Home Workout Equipment for the Upper Body: Pull Up Bars

Home Workout Equipment for the Upper Body: Pull Up Bars and Dip Bars

Working out at home can save you a lot of time and money. It is difficult to commit to constant visits to the gym at times. Work, school, and parenting can all limit your exercise time. When you have equipment at home, you can easily sneak in a short workout between your daily activities. Pull up bars, and dip bars are great assets to add to your workout routine. Furthermore , they can be used in many living environments. They are small enough for use in an apartment, as well. You can build up strength in several upper body muscles making it easier to reach your workout goals. No gym membership necessary.

You can workout most of your major muscle groups at home without equipment and only your bodyweight. However, working out your back without any equipment can be challenging. This is where pull bars and dip bars come in handy. Although it is a piece of equipment, you will still be using only your bodyweight for resistance.


When you have limited time or are on a budget, you must get creative with your workout routine. You can easily install most pull-up bars in a doorway. Others are portable and work in various outdoor areas, such as the park. If you travel for work, you can take your pull-up or dip bar with you for a workout on the go. Lastly, just in case your are shy,  a pull-up bar lets you get your upper body strength training done in the privacy of your own home, as well.


There are some excellent new versions of the pull-up and dip bar. You can opt for the traditional one to put in your doorway or try out the new portable styles. If you have the space for larger equipment, you can choose a pull-up and dip station. To use the doorway pull-up bar, you need a sturdy door frame. Check to make sure nothing is loose; otherwise the weight can cause you to fall. You can hurt yourself and damage the door frame. So check for

Freestanding pull-up and dip bars are large pieces of metal equipment that simply sit on the floor in your home. These work well if you are building a large home gym for daily workouts. These usually have adjustable bars, making it easy to get a targeted and comfortable workout.

Portable pull-up and dip bars are perfect for individuals on the go. You can attach them to trees or poles outside. You can work out at home or add strength training to your outings. Fit your strength training into a family day at the park or pack your bar for a business trip. This ensures that you never miss a chance to work on your goals.

Your Body is Your Weight

Dips and pull-ups help you use your own body weight to get in shape. This means you need less equipment to get the same results. If you are not ready to spend a lot of money on equipment, a pull-up and dip bar is a great starter piece. It also takes time to build up your strength, making these bars a long-lasting part of your workout routine.

Getting Started

Many people shy away from bringing home workout equipment because they are not sure how to use it. You do not have to depend on a gym to get healthy. It can help to join a gym short term or take a few sessions with a personal trainer, however. This gives you a chance to learn how to use your equipment safely and efficiently. There are many helpful guides online to help you learn about the use of a pull-up bar, as well. Pull-ups and dips fall into the category of weight training. Most beginners add this to their exercise schedule two or three days per week. It is important to learn how to position your body for a proper pull-up or dip. You may not be able to do full exercises at first. Focus on using your arms and upper body muscles, only. Refrain from jumping up to the bar. You can use these beginner moves as you learn and build strength.

•​Lowering your Body- it can be easier to lower your body than to lift it. You need a stable object to stand on so you can get in the proper position to practice this move. Do not use chairs or stools that can fall out from under you, only proper workout equipment. It is also best to have an experienced person nearby to spot you. Get to a height where your chin is above the bar and make sure you can hold on well. Your spotter can then move the object away and you can slowly lower yourself down to the floor.

•​Dead Hangs- Stand on a stable object for this one, as well. For dead hangs, you only need to raise yourself up where hands reach the bar. Face your palms away from your face and hold on to the pull-up bar. You can then pull your body up only an inch. Be sure that your elbows move out to the side when you do this. Bend your knees so you are no longer supported by your workout bench and hang there until you feel you can’t hold on anymore. This helps build strength to later do full pull-ups

•​Bench Knee Dips- You can start dips on a workout bench to build up your strength before you use the dip bars. Stand in front of the bench and place your hands on the bench behind you. Get your posture correct before you begin. Bend your and shoulders are back. Dip down until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle and rise back up.


At the gym, you have many professionals around to help if you have problems. You may also learn many safety techniques while learning about your new gym. At home, it is important to learn how to stay safe with each new piece of equipment. There are things to keep in mind when you start using pull-up bars and dip bars.

•​Never stand on chairs, boxes or other unstable items

•​Make sure to install the equipment properly and check for stability

•​Learn about proper techniques. Hiring a private trainer while you learn is the safest option. You can take a few lessons at the gym before using the equipment at home, as well.

•​Read the instructions and safety warnings thoroughly.

•​Do not overdo your workouts or try something you are not ready for.

Muscle Groups

You are sure to build an impressive upper body if you commit to a pull-up bar and dip routine. Pull-ups are one of the best ways to build up your latissimus dorsi. You can also expect to gain strength in your deltoid, trapezius, and pectoral muscles. Your triceps and biceps also show more definition when you work with a pull-up or dip bar. These exercises work some muscles in your upper body more than others. There are over 20 different muscle groups that benefit from this strength workout.

It is important to have a diversified workout schedule with proper equipment. A pull-up bar or dip bar is the best way to work out the entire upper body with minimal equipment. You can find different types of bars to fit your home and lifestyle. Like weights, pull-up and dip bars build up your strength over time. Instead of increasing the weight you are lifting, do more repetitions of the same exercises. Start out with beginner moves to build up enough strength to do full pull-ups or dips. Enjoy a workout at home or on the go with a quality pull-up bar.

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