyond shoulder’s width. This is your starting position.
Step 2: As you prepare to bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground, lift your right knee up and out so that it meets your right elbow.
Step 3: Straighten your arms to return to the starting position. Repeat step 3 with your left knee and left elbow. This is one rep.
Modification: None.
5. Dive Bomber
The dive bomber is a great upper body workout, and don’t worry, no one’s going to get hurt! You will, however, feel the pressure in your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs.
Step 1: Get into a traditional plank position, but this time, push your hips back and outwards so that your body is positioned like an inverted V. You should be looking at your feet in the position. This is your starting position.
Step 2: Press forward into your arms and bend your arms at the elbows so that your chest is lowered to an inch above the ground.
Step 3: Hold this pose for a second then push your chest out and up, by straightening your arms. Hold, then reverse your “glide” by pushing your hips back to return to your start position. This is one rep.
Modification: Bend your knees at step 2.
6. Chest Dips
Chest dips are very similar to regular dips, but those focus primarily on the triceps and shoulders. Chest dips focus on the chests and the other muscles to a lesser extent.
For this exercise, you’ll need something as tall as your abdomen or chest, such as a counter, chairs, sturdy couch, parallel railings, etc. If using chairs, set their backs parallel to each other with enough space between.
Step 1: Stand between the chairs and railings, or in front of your counter or couch. Place each hand on a chair/railing, or both palms onto the flat on the counter/couch.
Step 2: Press your palms downwards to hoist yourself upwards and bend your knees.
Step 3: In a slow, controlled motion, bend your elbows to lower your body until they are at a 90-degree angle. Your shoulders should be below your elbows
Step 4: Slowly straighten your arms to hoist yourself back up. This is one rep.
Modification: Don’t dip too low. Stop when your shoulders are at your chest.
7. Sliding Chest Press Ups
To perform this exercise, you will need two face towels or rags and a tiled surface or slippery floor.
Step 1: Fold your towels into squares and lay flat on your stomach.
Step 2: Place each towel under your palms and position your arms shoulder’s width apart. Get into a plank position.
Step 3: Bend your right arm and extend your left arm by sliding it sideways. Return to the plank position and bend your left arm while extending your right arm. This is one rep.
Modification: Bend knees to make it easier.
8. Sliding Chest Fly
Keep your towels for this exercise. It’s similar but slightly advanced.
Step 1: Get into a plank position with your towels beneath your palms.
Step 2: Slide your arms outwards and lower your chest to the ground. Bend your elbows if necessary.
Step 3: Slide your arms inwards to lift your chest off the ground, back into the plank position.
Modification: None.
9. Pull-ups
If you have a pull-up bar at home, great, but once you can find a surface that you can grip on and pull your body upwards then you should be fine. A good example is a door frame, but you can also use a staircase railing.
Step 1: Grip your pull up bar (or substitute) at shoulder’s width apart.
Step 2: Bend your knees slightly and pull yourself up dragging your elbows downwards.
Step 3: When your chin is in line with the bar, lower your body by straightening your arms. This is one rep.
Modification: Bring your chest in line with the bar instead of your chin.
10. Towel Chest Press
Get your towel out for this exercise. It needs to be slightly longer than shoulder’s width.
Step 1: Lay flat on your back. Take each end of the towel into each hand and stretch it to shoulder’s width apart to create tension.
Step 2: Maintain this tension while raising your arms above your chest.
Step 3: Slowly bend your arms and lower the towel toward your chest. Raise your arms once more while maintaining tension in the towel. This is one rep.
Modification: None.
11. Towel Push and Pull
For this exercise, you’ll need to stand up with your towel.
Step 1: Hold each end of the towel with each of your hands and extend your arms in front of you.
Step 2: Pull on each end of the towel to create tension.
Step 3: Pull your right elbow behind your back and rotate your upper body till your left hand is in line with the center of your chest.
Step 4: Repeat this step by pulling your left elbow behind you while rotating your upper body until your right hand is in line with the center of your chest. This is one rep.
Modification: None
12. Planks
Planks are one of the most common bodyweight exercises and are great because they engage several muscles at the same time. Planks are also a great chest workout.
Step 1: Get on all fours, with your palms extended into the floor.
Step 2: Kick back your legs, and keep them two inches apart. Your legs should be extended to your tippy toes.
Step 3: Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
Modification: Bend your knees.
Who knew there were so many ways to work out your chest at home? Well, we did and we’re more than happy to share them with you.
Consider adding the following to your next at-home workoutroutine to target your chest: