Learn How To Cut Your Sodium Intake Reasonably And Easily

french fries and hamburger

Learn How To Cut Your Sodium Intake Reasonably And Easily

Chances are that you know by now that too much salt is not good for your health. Excess amounts increase blood pressure and the chance of heart disease. Chances are that you know by now that too much salt is not good for your health. Excess amounts increase blood pressure and the chance of heart disease. On the flip side, you can’t just cut out sodium, which is a key mineral in salt. It’s necessary to retain fluids and prevent dehydration in some cases, among other vital functions. But too  much salt is more prevalent than too little salt. So what should you do?

Balance is key, and according to the USDA’s published dietary guidelines for average Americans, anyone 14 years of age or older needs approximately 2,300 mg of daily sodium on average. That’s only a single teaspoon of salt. If your blood pressure is high, you might reduce this down to 1,500 mg each day, per the American Heart Association. If you’re not sure what level you should target, consult your doctor or primary care physician for a personalized number based on your current health status and long-range goals.

Unfortunately, the majority of American adults take in over 3,400 mg of sodium every day, three-quarters of which is in processed and packaged foods. You can get 730 mg alone from one slice of a frozen pizza. Use the following tips to manage your sodium intake at a healthy level without avoiding sodium altogether, which is nearly impossible and also not healthy:

Look At Labels For Low Salt Foods

When you’re at your supermarket, study nutritional labels on all food packaging for salt or the listed mgs of sodium, which is often a required nutrient to list. Even bread and cereal can have surprising amounts of sodium. Compare multiple options of the same food to find the one that’s the healthiest.

But Canned Veggies Might Be Okay

Many canned veggies come in no-salt-added varieties. Having said that, many veggies, particularly beans such as chickpeas or kidney beans, can be drained and rinsed. This reduces the sodium by almost two-thirds!

Go For Unsalted Butter

If you use butter regularly, it can add a lot of daily sodium. Think about how often you use it for baking as well as spreading on crackers or bread or potatoes. Unsalted variants mean less sodium and should still enhance the flavor of anything you’re eating.

Get Unsalted Nuts

When nuts say they’re salted, they’re covered with sodium. Unsalted nuts are a much better choice, so try it. Even if you don’t like the taste, you can always sprinkle in your own sale or seasonings. You’re very likely to put a lot less sodium in there.

Don’t Get Deli Meats

These are packed full of things like sodium, which helps them last longer. Get a ready-roasted chicken instead so you can slice up portions you like for sandwiches high in taste but low in salt.

Don’t Use The Shaker So Much

If you typically find that home-cooked food has a bland taste without salt, just be mindful of the amount you shake out. Gradually cutting back helps, and so too does using other spices or seasonings. If you want to keep great flavor and expand your culinary leave, try herbs such as cumin and oregano, or add things like bay leaves, chopped onions, and crushed garlic.

Pass On Pickles And Condiments

Sodium is packed into sauces, particularly soy sauce, salad dressings, and ketchup. You can find low-salt or sodium-free versions for home use. If you’re ordering out, ask for condiments and sauces to be put on the side since you can then choose how much you want. Rather than piling pickles on something, since they use added salt for flavor, think about adding crunch and flavor using fresh slices of cucumber, onions, or peppers.

Once you start applying these tips to your daily lifestyle, it gets much easier to identify and then avoid salt traps. As you enjoy your healthier diet, your taste buds start adjusting. Once you develop a new appreciation for real food with natural flavors, you’re going to be less likely to go back to bad habits involving high sodium consumption.

Still want more ideas and information? Consult the following three resources used in researching the article you just read:

1) https://www.cdc.gov/salt/pdfs/sodium_dietary_guidelines.pdf

2) https://sodiumbreakup.heart.org/how_to_reduce_sodium

3) http://www.everydayhealth.com/columns/white-seeber-grogan-the-remedy-chicks/ways-to-reduce-salt-intake-every-day/

4) https://www.self.com/story/how-to-cut-back-on-salt

Metabolic syndrome: The Silent Slayer

The Criteria

Several medical disorders are responsible for Metabolic Syndrome. Medical experts agree that certain criteria must be met for an individual to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, formerly called Syndrome X. The National Cholesterol Education Program of the Blood, Lung, and Heart Institute has developed this generally accepted criteria. When three or more are met, you may be diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome.

  • Abdominal obesity- waist circumference at the umbilicus area of over 35 inches in women, and more than 40 inches  in men
  • High fasting blood sugar (FBS)- an FBS of more than 100mg/dl
  • Low levels of “good” HDL cholesterol- blood HDL levels below 50 mg/dl in women, and 40mg/dl in men
  • High triglycerides- blood triglyceride levels above 150 mg/dl
  • Elevated blood pressure- when your blood pressure (BP) is more than 130mmHg systolic (top value in BP reading) or 85 mmHg diastolic (bottom value)

Possible Causes​

Environmental and genetic factors linked to obesity, such as lack of physical activity, stress, and smoking, can contribute to the risk of developing MS. Evidence shows that abdominal obesity associated with excessive levels of insulin relative to blood sugar levels, along with the body’s inefficiency to utilize insulin, may eventually lead to type 2 diabetes. The relationship between these  factors plays a role in the development of the cardinal features of MS including high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides) and damage to the lining of blood vessels. If left untreated, this state can result in the development of potentially fatal heart and blood vessel diseases.

There are no specific causes in literature. Many experts, however, consider the body’s inability to use insulin adequatelyknown as “insulin resistance” as the primary defect leading to MS. The secondary culprits identified are physical inactivity and obesity, followed by related factors including aging (where the risk increases with advancing age), and a person’s DNA or genetic make-up.

Complications that Complicate Things Further​

MS may give rise to several complications, which can be fatal if left untreated. Thus, if you are suspected or diagnosed with MS, it’s best to take action before things get too late. The following are complications associated with MS:

  • Atherosclerosis- the “hardening” of blood vessels (particularly the arteries) due to a build-up of plaques composed mainly of cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes- your body’s insulin is not working as effectively as it should, causing your blood sugar levels to elevate higher than normal
  • Stroke- occurs when a blood vessel (an artery) that is within or leads to the brain is either blocked by a clot or ruptures
  • Kidney disease- damage to the kidneys that can lead to excess fluid and waste build-up in the body
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver- a disease that is typically due to fat building up in the liver
  • Cardiovascular diseases- these are serious heart and blood vessel disorders. For MS, this commonly refers to “coronary artery disease,” where there are problems with arteries that carry blood to the heart muscles
  • Heart attack- a sudden and sometimes deadly occurrence where the blood supply to the heart is blocked, possibly as a result of a clot

Risk factors​

  • The following have shown to increase the susceptibility, risk, or likelihood of MS:
    Impaired glucose tolerance- also known as the pre-diabetic state
  • High insulin levels- excessive levels of insulin relative to the level of circulating blood sugar
  • Elevated blood fats (triglycerides)- high levels of lipids or fats in the bloodstream
  • Low “good” HDL cholesterol- this is associated with a higher affinity for death from heart-related causes
  • Slow clearance of fats from the blood- refers to the abnormally slow removal of excessive concentrations of blood fats especially after meals
  • More dense, smaller “bad” LDL cholesterol- considered an emerging risk for developing blockages in the arteries
  • Increased tendency to form blood clots- excessive blood clotting also know as “coagulation” (blood changes from a liquid to a gel) that can lead to blocked or limited blood flow, damaging body organs or even causing death
  • Low ability to dissolve blood clots- also associated with increased occurrence of heart-related disorders or deaths
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Cigarette smoking

Cardiovascular diseases​

Cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) diseases, which generally point to conditions that involve blocked or narrowed blood vessels, are perhaps the most feared and severe complications of MS and are the leading causes of death in the US. These encompass stroke and heart attack. Other organs can also be affected. The major forms include:

  •  Coronary artery disease- can lead to a heart attack
  • Peripheral arterial disease- refers to “hardening of the arteries” or blockage in the blood vessels of the legs which can result in amputation
  • Carotid artery disease- can lead to stroke
  • Renal vascular disease- can result in kidney failure

Blood tests​

Are you wondering if you have MS? Your physician can order some blood tests for you, especially if you are high risk for the condition. Since there is no single test that medical doctors can utilize, you are screened for each of the disorders that comprise MS. Blood tests for FBS and lipid profile (triglyceride and cholesterol levels) are done in a laboratory after fasting. As preparation, you will be instructed to fast from eating and drinking typically for 6-8 hours for FBS, and 10-12 hours for the lipid profile test.

Are you an apple or a pear?​

Although genetics plays a role in determining body shape, other factors are also crucial, including age and gender. Generally, men end up with a fat belly, while women gain excess weight around the buttocks. After menopause, women will start to store more fat around the abdomen area changing their body shape to an apple-shaped form–consequently increasing women’s risk for both MS and cardiovascular disease.​

To determine if you’re apple-shaped or pear-shaped, you have to know your waist-to-hip ratio. Simply divide your waist measurement (the narrowest point) by your hip measurement (the widest point). For women, if this value is more than 0.8, or more than 1.0 for men, you are considered apple-shaped.Otherwise, you may be a pear. If you’re apple-shaped, studies show you are at increased health risk!

The Treatment: A Simple Plan for a Complex Syndrome

Fortunately, a simple treatment plan backed by good science and research has been found to work on MS and all itsrisk factors. Let’s take a closer look at this six-step plan.

Step 1. Diagnosis

It’s fairly easy to discover whether you have MS or not. Work with your doctor to identify MS through five simple tests, namely: the glucose tolerance test, triglycerides (blood fats), HDL and LDL cholesterol, BP, and weight check.

Step 2. Diet

If you have MS, you can start on a low-carbohydrate diet that’s high in fiber to reduce your body’s demand for insulin. Consult with your dietician in planning well-proportioned meals. Carbohydrates with high-glycemic indexes should be avoided, if not eliminated. Fill your system with plenty of pure water instead. Go for fish and game meat instead of pork, beef, or other meat high in saturated fat. Use olive oil or margarine without the trans fat to replace butter. A potent multivitamin containing vitamins C and E are recommended; as well as chromium, which enhances the efficiency of insulin.Additionally, the intake of zinc, magnesium, and calcium are essential to optimize insulin sensitivity. Stay away from hydrogenated oils that are ample in processed food and most offerings in fast-food chains. ​

Step 3. Weight Loss

Shed off extra pounds with regular exercise and prudent eating. You can still enjoy delicious meals that are not harmful to your body. Consult your dietician for healthy options that will keep you within your ideal body weight. Start slimming down today if you are on the obese side to help lower your insulin levels, and increase insulin’s efficiency in your body. Remember that obesity is a universal risk for heart disease.

Step 4. Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the best medicines for MS. With exercise, you burn extra calories, and get to target your ideal weight. Do you know that simple physical inactivity contributes to the development of MS? So, start burning fat today. It’s as simple as walking briskly for 30 minutes, dancing for 30 minutes, or riding a bike for 5 miles in 30 minutes. Adding weight training to your program will make it even better. Go get up, get out, and get going!

Step 5. Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle habits need to be put in place. First on the list is tohave a good, full-night sleep consistently. Broken, erratic sleep schedules or lack of sleep all aggravate MS. Secondly, stress reduction is crucial to reduce levels of “cortisol,” the stress hormone, in your system.
Do you know that meditation, listening to music, Tai Chi, yoga, or progressive relaxation have been found to reduce the stress hormone significantly? Peace of mind associated with spiritual convictions and hearty laughter also reduces cortisol. And importantly, eliminate those bad habits including smoking, excessive alcohol intake, affinity to high-fructose sodas, sitting in-front of the television for hours while nibbling on sweets, popcorn or chips; keep off the “marijuana munchies” as all these contribute to irreversible damage.

Step 6. Medical Intervention

If going through the first five steps, do not normalize the deranged values in your blood associated with MS, medication, as prescribed by your physician, may be needed. Talk to your doctor to know the drugs that best fit your condition. For instance, some medications given to lower BP can elevate your triglyceride and LDL, while lowering your HDL. Go for medicines that complement your efforts to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Gender difference

Evidence shows that the prevalence of MS differs withgender. In the US, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of MS in women compared to men. Interestingly, over a decade ago, most studies in the US revealed men to be more prone to the condition than women. This could perhaps be explained by the constant rise of obesity in women.
In a recent study, increased waist circumference (central obesity) and low “good” HDL cholesterol have been found morein women than men; while triglycerides and BP were relatively the same for both genders. Another study shows that MS is associated with physical inactivity in both normal and overweight women and also in overweight men. This suggeststhe high value of exercise among women.

Can MS be reversed?​

A diagnosis of MS is not a death sentence but it can be if you take too long to get treatment. MS can be reversed through two very doable and powerful ways: weight loss and physical activity. Additionally, with the help of medications to treat the specific disorders in MS, persons with MS can live quality lives sustained by healthy living, a well-balanced diet, good sleep, and a daily active and positive prognosis.


Easy Bodyweight Chair Exercises

Home exercises can be the difference between a great summer bod and being a summer slob. Not everyone has access to a gym or an assortment of exercise equipment to work with. For this reason, home methods with everyday furniture is essential to staying in shape. This article will give you some simple exercise techniques, which you can use pretty much anywhere. All you will need is a normal chair. Of course, some of these exercises can be enhanced with additional equipment, but it is not a necessity. Now put on a good television show, some good tunes or even a podcast and let’s get started.

The Running Man

​We are going to use this exercise as a warm up to get things started. Sit in you chair towards the edge with your knees in a right angle. Put your elbows in a right as well. After that start with a nice jog, while still in sitting position. Then start to speed up into a sitting sprint. Do this for about 20 seconds to start off your workout. This is mainly a cardio exercise to get your heart rate going.

Flutter Kicks

​To do this exercise continue sitting on the edge of the chair. Then place your palms on the front corner of the chair to help you balance. Then lift your legs up and lean back. Now just flutter kick in the air up and down, but not too wide. Do this for about 30 seconds and that should do the trick. If you want to make it a bit more challenging, then lift your arms straight into the air during the set. This exercise is very beneficial to your core.

Chair Jumping Jacks

​To begin this exercise, get to the edge of the chair and then push your legs out to the side. Once you get a good rhythm then add your arms, rising them up. Then simply coordinate your jumping jacks. As well as elevating your heart rate, there is a variation that is great for your obliques. Just be sure to touch your elbows to your knees as you do each rep.

Cross Punches

​To begin this exercise, stay seated and get your arms up. Keep your elbows bent and your hands right under your chin. Then use your left hand to do a jab right in front of you at about shoulder height. After that, immediately do a right punch across to your left side. Then use your left hand to do the same thing and punch towards your right side. Continue doing this for about 30 seconds and you will be good to go. This exercise benefits your heart rate as well as your abs and obliques.

Triceps Dips

​To do this exercise sit on the chair and place your palms at the edge of it, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your hips off of the chair and then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 10 to start off. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps.

Leg & Arms Cross

​To start this exercise, begin at the edge of the chair with your knees in a right angle. Put your elbows in a right as well.Now stretch your right arm out diagonally upward and your left leg diagonally downward. Then you bring both the leg and arm back in the middle to meet your elbows and knees. Now you have achieved one set. Do about 10 of those and then switch over to the opposite sides. This exercise is really great for improving your core.

Incline Push-Ups

​To do this exercise, place your feet on top of the chair and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. Now simply do push-ups. This version is much more difficult than a traditional push up, but also much more rewarding. If you still want to step it up a bit, raise one of your legs in the air while doing the reps. I would recommend starting out with sets of 15 in this exercise and then work your way up. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.

Chair Squats

​To start this exercise, you will stand with your chair behind you and your legs about hip-width apart. Now, simply sit down and get back up. Make sure that you are squeezing your gluts and your core in order to get the best results. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 1 minute a set. These are almost like beginner squats, but if you want to make them a little more challenging; try adding weights of some sort. This exercise benefit your abs, butt, legs, hips, calves, shins and thighs.

Chair Mountain Climbers

​To do this exercise, start with kneeling in front of the chair. Position your knees and feet, hip-width apart. Now, place your palms on top of the chair. After that extend both of your legs out behind you into a high plank position. Finally, bring your left knee up to your chest and as you are extending it back; bring your right knee up to your chest. I recommend doing this for intervals of 30 seconds. This exercise benefits nearly your entire body, but specifically targets your butt, hips, legs and thighs.


​For this exercise start off sitting on the chair. Place your palms on the edge of the chair and then slowly raise up your feet. Get your legs to a 90-degree angle and then keep it there. Then simply kick your feet out as if you were riding a bicycle. I recommend starting off with 30 seconds a set and working your way up. If you want to increase the intensity, then put your palms on the back of your head and touch your left elbow with your right knee when it comes towards you; and vice versa. This exercise is great for working on your core.

​These are exercises are convenient to do anywhere. They are great for vacation or just keeping yourself active while watching a movie. So, go ahead and use the chair that you are probably sitting on right now and let’s get it going.

Get the Body You Want: 10 Foolproof Weight Loss Tips

Get the Body You Want: 10 Foolproof Weight Loss Tips

Are you tired of taking a bunch of pills for high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol ? Or maybe you want to prevent diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure?  Kudos to you. Not only will you look good you will feel good too.

The time is now  to get on track with your fitness and be on your way to good health. First you must set a goal then follow a plan that you can stick to.

Depending on where you start it might take a few months h before you start seeing results. Long and steady wins the race and you have to stay in it to win  it.

Check out these  10 fact-based weight loss tips that are guaranteed to make you see a difference in your waistline and your numbers.

Tip #1: Eliminate Sugar

Sugar causes obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, diabetes and tooth decay, says the World Health Organization (who.int). Sugar that occurs naturally in foods like apples and oranges is fine because it comes with nutrients your body craves. But the sugars in processed desserts, salad dressings, ketchup, barbecue sauce, yogurts, candy bars and bread overload your body.

Drop your sugar intake to 10 percent or less of your daily energy intake, suggests the World Health Organization. If you’re a sugar junkie you may feel lethargic, irritable and full of cravings for a few days but take heart: A 2014 study conducted by Kaiser Permenente (kff.org) found that people who stopped consuming sugar no longer felt cravings by the sixth day.

Besides the ones withe the word “sugar” did you recognize any of these as sugar?

  • Brown Sugar
  • Cane Sugar
  • Corn Syrup
  • Corn Sugar
  • Dextrose
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • High Fructose  corn syrup
  • Honey
  • Maltodextrin
  • Molasses
  • Sucrose
  • Raw sugar
  • Turbinado sugar


Tip #2: Don’t Use Aspartame

It might be tempting to use artificial sweeteners, so you don’t have to give up your sugar fix entirely, but unfortunately it won’t work. According to Business Insider (businessinsider.com), not only do artificial sweeteners not help you to lose weight, they can cause you to gain it.

While our bodies process artificial sweeteners differently than they do real sugar, the outcome is nearly identical. In addition, the fact that artificial sweeteners don’t provide any genuine energy can cause the body to turn on its own muscles for fuel.

Tip #3: Drink H2O

You can easily add hundreds (even thousands) of calories to your daily diet just through liquids. If you’re a regular drinker of soda, juice or even energy drinks, you’re piling on liquid calories that your body simply doesn’t need. Switch to pure, calorie-free water. If water doesn’t really do it for you, try carbonated, flavored waters that don’t have sweeteners. Add cucumber, strawberries, blueberries or lemon to infuse the water with interesting flavor. If you simply must have coffee, train yourself to drink it black. A cup of black coffee has only five calories.

Tip #4: Eat at Home

Hitting up fast food joints and indulging in eating out in the evening can make life more streamlined, but you don’t know what’s going into your food. Much of what restaurants are putting on your plate was made in a warehouse, frozen and shipped to them from other states. They’re loaded with sodium, salt, oil, fat and preservatives, none of which are going to help you in your weight loss goals. In addition, the kitchen is adding fats and salts to your food to enrich the taste, which can easily turn a meal you think is healthy into one packed with unhealthy calories.

Tip #5: Keep Healthy Foods on Standby

Nothing will derail your weight loss efforts like being hungry with nothing healthy readily available. Avoid this pitfall by having something in your fridge at all times. Roast a chicken to use for salads and lettuce wraps. Frozen shrimp steams up in minutes, making for a great peel-and-eat feast at home.

Nuts like pistachios, cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts and pecans make great and easy snacks (just make sure they’re unsalted). Fresh fruits can stave off hunger while you’re cooking supper. Cut up fresh pineapple, mango, tangerines, pears and peaches and put them in air-tight containers in the refrigerator for quick snacking. Freeze grapes for a cold treat.

Tip #6: Stick to Whole Foods

Steer away from foods that have already been made for you, like canned soups, pasta meals, frozen entrees, hamburgers, granola bars and such. Go for fresh, whole foods in their natural state: fresh produce, fish and poultry. Go for whole grains like farro, buckwheat, quinoa and, yes, corn, which is widely regarded as a vegetable but is actually a grain.

Tip #7: Keep a Food Diary

Counting calories may seem counter-intuitive to some and that’s okay. But keeping a journal of what you eat when you’re first starting out is a good way to get a realistic picture of how much you genuinely eat in a day compared to what you should be eating.

You may be surprised to see how much you’ve been consuming. Once you begin replacing bad habits with good habits, you’ll become familiar with the amount of calories foods contain and you’ll learn how to navigate your eating throughout the day based on those learned numbers.

Tip #8: Exercise

Exercise is crucial to effective weight loss. Men’s Health (menshealth.com) recommends combining strength training with cardio to see the best results from your workouts.

There are many different styles of exercise to choose from. Cardio training gets your hear rate up, works your respiratory system and burns calories in the moment. Strength training grows your muscles, which in turn will burn more calories for you throughout the day. Dynamic forms of exercise like high intensity interval training (HIIT) and Crossfit combine aerobic energy with muscle challenges that result in achieving both cardio and strength training within the same workout.

Tip #9: Cut Back on Alcohol

Alcohol, by its very nature, is full of sugar, and as already mentioned, sugar isn’t good for you. In addition, according to CNN (cnn.com), when you drink alcohol, the body stops burning calories from the food you ate and concentrates on eliminating the alcohol from your system. This results in excess fat getting stored primarily in your abdomen, hence the infamous beer belly. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, which can easily result in you throwing caution to the winds and noshing on those chili cheese fries that have been calling your name.

Tip #10: Move Past Mistakes

Did you binge out on pizza last night? Did you give in at the office party and eat more than your fair share of cake? Did you skip your workout in favor of meeting your friends at the bar, where you indulged a bit too much? Don’t compound one bad choice with a flood of more. Pick yourself back up and get right back on track. Your health and fitness depend on what you do over the course of time, not what you do in one isolated incident.

Getting that summer body isn’t as hard as you think. If you follow these 10 medically-proven tips for weight loss, you’ll meet your long-term weight goals a lot sooner than you think.

High Risk for Falls? Why Seniors Should Exercise

Senior couple sitting on fitness balls with dumbbells

Senior exercise can be highly important for anyone who wants to maintain healthy supple joints and prevent injuries. Many people shy away from the idea of elderly exercise, as they are scared of injuring themselves or doing some kind of permanent damage. In reality, senior exercise is perfectly healthy, and many seniors will benefit from doing it regularly.

Seniors are often reluctant to take part in any form of exercise, but it is still one of the most things you can do to keep your body healthy, along with following a healthy and balanced diet. Research has shown that those who are aged over fifty and still maintain an active lifestyle are less likely to develop diabetes than their less active counterparts are. Senior exercise can also have those who are suffering from age-related health problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Ironically, you are far more likely to suffer from health problems if you do not exercise, rather than if you do.

Senior exercise

Senior exercise can help with four essential parts of being healthy: flexibility, balance, endurance and strength. Getting older does not automatically mean that you need to lose out on these. Strength and endurance mean that it is less effort to do everyday activities, such as walking up and down stairs and carrying bags of groceries. Flexibility plays a key role in recovering more quickly from injuries. Generally speaking, senior exercise can have a big effect on your quality of life as you get older. For women over the age of fifty, the chances of developing osteoporosis is much increased, which means the risk of broken and fractures is much higher. Yoga, Pilates and other exercises that encourage you to be more flexible can help to combat this.

Strength exercises are intended to build up the muscles that may be starting to weaken as you get older, as well as raising your metabolism. The latter helps to maintain a healthy weight and keep blood sugar levels constant.

Balance exercises are intended to build up the muscles in your legs, which makes you less likely to fall over. Many hospitals treat countless seniors every year for fractures (mostly hip fractures), but this can easily be avoided if you take the time to incorporate balance exercises into your exercise routine.

Stretching exercises are intended to allow you to move more easily. As you get older, you might find that your muscles stiffen up, and joint conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis often stem from this. While stretching exercises cannot guarantee that you will not develop these in the future, they can help to delay the onset and make it less likely.

Endurance exercises are intended to increase your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. It is best to build up your endurance slowly but surely – start with just five minutes of intensive exercise and work up from there.

As well as this, senior exercise can help older people to feel more content with their life and themselves in general, especially in comparison to those who do little or no exercise. Exercise releases natural endorphins, which lift your mood and can even help to combat psychological conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

Before you embark on any kind of exercise plan, you should make sure that it would not affect your health first. For example, if you already have diabetes or a history of heart problems, you should consult your doctor for medical advice. This is also advised if you are overweight. You are also advised to seek medical advice if you experience any chest pain or breathlessness when exercising.

There are plenty of exercise and fitness videos on the market that are specifically aimed at seniors, so if you are looking for a senior exercise video, there are bound to be one for you.

The same is also true of senior exercise equipment. For example, Fit Express is just one of the companies that are eager to cash in on the ever-expanding “baby boomer” market by creating a range of hydraulic fitness equipment that is designed to appeal to the health-conscious sector of the senior market.

Many seniors like to do exercises with a chair to maintain their balance. If you are looking for a senior exercise chair to use, you do not need anything fancy – most chairs will do.

Exercise for women over 50 can be fun. It does not have to involve the usual exercise regimes that can quickly become boring and uninspiring. Trying your hand at something new like yoga or Pilates can be a great way to exercise and improve your flexibility without having to stick to activities such as aerobics or cycling every week. Varying your exercise routine will give you the motivation and enthusiasm to carry on with your senior exercise.

Senior exercise is a great idea for any senior who wants to stay active or resume an active lifestyle in order to maintain good health. Staying fit and healthy can help to ward off some of the health problems that are associated with getting older, as well as improving your quality of life.


Couch Workouts for Couch Potatoes

If you want to get into shape, but don’t want to or cannot leave your home this is the perfect article for you. With these methods you can get a good work out without turning off Netflix. It doesn’t matter if a gym membership isn’t in your budget at the moment, the weather is bad, you have a sleeping baby or you are waiting for a delivery. Or maybe you just don’t feel like going out on your off day. If you get creative, even a couch potato can get fit. The beauty of these exercises is that they require no equipment at all. Just your couch, a bottle of water and something good to watch on the tv. With these exercises, anybody can achieve physical fitness.

The Couch Plank

The first exercise should be used as sort of a warm up to get things started. Just kneel facing your couch and place your hands-on top of it. Now, extend your arms by pushing down on the couch. After that extend your legs back and make sure your entire body is straight. Hold this position for about 30 seconds. In addition to getting you warmed up this exercise will benefit your abs, back and arms.

Sit Down Stand Up

This exercise is pretty self-explanatory, but very useful. To start, you will stand with your couch behind you and your legs about hip-width apart. Now, simply sit down and get back up. Make sure that you are squeezing your gluts and your core in order to get the best results. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 1 minute a set. These are almost like beginner squats, but if you want to make them a little more challenging; try sitting down and standing up on one leg at a time. This exercise benefit your abs, butt, legs, hips, calves, shins and thighs.

Couch Push-Ups

To do this exercise, place your arms on top of the couch and enter the couch plank position. Extend your legs out behind you or kneel if you are a beginner. Then simply do a push-up. This exercise is best done in reps. There is also another kind of push-up that you can do with the couch. For this one, place your feet on top of the couch and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. This is version is much more difficult than the previous kind. If you still want to step it up a bit, raise one of your legs in the air while doing the reps. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.

Scissor Kicks

To do this exercise start by sitting on the edge of your couch. Then place your palms on the corner of your couch cushion to help you balance. Then lift your legs up and lean back, but don’t let your back touch the cushion. Now just flutter kick in the air up and down, but not too wide. Do this for about 30 seconds and you’re on your way. If you want to make it more challenging then lift your arms straight into the air during the set. This exercise is very beneficial to your core.

In and Out Abs

For this exercise, start off seated upright on the edge of your couch with your legs bent in front of you. Now lean back a bit and lift your legs up off of the ground. Keep your arms byyour side holding the couch cushion for balance. Then pump your legs in and out, while keeping your legs together. Exhale when your knees come towards your chest and inhale when your legs go down. I recommend doing this exercise for either 30 second intervals or 20 reps. This exercise is beneficial to your abs, lower back, hip flexors and quads.

Couch Lunges

For this exercise, begin by bending down in front of your couch. Stretch your arms out onto the couch and then extend your left leg back, and then bring it forward. Focus all your weight onto the balls of your feet. Make sure your feet are about hip-width apart and your body is straight the entire time. Do this for about 30 seconds on each leg; one at a time. This exercise is beneficial to your butt, quads and thighs.

Alternate Leg Dips

For this exercise put your palms on the edge of the couch and extend your arms. Put your legs out to where your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Then you are going to dip your butt down low almost touching the floor, while raising one of your legs up in the air. Do this for about 30 seconds raising one leg after the other. This exercise is very beneficial to your quads, core, gluts and your triceps.


For this exercise start off sitting on the couch. Place your palms on the edge of the couch and then slowly raise up your feet. Get your legs to a 90-degree angle and then keep it there. Then simply kick your feet out as if you were riding a bicycle. I recommend starting off with 30 seconds a set and working your way up. If you want to increase the intensity then put your palms on the back of your head and touch your left elbow with your right knee when it comes towards you; and vice versa. This exercise is great for working out your abs.

Triceps Dips

To do this exercise sit on the couch and place your palms at the corner of the cushion, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your hips off of the couchand then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 10 to start off. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps.

Couch Mountain Climbers

To do this exercise, start with kneeling in front of the couch. Position your knees and feet, hip-width apart. Now, place your palms on top of the couch. After that extend both of your legs out behind you into a high plank position. Finally, bring your left knee up to your chest and as you are extending it back; bring your right knee up to your chest. I recommend doing this for intervals of 30 seconds. This exercise benefits nearly your entire body, but specifically targets your butt, hips, legs and thighs.

So, there you have it, 10 exercises that you can do on the comfort of your couch. Just be creative and you can exercise anywhere. I’d recommend finding something on tv with some action in it to keep you pumped up.

How to Create Your Own Workout

Being active

Being active offers so many health benefits such as preventing diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Unfortunately most of us are not as active  as we should be.  Therefore, we are at risk of developing these conditions later on in life. However,  there is also a growing number of children that have adult illnesses due to inactivity.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 50% of Americans are not physically active which is concerning because engaging in physical activity on a regular basis can drastically improve our health.

If you are ready to get healthy, the importance of exercise cannot be overstated. Exercise so important for your health that the American Heart Association recommends 30 mins of moderate intensity exercise five times a week.

Most people dread exercising, citing inconvenience and time as the reason for being inactive.  Some just hate it altogether. However, you might fall in one of the groups of inactive people for whatever reason, but you are now ready to get started. You do not have to step foot in a gym to get active nor does physical activity only mean exercise.

If you are going to engage in an exercise routine or a fitness program, you must be certain that you get the best results from your time, money, and effort as much as possible. Choosing the right fitness exercise program is the key to success. But this depends on your goals as well.

Before you get started with some random exercise, you must first consider if it incorporates all or most elements of fitness. A good program should contain routines that improve your cardio. There should also be a weight training routine, and other components should include mobility, stability, and flexibility training. Do not forget to look for and factor in warm and cool down.

The cardio part of your fitness exercise program should include a range of exercises that require considerable effort to get your heart up from baseline. Exercises such as walking, running, skipping, jogging, biking, swimming, skiing, dancing  and other sporting activities are all types of cardio to consider. Cardio improves your cardiac and resp function and also burns fat. To achieve some results, cardio should be done at least fives times a week for optimal fitness.

Weight training should be done twice a week. You should target your major muscle groups and take a rest day in between. The amount of muscle group your target in a day depends on your weekly workout schedule. If you plan to workout two days per week, then you will be covering half your body one-day ad the other half of your body on the next day. Stretching should be included in your workout, or you can allocate an entire workout session to stretching alone such as yoga. To get the most of your work out and avoid injury make sure your body is primed and warm before stretching. You can create your own workout routine by following proper workout technique and principles.  The muscles listed below should be the main focus of your strength training.

• Chest. Pectorals Major/minor.

• Legs & Calves. Quadriceps / Hamstrings / Gastrocnemius.

Shoulder. Deltoid.

• Back. Latissimus Dori / Trapezius.

Front of the arm. Biceps.

Back of arm. Triceps.

• Stomach. Abdominal

Besides how often your train your muscles, how you train them will also determine your results. If you want to gain strength and power your training protocol will be different than if you want to build muscle. The exercise movements will be the same, however, the repitiion of each exercise, the weight, set and rest between each will be different. Therefore when you are looking for exercises or workout make sure you are selecting one that is based on your goals. One exercise plan does not fit all workout goals.

Choose the exercises that you like to do this way you will stick to. After about 3 months of consistently working the same program you can then switch to a new program.

If you dread exercising that much, consider buying a treadmill or a stationary bicycle and positioning it right in front of your television set. If you are a reader, listening to music and books can be beneficial.

Choosing the right fitness exercise routine should be a process that should enable you to grow and love the whole idea of keeping fit. An exercise, or a combination of activities, can be considered good for weight loss, or keeping fit but it also depends on your body composition and your level of fitness.

A workout session that could be termed as a good fitness exercise routine for one person might just be pre-workout for another. If you are overweight then  any physical movement will burn calories, even climbing the stairs repeatedly will make burn extra calories. Just don’t eat the extra calories you burn. Many people notice an increase in their appetite when they start exercising. It is very easy to regain the extra calories you burn by eating a slice of pizza.

Where it begins to get tricky is when you have lost a certain amount of weight, and your fitness level has increased, simple physical movements as climbing the staircase will not suffice. Your body adapts, and you will have to exert additional effort by increasing the intensity of the exercises and intervals in which you do them.


If you cannot afford a trainer or dont like the workouts available then you can create your won. You can pick and choose from the various free ones on the web. Be creative when planning a fitness exercise routine and remember to make it more fun at the beginning so you can stick to it. . Understand your body and set challenging but reasonable goals.

Slide And Glide With Exercise Sliders

Everyone loves a nice slider; medium, maybe medium-rare depending on personal preference. However, there is another kind of slider used for exercise, which if used correctly can get your body looking right. These exercise sliders also known as gliding disc are often used for core exercises, and while it is beneficial for the core that isn’t all it is good for. There are plenty of exercises that can be used to strengthen not only your core but your upper and lower body as well. We will discuss these different options as well as where to get them and which one to purchase. If you use these tips correctly and consistently, you’ll be able to slide right into great shape in no time.

Where to get them?

You can get gliding disc at any normal retail store such as Walmart, Academy or Target(basically anywhere with a sports equipment section). However, I prefer to get mine from Amazon; as do I everything else. On Amazon there is quite a large selection to choose from depending on which brand you prefer and they are all more or less of the same quality. It is all left up to choice, but have no fear. No matter which brand you choose it is very inexpensive. They all range between about $9-13, but that summer body will be priceless.

Which kind should I get?

One thing I would keep in mind when purchasing sliders is the texture of the surface that you plan on using them on. For this reason I would suggest that you get the dual sided gliding disc, so that you can have a little range as to where you can perform your exercises. The smooth side would be used for carpet and rubber; while the foam side can be used for hardwood, laminate, or tiles. The foam side is also better concrete, because it gives extra grip while exercising. Now, I have seen some people use other household products to do some of the same exercises that you can do with the gliding disc. Some people use DVD cases and frisbees for the carpet; and dish towels, paper plates and swifter dusters for tile. These are all cost efficient ways to get the job done, but be careful when trying them.

Storage and Portability

The beauty of the gliding disc is that it literally takes up little to no space. So if you don’t want your home clustered with all kinds of workout gear they are perfect for you. They are also extremely portable. They vary from about 7 to 9 inches, which is ver easy to cary around. You can bring them outside, to the gym or even while traveling.

What kind of exercises can I do with them?

Right now you may be thinking that with the gliding disc being such a small item, it couldn’t possibly have very many exercises associated with it. However, that’s where you are wrong! The gliding disc can be used for a variety of workouts that range from upper body to lower body and of course with plenty of core in between.

Lower Body

1. Single Leg Bear

When using the sliders it is a good idea to have a workout may, or rug close by, in order to ease some of the pressure on your body parts when on the harder surfaces. In this exercise you will start in the plank position. Choose which leg you want to begin with and cross the other leg over it, while your feet are on one of the sliders. Keep your arms straight and go back and forth between extending and contracting your legs. This will work out your quads(Quadriceps femoris) expenentiolly. If you want to take it up a notch then raise the other leg up and continue to leave it risen while doing the set.

2. Plank Mountain Climbers

For this exercise you can get back in your upward plank position, this time with each of your feet on top of an individual slider. Make sure your mid section is not dipping and is nice and straight. Then pull one knee forward towards your chest. Extend that leg back and then bring the other knee forward. Keep doing this one by one, going as fast as you’d like. This exercise is not only great for working out your legs, but your obliques as well.

3. Squat Skate

In this exercise you will start standing with both feet on an individual slider. Then get in a low squat position. One leg at a time push your leg to the side while dipping low during the extension. Go back and forth and feel the burn. You can also step this exercise up a notch by going out to the side and then the back.

Mid Body (Core)

1. Bear Pose Circles

Let’s work our way up to the mid section also known as the core. For this exercise you will start in bear pose or tabletop position with one foot on each slider. Then lift your knees up off of the ground and hover them there. You will probably find this challenging as is. Then you move your legs around in small circles for as long as you can take it.

2. Bridge Lift Slide

In this exercise start on your back with your knees up and feet flat on top of the sliders. Lie your arms next to your body and then lift your hips up like a bridge. Lower and then extend your legs out; bring your legs back in and then lift your hips again. Keep repeating this and you’ll get a great core workout.

Upper Body

1. Chaturanga Push-Ups

This is where you may want a workout mat or a rug to take some of the pressure off of your knees. To begin this exercise you want to start with your knees and ankles down against the floor. Put your hands on the sliders and slightly raise your ankles. Then you lower down with your elbows on your side at about a 90 degree angle. Extend your left arm out and then back. Then your right arm out and then back. Raise back up until your arms are straight and this is one rep. Repeat these steps for as many reps as you’d like. This exercise is perfect for working out your triceps as well as your core.

2. Push-up into Seesaw

In this exercise you start with your feet on top of individual sliders, preferably with a mat in front of you. Push your legs back and then do a push-up. Then put your forearms down; rock back and pull forward  twice. Then come back and do another push-up and that makes one rep. Lather, rinse, repeat and you’ll get a great upper body workout going.

These are just a few of the exercises that you are capable of doing on the gliding disc. If you are interested in additional workouts that can be done with the gliding disc, check out youtube. It is filled with all kinds of different techniques with different difficulty levels. By the end of these workouts you will truly be able to put the ass in aesthetics. These sliders will get your mid body to a nice medium-well.


Are You Unstable? Use a Stability Ball Office Chair for Core Strength


man sitting on stabilit ballUnstable? Somebody Please Call 911 ​

Stability is defined as the quality, state or degree of being stable and able to endure a specific state for a undetermined period of time. This is no different when it comes to the realm of exercise and physical fitness. If you can stabilize your body via a strong core then you will be able to move around freely without risking falls or injuries.  As we age, due to inactivity, muscle atrophy and degeneration we are at risk for falls and injuries. Therefore engaging in more stability and mobility exercises will decrease our chances of mobility related injuries and improve our strength and coordination.

​A lot of people think of stability and balance as the same thing. Although, stability and balance go hand and hand, they are still a bit different. Stability is the ability to control your body position from your head to your toes. Balance is your ability to maintain your center of gravity. However, if you improve your stability your balance will likely improve along with it.

​The point of stability training is to develop postural stability throughout the body without compromising mobility at any point. Joint stability is the ability to maintain or control joint movement and position. So basically, stability is control and if you master control, you will exponentially enhance your movement pattern. Instead of weight you can add a stability ball to your workout to make it harder. Furthermore, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, when placed in the right position , a stability ball activates more abdominal  muscles than a traditional abdominal crunch (Sternlicht, Eric, et al 2007).

There are quite a few ways to improve your stability, but we will be focusing primarily on the stability ball and the stability ball chair.

What is a Stability Ball?

​A stability ball or exercise ball is a ball made of soft elastic that is filled with air. They vary in size from about 35 cm to 75 cm. You should choose from various sizes, depending on your height. You need to get a 45 cm ball if you are between 4 feet and 6 inches and 5 feet tall. Get a 55 cm ball if you are between 5 feet and 5 feet and 6 inches. Choose the 65 cm ball if you are between 5 feet and 6 inches and 6 feet and 2 inches. If you are 6 feet 3 inches and above select the 75 cm ball.

​Since the stability balls are filled with air, they can be easily deflated and inflated again upon need. They normally come with a pump to make this process even more simple. This way they won’t take up any unnecessary space in your home when they are not in use.  The stability ball is extremely sturdy; able to hold up to 2000 pounds.

What is a Stability Ball Chair?

​Depending on your desk size you can replace your office chair for a stability ball. If your desk is between 74 to 76 cm then get a 65 cm ball. Your stability ball should be about 4 inches taller than the chair that you are replacing. Keep in mind that the ball will deflate a bit after you sit on it. According to Harvard Health Publishing sitting on a normal office chair while working burns an average of 106 calories per hour if you weigh 135 pounds, and approximately 156 calories per hour if you weigh 185 pounds. If you were to use a stability ball instead, you would burn between 112 to 165 calories per hour. This is a great way to burn a few extra calories a day on top of your normal work out routines. However, there is a better way.

​The stability ball chair is basically a chair that holds a stability ball. There is a support bar behind you and a ball holder in front of you. This is to keep safe and secure while sitting. It even has gliding wheels at the bottom of it, so that you can be mobile. Just as you would be in your plain old office chair. They are about 2 feet and 6 inches tall and about 20 feet wide.

How to Exercise on the Stability Ball

​Many people believe that stability balls can only be used for balance training or yoga, but that simply is not the case. There are a wide range of exercises that can be done on the stability ball. You can even use them combined with other equipment, such as dumbbells or resistance bands. However, we will be introducing you to a few exercises that you can do anywhere; with only a stability ball.

​1. Stability Ball Push-Up

​To begin this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach over the top of your fully-inflated stability ball, with your feet on the floor hip width apart. Slowly walk yourself backwards until your stomach is directly over the ball. Your entire body, including your legs should be straight, with your arms extended on to the ball. Move your hands a bit to the side of the ball, but still on top. Slowly lower yourself towards the ball, but don’t quite touch it. Then push down on the ball in order to fully extend your arms back into the upward position. That is one rep. Do as many as you feel comfortable doing per set and gradually raise it. If you wish to intensify this exercise; try raising one leg up while doing the reps. This exercise enhances chest and shoulder strength.

​2. Kneeling/Prone ABC’s

​To do the Kneeling ABC’s, kneel behind the stability ball and then lean your body forward to a 45-degree angle. Rest the elbows on top of the ball. Now, keep the ab muscles tight and keep the elbows pushing up from the ball. Move the ball around with the elbows; drawing the letters of the alphabet. Your body should be in a straight line, aside from your knees.

​The Prone ABC’s is pretty much a more challenging version of the previous exercise. To do it you must kneel facing a stability ball and lean your chest forward at a 45-degree angle. Again, rest your elbows on the top of the stability ball. Keeping your abs squeezed tight and your body supported off of the ball, raise your knees off of the ground. Now with your body maintained in its straight position, move the ball around with your elbows; drawing the letters of the alphabet. Both of these exercises are great for building abs of steel.

​3. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

​Start off on your back, placing the backs of your lower legs on top of the stability ball. Put your feet about hip-width apart with your toes facing the ceiling. Place your extended arms to your side with your palms turned to the ground. Gently press your hips upward by squeezing your gluts. At the same time press the backs of your lower legs down onto the ball. Continue to push upwards until your legs and hips are straight; and torso and legs are aligned. Now raise up even higher to where your knees are pointed towards the ceiling. Your feet should be on top of the ball at this point. Now, slowly lower back down to your starting position and you have one rep. This exercise is great for developing your hip, leg and thigh muscles.

​These are just a few of the possibilities with the stability ball. These exercises should be a great start for mastering it. Now you too can be ballin!

Work Cited

Sternlicht, Eric, et al. “Electromyographic Comparison of a Stability Ball Crunch With a Traditional Crunch.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21.2 (2007): 506-509. 8 6 2019. <https://works.bepress.com/stuart_rugg/1>.


I’m Stepping out Hotter This Year: Step Workout Hacks to Get You in Shape Anywhere

staircase workoutMost people avoid the steps by any means. They will use the elevator, escalator or put a mini fridge in their bedroom. Stairs are everywhere, yet not many use them as a means to get and stay in shape. The only time most people work out on a staircase is when they are running late. For every casual step taken on a staircase you burn about 0.17 calories. This means depending on the number of steps in a flight of stairs you can burn several calories without even noticing it. If you can burn calories by merely walking up a flight of stairs, imagine the possibilities of what else can be done with them. We will be introducing you to a few of these possibilities to get you started. These are great for vacations, or any time that you do not have access to any equipment or a gym. They are best done in combination with each other for a well-rounded workout. So, get to a flight of stairs! If you don’t have one inside of your home, then find a nearby outdoor staircase. If you live in apartments, then head to the stair well.

Jogging Up and Down

We will start off with the simplest of the exercises. Jogging up and down is exactly as it sounds. You will be jogging up and down the flight of stairs. Depending on your stamina level you can start out walking instead of jogging. This is pretty much a basic cardio exercise, and I would use it as a nice warm up. Start off with 30 seconds and increase over time.

Stair Box Jumps

To begin this exercise stand facing the staircase, with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms by your side and without arching your lower back jump onto the first step. You want to land on your mid foot and keep your core muscles engaged. Now, maintain your balance and hop backwards, with your feet still aligned with your hips. Once you hit the ground, don’t hesitate and jump back onto the stair. If you want to step it up a notch jump onto the second step instead of the first. You can either do this exercise in sets or time yourself for 30 seconds or more. This exercise is beneficial to your butt, hips, legs, calves, shins and thighs.

Reverse Lunges

For this exercise, begin on the bottom step. Make sure your feet are about hip-width apart and then step back with your left leg. When the foot hits the ground, lean forward into your right hip in order to get your left knee to the floor. Your body should be straight up the entire time. Then you want to raise back up and bring your left leg back up to the step. Once back in your original position, do the same thing with your right leg. Now you have achieved one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets, so monitor how many you are capable of doing. You can add weights of some sort to intensify this workout. This exercise is beneficial to your butt, hips, legs and thighs.

Toe Taps

For this exercise in front of the stairs. Now place one foot on top of the bottom step, with your toe pointing downward. Now, switch feet quickly tapping one foot after the other on top of the step. Try pulling your arms behind you as you switch foots to intensify your workout. This exercise is best done with a timer. I recommend intervals of 30 seconds starting off and working your way up. This is a full body work out and magnificent cardio.

In and Out Abs

For this exercise, start off seated upright on the bottom step with your legs bent in front of you. Now lean back a bit and lift your legs up off of the ground. Keep your arms behind you while holding second step for balance. Then pump your legs in and out, while keeping your legs together. Each time you push out get your feet as close as possible to the ground without touching it. Exhale when your knees come towards your chest and inhale when your legs go down. I recommend doing this exercise for either 30 second intervals or 20 reps. This exercise is beneficial to your abs, lower back, hip flexors and quads.

Triceps Dips

To do this exercise sit on the bottom step and place your palms at the corner of the step, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your hips off of the step and then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 20. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps.


To do this exercise, use the first step to place your arms on top of and enter an inclined plank position. Extend your legs out behind you or kneel if you are a beginner. Then simply do a push-up. This exercise is best done in reps. There is also another kind of push-up that you can do with the stairs. For this one, place your feet on the bottom step and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. This is version is much more difficult than the previous kind. If you still want to step it up, place your feet on the second step. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.

Mountain Climbers

To do this exercise, start with kneeling in front of the staircase. Position your knees and feet, hip-width apart. Now, place your palms on the bottom step. After that extend both of your legs out behind you into a high plank position. Finally, bring your left knee up to your chest and as you are extending it back; bring your right knee up to your chest. I recommend doing this for intervals of 30 seconds. This exercise benefits nearly your entire body, but specifically targets your butt, hips, legs and thighs.

Exercise can be done anywhere. You have to think outside the box and become creative. Look for opportunities to get a few sets and reps in. You will be amazed of all the possibilities.  Using the step or staircase is one of many ways to get the job done. These methods will be very useful on your journey to physical fitness and good health. Just keep on moving one step at a time.