Exercise On The Bed While You Watch TV

A lot of us struggle with  getting out of bed in the morning. This is especially true when our first activity of the day is to exercise. So, if you refuse to get out of bed but you need to workout. Don’t  worry this routine is perfect for you. You can workout in your pajamas. Do you have morning breath? Not a problem. You won’t be talking anyone any so who cares.

This routine can be a problem if someone else is in the bed with you. But  I am sure you can find away to make it happen. The best part is you can do the workout anytime. Mornings are best because it gives you an energy boost. If you like to watch you favorite shows while in bed, this will also be a good time to bust a move while you watch TV.

First, we will go over some ab exercises and stretches that will definitely wake you up. Then, we will go on to a bit more challenging exercises that all can be done in the comfort of your own room, using only your bed. You don’t need a king-sized bed either; these can be done on even a twin mattress. It may take only a few of these exercises to motivate you to get up and go to the gym, or you may decide to do the entire routine. Either way, no excuses. Let’s get your morning started right.

Full Body Crunch

​First you want to lie flat on your back on the bed and extend your arms all the way back. Then you want to crunch up. As you do bring your legs up to a right angle and hug them with your arms. After that, extend back out, and you have one rep. I would recommend doing this exercise in either sets of 10 or for 45 seconds. Whichever you feel more comfortable with starting off. This workout will do wonders for your abs.

Criss Cross

​For this exercise, continue to lie flat on your back. However, this time keep your arms rested at your side. This will help you keep your balance. Now, raise your legs up straight to about a 45 degree angle off of the bed. Finally, you want to crisscross your legs. Move your right leg over your left and then left over right. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 30 seconds per set. This is also a great exercise for improving your core.


For this exercise start off by sitting at the edge of your bed.Place your palms on the edge of the mattress and then slowly raise up your feet. Get your legs to a 90-degree angle and then keep it there. Then simply kick your feet out as if you were riding a bicycle. I recommend starting off with 30 seconds a set and working your way up. If you want to increase the intensity of this workout, then put your palms on the back of your head and touch your left elbow with your right knee when it comes towards you; and vice versa. This exercise is great for working out your abs, legs and thighs.

Wide Leg Cross Sit-Ups

​For this exercise, start off with your legs stretched out to each side and your arms extended straight back. Now, crunch up and reach out to touch your left toes. After that, go back down to your starting position and then crunch back up to touch your right toes. Do this for about 45 seconds. This exercise will benefit not only your abs, but your hamstrings as well.

Leg Raises

​To do this exercise, lie on the bed with your legs stretched straight out. To make it a bit easier, you can position yourself to where you can grab the corner of your mattress behind you with your arms. Then you want to simply raise your legs up and down. However, when you come down, do not touch the bed with your legs. If you want to make this more challenging, then have somebody push your legs down as they come up. This will make it much more difficult for you not to touch the bed. You can do this exercise with repetitions or timed, but beware that this is a difficult one.

Leg Extensions

For this exercise, start off seated upright on the edge of your bed with your legs bent in front of you. Now lean back a bit and lift your legs up off of the ground. Keep your arms by your side holding the mattress for balance. Then pump your legs in and out, while keeping your legs together. Exhale when your knees come towards your chest and inhale when your legs go down. I recommend doing this exercise for either 30 second intervals or 20 reps. This exercise is beneficial to your abs, lower back, hip flexors and quads.

Wide U

​Start this exercise by sitting in and upright position, with your legs extended out. Then you want to lift your legs off of the bed and hold them there. Now, crunch your abs in order to lift your legs into the air on one side. Then come back down and swing them to the other side as This is another exercise that is fairly difficult, but equally beneficial. This workout is great for exercising your abs and obliques.

Hand & Toes Touch

​For this exercise, lie flat on your back with your legs extended out and your arms extended out behind you. Then crunch your abs as you lift your left leg straight up into the air. As you lift your left leg, raise your right arm up to where your fingers touch your toes. Then come back to the original position and do the same with your right leg and left arm. Alternate between legs for 45 seconds to get the best results.

Leg Lifts

​To do this exercise, start off flat on your back with your arms at your side. If you want to make it more challenging, put your hands under your butt, so that you cannot depend on them for support. Now, lift your legs slightly off of the bed. After that, lift on leg straight up, followed by the opposite leg. Then when they are both in the up position, lower one leg down to the beginning position and then follow it with the other leg. Be sure not to touch the bed when lowering your legs. Then raise up again, one leg at a time. I recommend doing this exercise for about 30 seconds per set to start off. This is another excellent ab workout.

Scissor Kicks

To do this exercise start by sitting on the edge of your bed. Then place your palms on the corner of your mattress to help you balance. Then lift your legs up and lean back, but don’t let your back touch the bed. Now just flutter kick in the air up and down, but not too wide. Do this for about 30 seconds and you’re off to a good start. If you want to make it more challenging, then lift your arms straight into the air during the set. This exercise is very beneficial to your core.


​To do this exercise, begin on you back with your arms at your side. Then raise your legs up with your knees pointing towards you. Now, simply kick your legs up one at a time with as much force as you can. The harder you kick, the better the results. Alternate between legs for about 45 seconds. This exercise is primarily beneficial for your thighs.

Fire Hydrants

​For this exercise, you will need to begin by getting on all fours on top of your bed. Then, you want to start with one leg and raise it to your side, while maintaining the right angle. You want to continue until your leg is parallel to the bed. Continue going up and down with that leg for 30 seconds and then switch over to the opposite side. This technique is beneficial to your gluts and thighs.

Donkey Kicks

​To do this exercise you will need to stay in your position on all four. Then you want to kick back as far as possible towards the ceiling with your left leg. As you come back down to the bed, do not touch it with your leg or knee. Then you want to kick back out with the same leg. Do this for 30 seconds of each side. This technique is beneficial to your legs and gluts.

Ballet Kicks

​To do this workout begin on your right side with both of your legs extended out. Use your right arm for balance and place against the bed. Now, raise your left leg up and down, while keeping it perfectly straight. Each time you come down you should touch your right leg slightly, but don’t rest it there. Do this exercise for 20 seconds and then flip over and do it on the opposite side. This is exercise is primarily beneficial to your thighs.

Glute Bridges

​To do this exercise, start off with your back flat on the bed and your knees pointed towards the ceiling. Your legs should be hip width apart and feet facing forward. Now lift your butt up off of the bed until your body is straightly aligned. Your arms should be flat to the side of your body. Hold this position for 30 seconds. This workout is great for your thighs and butt primarily, but is also beneficial to the rest of your legs as well as your abs.

Frog Pumps

Start off on your back, with your knees facing the ceiling, just like the previous exercise. Put your feet about hip-width apart and place your extended arms to your side with your palms turned to the bed. Gently press your hips upward by squeezing your gluts. Continue to push upwards until your legs and hips are straight; and torso and legs are aligned. Now, slowly lower back down to your starting position and you have one rep. I would recommend doing these in sets of 15 to start out. This exercise is great for developing your hip, leg and thigh muscles.

Split Pulses

​To do this exercise, stay on your back and raise your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Your arms should be flat against the bed, with your hands under your butt. Now split your legs out to the side at the same time as far as you can go, and then back to the middle. Don’t worry if at first you cannot kick them out very far, it depends solely on your level of flexibility. The quicker you move them out the better the results. Do this for 30 seconds. This exercise is great for your thigh muscles.

Bed Squats

​For this exercise, you actually need to get out of the bed, but don’t worry you will not be going far. To start, you will stand with your bed behind you and your legs about hip-width apart. Now, simply sit down and get back up. Make sure that you are squeezing your gluts and your core in order to get the best results. I would recommend doing this exercise for about 1 minute a set. These are almost like beginner squats, but if you want to make them a little more challenging; try sitting down and standing up on one leg at a time. This exercise benefit your abs, butt, legs, hips, calves, shins and thighs.

Leg Circles

​To begin this exercise, you will need to get back onto your right side. However, this time your right leg will be bent back at a right angle. Use your right arm as support and then raise your left leg straight up. Then you want to move your left leg around in mini circles, making sure not to touch the bed. Do this for 30 seconds and then turn over and switch sides. This exercise benefits your thigh muscles.

Single Leg Hip Raises

​To begin, lie on your back with your knees pointed towards the ceiling. Then raise one of your legs up into a 90-degree angle. Then you want to push with your foot that is on the bed, while raising your butt up and down. Do this for 30 seconds on each side. This workout is great for your butt and thighs.

Bed Planks

To do this exercise technique, lie flat on your stomach on top of the bed. Now, extend your arms by pushing down on the bed. After that, get on your toes and make sure your entire body is straight. Hold this position for about 30 seconds. This exercise will benefit your abs, back and arms.

Push Ups

To do this exercise, place your palms on top of the bed and enter the bed plank position. Extend your legs out behind you or kneel if you are a beginner. Then simply do a push-up. This exercise is best done in reps. There is also another kind of push-up that you can do with the bed. For this one, place your feet on top of the mattress and get into a plank position with your hands on the ground. This is version is much more difficult than the previous kind. If you still want to step it up a bit, raise one of your legs in the air while doing the reps. This exercise will benefit your arms, chest and shoulders.

Triceps Dips

To do this exercise sit on the edge of the bed and place your palms at the corner of the mattress, with your fingers pointing down. Start off with bent knees if you are just beginning and then advance to keeping your legs straight out. Lift your butt off of the bed and then dip your body towards the ground, but don’t quite touch it. You want your elbows to be at about a 90-degree angle. After that extend your arms back to their normal position and then you have one rep. I recommend doing this exercise in sets of about 10 to start off. This exercise is primarily beneficial to your triceps.

​So, there you have it; a variety of exercises that can done on the bed. Of course, most of these exercises can be done pretty much any surface that you prefer. It will prove a bit more challenging on the bed, due to its soft surface. Nonetheless, I am glad that you didn’t lie in the bed lazily and do nothing. Now go hop in the shower and then hop back in bed.

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