Everybody loves to sit, especially after a long day at work or school. If you are like me, you feel bad sitting down without having hit the gym first. No matter how rough the day was, but what if I told you that you could do both. We are going to introduce you to some exercise techniques that you can do on a variety of chairs. Whether you are stuck in the office or you need to catch up on your favorite television program, these will be perfect for you. No gym membership, no problem. We will start with a few stretches, then move on to exercises done on a traditional chair, after that are office chair exercises and then finally exercises for people in a wheelchair. We have a little something for everybody, so let’s get you into proper shape.
1. Chest Stretch
This is a pretty basic stretch to warm up. To do this stretch, lean back and open up your chest. Raise your arms up and out to the side, fully extended. Hold this position for about 15 seconds.
2. Twist Side Stretch
For this stretch, take your right palm and place it on your left knee. Now, push down with your right hand and look behind you to the left. Hold this position for about 10seconds and then do the same on your right side.
3. Arm Crosses
For this stretch, grab your right elbow with your left hand, and push your elbow to where your right arm is stretched across your chest. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and do some deep breathing, while you are there. Then you want to switch sides and do the same thing with your left arm.
4. Shoulder Shrugs
For this stretch, shrug your shoulders up and down. You want to be sure that your arms are extended straight down to the side of your chair as you do this. I recommend doing this stretch for about 15 seconds.
5. Downward Reach
For this stretch, make sure you’re are in a straight up position in your chair. Now, simply reach down towards the ground, with one arm after the other. Do this for about 20 seconds as quickly as you can.
Chair Exercises
1. The Running Man
We are going to use this exercise as a warm up to get things started. Sit in the chair towards the edge with your knees in a right angle. Put your elbows in a right as well. After that start with a nice jog, while still in sitting position. Then start to speed up into a sitting sprint. Do this for about 20 seconds to start off your workout. This is mainly a cardio exercise to get your heart rate going.
2. Flutter Kicks
To do this exercise continue sitting on the edge of the chair. Then place your palms on the front corner of the chair to help you balance. Then lift your legs up and lean back. Now just flutter kick in the air up and down, but not too wide. Do this for about 30 seconds and that should do the trick. If you want to make it a bit more challenging, then lift your arms straight into the air during the set. This exercise is very beneficial to your core.
3. Chair Jumping Jacks
To begin this exercise, get to the edge of the chair and then push your legs out to the side. Once you get a good rhythm then add your arms, rising them up. Then simply coordinate your jumping jacks. As well as elevating your heart rate, there is a variation that is great for your obliques. Just be sure to touch your elbows to your knees as you do each rep.The alternate technique are known as wacky jacks.
4. Triceps Dips
To do this exercise sit on the chair and place your palms at the edge of it, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your butt off of the chair and then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 10 to start off. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps and boy can it be a killer.
5. Incline Push-Ups
To do this exercise, place your feet on top of the chair and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. Now simply do push-ups. This version is much more difficult than a traditional push up, but also much more rewarding. If you still want to step it up a bit, raise one of your legs in the air while doing the reps. I would recommend starting out with sets of 10 in this exercise and then work your way up. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.
Office Chair Exercises
1. Chair Squats
To start this exercise, you will stand with your chair behind you and your legs about hip-width apart. Now, simply sit down and get back up. Make sure that you are squeezing your gluts and your core in order to get the best results. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 1 minute a set. These are almost like beginner squats, but if you want to make them a little more challenging; try adding weights of some sort or getting rid of the chair. This exercise benefit your abs, butt, legs, hips, calves, shins and thighs.
2. Leg & Arm Crosses
To start this exercise, begin at the edge of the chair with your knees in a right angle. Put your elbows in a right as well. Now stretch your right arm out diagonally upward and your left leg diagonally downward. Then you bring both the leg and arm back in the middle to meet your elbows and knees. Now you have achieved one set. Do about 10 of those and then switch over to the opposite sides. This exercise is really great for improving your core.
3. Lateral Raises
To start this exercise, hold your arms down at your side. Then lift them up and out to the side of your body with your forearms pointing forward and your elbow at a 90-degree angle. Make sure that you are at about shoulder level. After that lift your arms up and down at your side. This exercise is great for deltoids, which are at the top of your shoulder. I would do this exercise in 20 second intervals.
4. Bicycles
For this exercise start off sitting on the chair. Place your palms on the edge of the chair and then slowly raise up your feet. Get your legs to a 90-degree angle and then keep it there. Then simply kick your feet out as if you were riding a bicycle. I recommend starting off with 30 seconds a set and working your way up. If you want to increase the intensity, then put your palms on the back of your head and touch your left elbow with your right knee when it comes towards you; and vice versa. This exercise is great for working on your core.
5. Shoulder Press
To do this exercise, start off by having your arms out to the side at about a 90-degree angle, with your fist facing up. Now, raise your arms up over your head towards each other. After that you simply want to pump your arms up and down; each time you come down coming back to the 90-degree angle. If you are able, then you can add dumbbells or resistance bands to this exercise. I recommend starting off with reps of 10 in this work out technique.
Wheelchair Exercises
1. Touch the Sky
For this exercise, you are going to raise your arms up on both sides as if you were trying to touch the sky. You want to inhale as you are going up and exhale as you are coming down. Continue to do this for about 15 seconds.
2. Cross Punches
To begin this exercise, get your arms up, keep your elbows bent and your hands right under your chin. Then use your left hand to do a jab right in front of you at about shoulder height. After that, immediately do a right punch across to your left side. Then use your left hand to do the same thing and punch towards your right side. Continue doing this for about 30 seconds and you will be good to go. This exercise benefits your heart rate as well as your abs and obliques.
3. Wheelchair Push-Ups
To do this exercise, place your arms to the side and your hands on either your wheel or your arm rest. Double check that your wheels are locked by the way. Now, slowly push up, raising your butt off of the chair and sit there for a few seconds. Go back down to the sitting position and then do it again. I recommend doing this exercise 10 reps per set. You may need to start a little bit lower at first.
4. Arm Circles
To do this exercise, begin by reaching down with your right arm. Then just move it around in a circle, while leaning to your right side. Then stop and begin doing circles again, but this time counterclockwise. Do not overdo it, lean as far as you can. Do this for about 10 seconds on each side.
5. Forward Reach
For this exercise, stretch out your right arm as if you were reaching for something. Reach out as far as you can, then quickly switch to your left. Now, you want to go back and forth between arms as fast as you can. Do this exercise for about 20 seconds in order to really feel it.
With this variety of exercises, whether you have a home office or just don’t feel like leaving today; you can still get in a good workout. I hope we proved to you that chairs are not just for relaxing. Now cheers to a great workout!