8 Reasons Why Working Out Is Important


8 Reasons Why Working Out Is Important

For some exercising is a lifestyle, something they do to stay fit but also as fun. For others, they do it to lose weight, tone their body or improve their health. No matter the reasons for working out, the exercises should be based on your goals. It is for this reason that there is no instant way to build muscles, tone the body, or lose weight through exercises.  Obtaining health via exercise is not a “one size fit all” plan . As such, while high-intensity workouts may be well-placed, they do not always correlate with getting the best or desired results. Furthermore, they are not appropriate for everyone and are sometimes not sustainable.

But then again, the health benefits and advantages of working out have been trumpeted for years. To exercise, you have to put in the time and effort; to push your body to stay active. But you do not just start anyhow. You should have a specific goal, plan, and schedule.  This will determine which type of exercises you will do, when, and at what intensity.

There are so many different workout you can choose from and they all have different benefits.

Irrespective of all of that, do it right, and you will realize the health benefits of working out that include:

1. Exercising keeps you fit and healthy. Workout out regularly and you will hardly find yourself walking through hospital corridors unless you work there or you are visiting someone.  You significantly reduce the risk of developing health issues if you exercise and eat healthly.

2. Being overweight can be detrimental to your health. Working out will help avoid being obese while also lower the risk of associated health problems. Many of the diseases are linked to inactivity.

3. Working out gives you energy and helps to sleep better. However, the energy that you get from working can cause insomnia if you do it too close to bedtime. Therefore, do no workout too close to bedtime.

4. Working out can be fun. Exercising does not have to be a pain; it can be an exciting, enjoyable and fun activity .  You do not have to engage in a boring aerobics class or strenuous weight training. There are plenty of fun workout tools such as battle ropes that can make your workout more interesting.  You may also like Zumba or walking.

5. It is possible to learn a new skill when you engage in different exercises. For instance, you can enroll in a martial arts class such as tai chi or you may want to learn how to swim, ride a bike or dance. You do not have to stick to traditional exercises such as running, jogging, or lifting weights.

6. You can connect with like minded people . Experts advise people to consider finding a workout partner. How about  inviting a friend to workout with you. You can find plenty of workout videos on line.  If you are a member of a fitness club or enroll in an aerobics class at your community center, you have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. You may be surprised to find people with whom you share common interests aside from your love for exercising. Moreover, working out with other people helps you to stay motivated.

7. Your efforts to stay fit and healthy will be a good example to your kids and others around you. Rather than being a couch potato or spending time in front of the TV playing video games, go to the park to play football, take the kids to swim, go hiking, or engage in any other outdoor activity? A family that plays together stay together.

8. Starting a workout routine can be your first step toward self improvement. Perhaps you would never have thought that you would run and complete a 20k race, have a ripped body, or even be flexible enough to do yoga poses.  You will not know what is possible to achieve until you try.

In a nutshell, working out is important because it will help improve your health and make you fee better about yourself especially when you set goals and meet them.

Should the Elderly Exercise?

Modern portrayals of senior citizens show smiling, grey-haired couples playing with their grandchildren, enjoying a leisurely stroll, planting a flower garden, and otherwise enjoying an active lifestyle. But the stark reality is that many seniors aren’t physically able to do these things. There is no soccer in the backyard, enjoying a bike ride, or getting down on hands and knees to play in the dirt. As our bodies age, we lose the strength and energy to participate in the activities and hobbies from our youth. In order to become the silver-haired vision of health, we must be pro-active in our health habits, particularly in the areas of nutrition and exercise. Furthermore, when it comes to muscle and strength, you will loose it if we don’t use it.

Exercise for seniors is a relatively new concept. Where adults once worked in manual labor through most of their lives, today’s adults are retiring earlier and finding less active ways to spend their time. We no longer have to physically work to live, forage for food, and chop wood for heat. Since life expectancies have increased and senior lifestyles have become more sedentary, exercising throughout adulthood and into the senior years is vital to maintaining a healthy mind and body functions.

Exercise is commonly credited to a reduction in heart disease since it lowers overall cholesterol levels, increases the efficiency of your heart, and lowers blood pressure. Exercise actually helps your body in hundreds of ways beyond your heart and lungs. There are three important functions that are positively affected by exercise as you age:

Brain Function

Seniors are living longer, but how many are able to enjoy it? Diseases and disorders such as dementia and Alzheimers attack the minds of seniors at increasingly alarming rates. “Use it or lose it” is the new mantra of brain function. Besides reducing the risk of stroke, senior and even elderly exercise is also shown to reduce the natural decline in memory function and cognitive abilities that occur with aging.

Musculoskeletal Function

Exercise increases our ability to move, stretch, and carry our own body weight, (which has been known to increase in the older years, but bonus, exercise can help with that, too). It helps us get up after we’ve sat down, maintain the balance and posture to safely get in and out of bed or use stairs, and find food in the back of the fridge without straining our backs. This leads to increased mobility and decreases the opportunity for injury – two things every independent senior can appreciate.

Systemic Function

You might remember the days when your thighs benefited from those long walks on the beach, but how about your heart? The lungs, digestive tract, and skin also function more effectively with regular exercise. Senior exercise can greatly increase the efficiency of your ability to get oxygen to your organs and expel waste products. This prevents many of the painful and annoying conditions associated with aging, such as edema, bowel obstruction, and incontinence.

Exercise releases hormones into your blood stream that boost your mood and help you sleep better. It decreases your risk of developing cancers of all types, as well as kidney and gall stones. Exercise for women over 50 can also reduce the effects of menopause, including stifling the dreaded hot flashes. With all the benefits attributed to this simple activity, the call to action is obvious. But as an aging adult, how can you be sure to find the exercise routine that is right for you?

Videos and Guides

Exercise videos designed just for seniors will help you slowly build stamina, strength, and flexibility through controlled aerobics and stretching exercises. Most routines offer a variety of substitutions that can be used for seniors with a particularly weak neck, back, or knees.

Special Equipment

New developments in user-friendly senior exercise equipment have made weight training possible for older adults. Extra padding and new designs for popular multi-function weight room machines allow adults with weak joints and muscles to confidently rebuild their strength.

Chair Exercises

Even if you’re not able to stand for long periods of time, chair exercise videos and routines are available to help you redevelop your upper body and leg strength. They can be done in ten to thirty-minute increments, several times per day, to maintain an elevated metabolism, and are especially useful for seniors who are just getting started with an exercise program or are recovering from an injury or illness.

As the Baby Boomers are reaching their fifties and sixties, with their parents headed towards their eighties and nineties, we see an increase in the medical services needed to serve this aging population. While modern medicine can help us live longer, the trend is to squelch symptoms with pills. Heartburn, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, organ diseases and deficiencies, sleeplessness, anxiety and depression, and headaches have become generally accepted conditions of old age. But the truth is most of these illnesses could have been prevented through simple exercise and proper nutrition, and many of them can still be minimized and reversed.

Is it ever too late to start exercising? With both short and long-term benefits on your side, the answer is a resounding “no.” However, the earlier, the better. Staying healthy into your older years so you can enjoy your retirement, grandchildren, and hobbies are contingent on taking action now. By starting a fun and consistent senior exercise routine early, you can be sure to enjoy the benefits of better health well into the future.

What Is A Battle Rope?


The battle ropes name conjures up a utility rope used as a tool in military missions in rough terrains or guys jumping from helicopters to buildings. But now due to their ability to build endurance, muscle and strength they have become staples.  in most gyms. If you have the space at home, they can also be used n your backyard or living room. You don’t need to go to the gym to use one of these.

Battle ropes are thick and heavy ropes used mostly to work the upper body and core by acting as dynamic weights that are anchored to a fixed point. However, since you can squat. lunge and go throught numerous exercises with the aide of your legs, they can also help tone and stregthen your lower body.

Battle ropes are also known as power ropes, battling ropes, training ropes, conditioning ropes, muscle ropes, thick ropes, undulation ropes, combat ropes, and exercise ropes. A battle rope is not a weighted skipping or jump rope.

The battle ropes can be challenging but fun. You will be activating a few muscles at the same time while using the ropes. The workouts can be used for strength training, cardio or functional training.  Although most of the images depicted are with fit people, anyone can use a battle rope. It is not impossible to learn how to use them effectively.

Battle Rope Benefits

  1. Battle ropes offer a full body workout that probably won’t find with any other tool. While the initial intention for the lines was working out the upper body, by integrating the ropes in other exercises they help build your strength and endurance for the arms, the back, shoulders, abs, legs, and the entire core.
  2. You can get an effective cardio session by intensifying the movements. The fluid motion of the exercises won’t strain your joints. This effect allows you to push harder.
  3. The movements also help with stability coordination.
  4. There are so many battle rope exercises that you can transition in and out of with ease. Try them all until you find a few that you like.

Battle Ropes Buying Guide

When thinking about purchasing battle ropes, the things to focus on are material, thickness, and length. The determinants of which rope you get to buy include the size of the room and whether you will use them outside or inside. You should also consider the purpose of your workout since a cardio oriented, HIIT training will require a different diameter compared to a workout seeking to build muscle.


Just like anything else, you get what you pay for. Plus nothing last for ever. But if you are going to be beating the crap out of the rope few times a weak then you need something strong.  In terms of material, there is manila the natural material used mostly in battle ropes. It is best used outdoors since frequent use leads fraying . They are also heavy and can soak up water if left outside. Synthetic material is great for both outdoor and indoor use, and there are many options from Nylon to Polypropylene and Dacron.


Battle ropes are differentiated by their grip diameter and length as follows. 1.5/2.0/2.5 inches. There are two main size categories; 1.5 and 2.0 diameters. The 1.5″ ropes are great for a solid grip, and they are light enough making them great for cardio and HIIT workouts. If you have small hands its best you purchase a smaller diameter rope. However, if you are strong and well seasoned weight lifter then you can go for the bigger grip.


The length of the rope is primarily determined by the size of the room and also your strength The most popular size is the 50 feet rope then the 40 feet rope and the 30 feet. There are ropes as longs a 60 feet.  The longer the rope the heavier the rope but you will also need more room to play with the rope.

Ideally, most individuals are well served by the 1.5 and 50-feet diameter rope which explains why it is the size combination that is most sold.

Are they Worth The Money? You decide.

  1. Their size and material may intimidate you, but they are actually among the most affordable gym equipment. Investing in them provides a range of uses from the workouts to adding the intensity of bodyweight workouts like squats and push ups.
  2. They can be used anywhere and anytime. All you need is the rope, an anchor point. This make them very convenient. No set up necessary.
  3. The ropes can be used to do a range of exercises working out the whole body. You can also use them for climbing and pulling.
  4. The thickness and length of the rope are what determines how difficult it will be to use them. You can play around this by tying a knot in the middle of the rope and keep increasing it as your ability develops.
  5. The ropes are also portable. You only need to roll them up like a hose, and you can carry them to where you wish from the garden to the park. beach, backyard, garage or living room.

Using the rope effectively involves torso and core stabilization. Grip both ends with each hand like you are giving a strong hand shake and swing them through a range of motions. Here is how to stabilize your core, spine and legs.

How to Use Ropes

Assume this position to workout your legs for a full body workout.

  1.  Hold the ropes at the end like you are giving a strong hand shake
  2.  Squat down ¼ way with heal into the floor. Feet should be shouldered width apart
  3.  Make sure you stabilize your spine, core, and legs
  4.  Make sure you breath
  5.  Move only shoulders and arms

In the above position, you can do these variations. Remain in a squat position

  1.  Rope Slams (Both Arms) –  Raise rope over your head with both hands and lower rope as hard as you can. Repeat
  2.  Rope Slams ( Single Arm) – Raise right arm then slam rope to the floor. Repeat with left arm. Repeat
  3.  Double Arm Waves –Raise both arms at the same time and make up and down medium waves on the floor. Repeat
  4.  Side to Side Slide the rope on the ground from side to side. In a snake-like fashion. Repeat

Impress your doctor at your visit next by telling him that you have started battle rope training. He will probably be clueless but once you tell him what it entails he  will be please. .

You can use battle ropes as a part of your 30 min physical activity required for the day. First practice the position and movement patterns. Then start at 10 seconds and rest for a min between each one. Do as much cycle as you can for 30 mins. You can also do other activities in between. If your are intimidated by barbells and dumbbells then battle ropes can be you weights of choice and will also help with your cardiovascular endurance

Here is a plan for you if you are new to working out and want to try out the battle rope. Start at 10 seconds and increase as you get better. Its best not to start too hard or you will get burned out quickly Once this becomes easy you can do the exercise longer and decrease the amount of time you walk in place. Increase exercise by 10 seconds and decrease walks by 10 seconds.

Beginners Battle Rope Workout Plan

Exercise Time
Rope Slams- Both Hands 10 sec
Walk in Place 60 sec
Rope Slams- One Hand 10 sec
Walk in Place 60 sec
Double Arm Waves 10 sec
Walk in Place 60 sec
Side to Side 10 sec
Rest 2mins



Does Lifting Weights Cause Weight Gain And Bulkiness in Women?

Why Women Should Not Fear Heavy Weights

Women, are you afraid of lifting heavy weights because you think it will make you gain weight or become bulky? If so, do you head for the lighter weights or avoid weights altogether? Contrary to popular belief, women do not gain weight or bulk up by lifting heavy weights. Heavy weights ensure muscle tone and strength. Lifting light weights with many repetitions does not strengthen or tone muscles effectively.

Testosterone is the culprit for large increases in muscle mass. Therefore, men have a tendency for large increases in muscle mass due to their high levels. Most women, on the other hand, have only a fraction of the testosterone that men have.

For women, lifting heavy weights is the only way to become toned and shapely. The formula for achieving these goals is to maximize the amount of calories burned. Not only does your body burn more calories lifting the heavier weights, the body continues to burn calories even after the workout, prompting the process of repairing muscle fibers that were damaged during the weight lifting itself. This is known as building lean muscle. Building muscles, while burning off the excess fat, increases metabolism, which in turn, burns more calories throughout the day.

A pound of muscle, does in fact, weigh the same as a pound of fat, but muscle takes up a lot less room. If the scale inches up slightly, it is coming from water gain because more water is retained by active muscle tissue. Your muscles begin to store more carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. Glycogen has a tendency to hold on to water. After a while, your muscles adjust and don’t retain as much of the glycogen. At that point, the weight begins to come back down.

The only thing women are going to gain by lifting heavy weights is a leaner more defined body. So if you think all of a sudden you have bigger thighs, it is not from lifting heavy weights, but either from a temporary water retention or from consuming more calories than the amount being burned. Being obese and out of shape will make you look and feel years beyond your age, while building lean muscle and being fit will improve your health and appearance by building strength, reducing the potential for injury, increasing metabolism, and elevating the good cholesterol levels.

If your goal to is to have shapely toned muscle then you should lift heavy weights. On the other hand, if you only want to loose weight then you don’t even have to exercise.  What you eat will determine how much weight you gain or loose. If you want to be healthy, then do both.  There are other health benefits of exercise that you will miss if you only diet. Furthermore, the American Heart Association recommends 30 mins of cardio daily  and resistance training 2 times per week.

How to Become More Active

How many times have you told yourself that you will get more exercise from now on? Your doctor recommends that you should. He knows that you are a couch potato because it shows on the scale. You are gaining weight. You know it too. Perhaps you have joined a gym or downloaded that workout app, full of good intentions, only to find that after a few visits your motivation begins to fade and you find yourself back on the sofa, consoling yourself with chocolate. Or perhaps you have spent a lot of money on equipment for exercising at home and are now feeling guilty every time you look at it. For people who are not used to regular exercise, starting and then maintaining an exercise program can seem a daunting prospect, and some people even can hurt themselves because they went to hard to fast. Which causes them to stop all together.  However, with the right approach, starting to live a healthier, more energetic life can be very enjoyable and also pain-free! Want to know how to become more active and reach the recommended goal of a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day, its not as hard as you think. You don’t need a gym membership.

The Benefits of Exercise

If you stay inactive you are  missing out on the health benefits of exercise and physical activity. There  is no doubt that regular exercise provides physical benefits. Muscles, including the heart, are strengthened and blood circulation is improved. In addition, many scientists now agree that exercise also promotes mental health and well-being. Endorphins, which are released into the bloodstream during exercise, are believed to reduce pain and stress, and may also stimulate the immune system and delay the aging process.

Set Small Goals

The best way to get fitter is to set small, achievable targets. It may be something as simple as walking up stairs instead of taking the elevator to get to your office each day, or perhaps getting off the subway one station earlier and walking the rest of the route. This way, you are less likely to give up and feel like a failure. As you begin to take more exercise you will probably find that you want to increase your levels. If membership of a health club appeals to you, regular routines can be established and gradually built up, often with the help of a trainer, but this can be expensive and there are many cheaper or even free alternatives.

Step, Walk, Run

Both walking and running cost nothing except shoe leather and they can be either solitary or sociable pastimes. Depending on where you live there may be clubs or societies to join if you are looking for company, or you can simply set off alone or with a friend. Most busy cities have parks and open spaces where you can enjoy traffic-free surroundings, and if you can get out into the countryside a walk amongst trees and flowers can be a delightful way to spend an afternoon or even a whole day.

Ride a Bike

Cycling can seem a little daunting or even dangerous on the busy roads of today, but there are ways to avoid the perils of traffic. Many towns and cities have cycle routes, but if yours does not, a folding bicycle is an option worth considering. There are several models that fit easily into a car and can be assembled and folded in a matter of seconds. If necessary you can drive to a park or open space and then use your bicycle once you get there. Some of these bicycles are quite expensive, but there are a number of internet sites where a used bicycle can be bought at a reasonable price. In this case it would be worth taking the bicycle to a cycle store for a safety check and buying a cycle helmet at the same time.

Swim a Lap or Two

Swimming is one of the best all-round ways of exercising, and the fact that water supports your body makes it a good choice for people who weigh more or whose lack of mobility would make running or cycling difficult. If you have not been swimming for a long time it is better to start with short periods in the water and then gradually build up your strength. If swimming lessons are available and you can afford them, they can be very helpful in improving your technique. Good breathing is one of the secrets of successful swimming.

Dance Like No one Is Watching

Dancing is a great form of exercise and is also a lot of fun and a way of making new friends. There are so many different types of dancing, from square to ballroom and from jazz to tap, that there is sure to be one that appeals to everybody. An hour or two of energetic dancing works off a large number of calories, but even the more sedate types of dance are beneficial.

Have More Sex

Having sex counts as physical activity. Although having sex won’t replace any of the above activities it can be a supplemental form of activity. It really take vigorous and consistent sexual activity to replace running, biking, etc. If you are able to engage in that type of sex for 30 mins a day 5 days a week, well go for it. You do not need to anything else.

On Your Mark, Get Set,  Go !

The best thing to do is to choose one type of exercise to begin with and just give it a go. Keep the time short to begin with. 10mins at a time counts toward your goals. Aim to do your chosen exercise regularly, perhaps twice a week, and really try to stick to it.. Then add a day each week until you get to 5 days a week . Then you can start to go for longer time. Once you let your routine slip it becomes harder to start again, but if you stick to it you will gradually find yourself wanting to do more and really begin to feel the benefits.

Why 10,000 Steps A Day? How To Reach The Goal.

Senior woman looking smart watch with female coach by sea pier

Depending on where you live and the kind of job you have you are not taking enough steps. For instance, if you live in New York City you probably take public transportation and you have to walk to the train station or bus stop. On the other hand, if you live in Long Island you probably do more driving than walking. People living in the same state can have a big difference in how much walking or stepping the do on a day to day basis. But you don’t have to move to start stepping.

Outside of metro areas like New York the average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day or just under 2 miles. You decided to find out just how many steps you log a day, and unfortunately, your fitness activity tracker caused you a great deal of shame when you realized just how far you are from reaching your goal of 10,000 steps a day. So, what do you do? Why a 10,000 steps a day you wonder? How did they decide on this number?

10,000 steps is equivalent to approximately 30-60 mins of physical activity per day. The American Heart Association recommends this duration of time to meet the physical activity requirements. Therefore, if you cannot walk for 60mins at one time, then the steps you take throughout the day can make up for that time. Every step counts.

If you are a secretary, police officer, lawyer or teacher according to research done by University of Wisconsin and published by the American Council on Exercise  you take the least about of steps daily. The same studies found that mail carriers and custodians took the most steps. But you don’t have to change careers to start stepping .  Instead of getting overwhelmed with how to get the additional 6,000 or 7,000 steps you need, start thinking about how you can add the extra step. In other words, don’t add in all the steps at once, gradually add 1,000 steps a day each week until you work up to the 10,000. This approach will be much easier to do, especially if you have any limiting physical ability , health issues or too busy.

Habit Forming Routine

As you add steps each week, you are forming new habits, and the longer you continue in that habit, the more chance you have of sticking with it. Remember, it is not just about a number. What truly matters is that you are walking towards a lifestyle change for the better. Each step helps lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even depression. What better reasons can you have for starting your new fitness routine that will get you to your goal of 10,000 steps a day.

Here are 10 practical ways to bolster your steps each day to reach your daily and weekly goal. Strive to add one or two of these to your daily routine. Then add more the following week. Keep going until you achieve your coveted goal. Then, be determined to stick with your new healthy habits and routine.

• Park farther away from building entrances, as long as it is safe to do so. If you use public transit, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.

• Take the stairs – up and down, because even descending stairs will count as steps.

• Schedule 30 minutes a day to walk with your mate, your children, a coworker, or a friend. When you set an appointment and know the other person is expecting you to go, it is much harder to cancel.

• Don’t forget Fido! Walking the dog is good for both of you. Strive for at least fifteen minutes or more of serious walking, not just stopping to sniff everything.

• When shopping, make an extra lap around the store. Not only will you log extra steps, but you might spy that item you couldn’t find earlier.

• Chores count towards steps. Mowing the lawn, vacuuming, washing the car, even carrying laundry up and down stairs – it all adds up.

• Play your favorite 5 dance songs when you get home from work. Dance around the kitchen as you put things out for dinner. Get the kids involved in the dance party.

• When flying, use the time in the airport to get in bonus steps. Walk as much as you can in-between flights. You will have plenty of time to rest while on the plane.

• At work, take a walking break. Go outside and walk around the parking lot or building. If you have to stay inside, walk up a few flights of stairs and then back down. Grab your coffee then head back to your desk. You will feel more invigorated and mentally ready to get back on task.

• Don’t fast forward through commercials during your favorite TV show while lounging on the couch. Make yourself get up and march in place with arms extended out in front of you and bring your knees-up to your hands. You will be amazed at how many steps you get from walking during the commercials in just one episode of Survivor.

10,000 is the equivalent  60 minutes of activity or 5 miles. Depending on your weight you can burn about 200-600 calories per day from doing 10,000 steps .Why not start now.

7 Reasons Why Women Are Not Seeing Results When Working Out

7 Mistakes Women Make Working Out

Many women are disappointed when they make the effort to hit the gym or the jogging trail three or four times a week, but still see no real difference in their weight or their shape. Why does exercise not help you achieve the results that you want? It’s possible that you’re making mistakes or heading in with assumptions that aren’t sound.

Watch What You Eat After Working Out

For many women, the post-workout coffee and pastry is one of the important pleasures of life. The problem is that the average cappuccino and lean muffin can pack between 500 and 600 calories. If you worked out for anything less than a solid hour, you probably didn’t burn off as many calories.

Even if you do work out for an hour to burn off 500 calories, you still don’t make much progress if your treating yourself to plenty of calories afterward. It’s important to skip the high-calorie foods, and switch to sugarless fruit smoothies that you make yourself at home.

You Are Not Burning As Much As You Think

Often, people make the mistake of believing that they’ve probably worked out hard enough if they’ve broken into a sweat. Working up a sweat isn’t a good measure of workout intensity, however. Instead, you need to find out how long you’ve been getting exercise.

If you’re a woman who weighs 160 pounds, low-impact aerobics for an hour is likely to only burn about 365 calories. Swimming for an hour burns a little more. If you are walking on the treadmill, doubling your speed from about two miles per hour to four miles per hour can help you burn an additional 100 calories an hour. It’s important to not overestimate how much you’re burning.

You Are Doing It Wrong

Grabbing on to the handles when you’re on the treadmill, or helping movement on the elliptical by pulling and pushing on the handles, are two common mistakes that women tend to make at the gym. Women often also make the mistake of neglecting to engage their core when working out with weights.

Incorrect technique hurts you in two ways. To begin, it makes it hard for you to burn as many calories as you should. Additionally, it puts you at risk of injury. For instance, if you use incorrect posture on the rowing machine, you risk hurting your back. Something as simple as setting the seat at the wrong height on an exercise bike can hurt your hamstrings.

The solution is to carefully study the right form to use either by asking a coach or by looking at videos online. You need to understand what muscles you should aim for with each exercise, and use them carefully, making sure to not overstress them.

You Don’t Lift Heavy Weights

Women are often less enthusiastic about working out with weights than men tend to be. The fear is that working with weights will make them put on unseemly amounts of muscle mass. In truth, however, it takes plenty of the male hormone testosterone to put on significant amounts of muscle mass. Even men have a hard time gaining muscle mass.

When you turn your back on weight training, you miss out on a great calorie burning opportunity.

You Dont Change it Up

It can be tempting to get on the treadmill every day, and do a slow, steady jog as you watch television. It’s important to remember, however, that when you do the same kind of workout every day, your body gets used to it, and learns how to do it with minimal energy expenditure.

It’s important to try different kinds of exercise each day. From high-intensity interval training to swimming, cycling and dance exercise, there is a wide range of variety to try. You need to keep throwing new routines at your body if you are to work it hard enough to burn calories.

 Unless You are A Sprinter Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Aiming to lose twenty pounds to get into your swimsuit by summer when it’s only eight weeks away, or hoping to get in shape well enough to run a half-marathon in a month, is unrealistic. Using exercise as a way to lose weight or boost strength and endurance is a gradual process. If you rush yourself, you’ll probably only succeed in injuring some part of your body. With exercise, you need to be patient.

You Can Build A Better Butt But You Can Spot Reduce Fat

Women often pick a part of the body that they would like to improve, like their abs or their arms, and try to focus only on building those parts up. Often, they’re disappointed by the lack of progress that they see.

The problem is that even when you do work out the right parts of your body with the right technique, the difference usually doesn’t show through the layers of fat that cover those areas. You first need to concentrate on a full body workout that helps you lose fat tissue overall. It’s only then that you can hope to have your newly acquired muscles show through.

Before you begin to work out for a fitness goal, it’s important that you understand how the body works, and do away with incorrect assumptions about how best to go about achieving your aims. It’s important to understand energy expenditure, use the right form, and understand how to train with weights if you are to succeed in making exercise work for you.

Five Easy Exercises for Overweight People

Complications from cardiovascular diseases is the leading cause of death and disability for adults in America. If you are obese you at risk for developing conditions such as high blood, high blood sugar and diabetes. They are known to cause cardiovascular disease and they are also modifiable. Which means they can be controlled with lifestyle changes.  One way to reduce your risk of being plagued with these conditions is to engage in physical activity. If your excess weight makes it difficult for you to workout on a regular basis, you should not give up. Instead, you should choose your exercises carefully and keep going on your wellness journey. The following five easy  exercises are perfect for overweight people who are trying to drop those extra pounds and get healthy. They can be done at home . No gym membership necessary.

1. Wall Push-Ups

These are great for making your arms stronger and giving you toned biceps. They are also a good precursor to regular push-ups as they help you develop strength slowly in preparation for tackling your first full push-up.

To do a wall push-up, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Position yourself arm length away from a wall and place your hands against its surface. Slowly lean forward until your elbows are at a ninety-degree angle to the wall. Push yourself back to starting position to complete the exercise.

2. Modify Jumping Jacks

Lifting two or three hundred pounds is difficult, so you might not be able to do a regular jumping jack until you have lost some weight. However, there are several variations of this exercise including the no jumping jack that allows you to ease in into this exercise and improve your fitness levels at the same time.

To do a no jumping jack, stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. Raise your hands above your head and step out to the side with your right leg. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. Complete the required number of reps and sets.

3. Wide Leg Dumbbell Squat

This exercise works quadriceps, abductor and abductor muscles, and your core. It is great for burning calories, increasing your flexibility and toning your lower body.

To perform a wide leg dumbbell squat, stand with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in both hands and slowly lower your body until your hips are at a 90-degree angle to the floor. Pulse several times until you have completed several sets.

4. Seated Reverse Fly

This is a great exercise for flabby arms as it works the back of your arms to burn fat and build muscle.

To perform this exercise, sit on an exercise ball and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lean forward until your face is parallel to the floor. Raise your arms to each side until they are aligned with your shoulders, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Return to starting position and repeat as needed.

  5. Planks

Planks target mostly your core . You will also engage muscles in you arm, chest, leg and butt.

To do this exercise, kneel on the floor with your hands under your shoulder. Stretch both legs out backwards until your entire body is in a straight line. Hold for 10 seconds.

How Often Should You Exercise?

As a beginner, you should start off at a low intensity 2 -3 days a week . Your goal should be to exercise for 5 -6 days a week. Give yourself time to come up with a schedule and routine that you can stick to. The American Heart Association recommends 2 days of strength training and 5 days of cardio for 30 mins. You do not have to do all the exercises above in one day. Ease into the routine by picking 2 each day. And go for a walk if you can. See below table for a workout plan.

Exercise Reps Set Rest
Wall Push 12 3 1-2mins
Modify Jumping Jacks 12 3 1-2mins
Wide Leg Dumbbell Squats 12 3 1-2mins
Seated Reverse Fly 12 3 1-2mins
Modify Jumping Jacks 12 3 1-2mins
Planks 10 seconds 3 1-2mins

Reps, Sets and Rest are terminologies that are commonly used in the fitness industry.  Their meanings are below.

Reps is the abbreviated word for repetition. This means how many times you will be repeating the exercise before stopping.

Set refers to the number of cycles of reps.  In the above examples you will have 3 cycles of rep for each exercise.

Rest refers to the length of the break  at the end of the reps prior to start the cycle. In other words, its the break between sets.

How to Make Exercises Harder

As you get stronger and the exercises become easier you can intensify the workout by:

  • Increasing the Reps
  • Increasing the Set
  • Decreasing the Rest between sets
  • Increasing the weights or adding weights
  • Hold the plank longer
  • Increase to 4 or  five days of exercise
  • Do all exercises in one day

If the exercises are done consistently your body will adapt and therefore you will have to find other exercises to challenge and activate new muscles. It  really only takes a few key exercises done with the right form to change your physique. Do not over complicate things by tyring too many at once.

To Conclude

Exercising when you are already overweight can certainly be a little difficult. However, it is by no means impossible. The exercises outlined in this article are a great place to start your new workout regime.

What are Medicine Ball Slam Benefits?

Medicine balls are very common in the gym and fitness studios, but you can also use them in your home workout routine. They will intensify your workout and help you reach your goals.

A medicine ball is a weighted ball that is used in fitness and rehab for strength, conditioning, mobility, and stability. The name of the ball implies that it used to treat diseases, but it does not. The balls are available in different weights up to 50lbs. Some have a little bounce, but you cannot dribble with it. The exterior of some is smooth while others are rough.

What are Medicine Ball Slam Benefits?

The most common exercise used with ball is a medicine ball slam. A very simple but effective exercise the comes with some benefits that you might like. First, medicine ball slam benefits anyone who wants to take their workouts to the next level or newbies who are not interested in lifting weights but wants some of the same rewards. Next, on the serious side, medicine ball slams will get your heart up, develop your power and strength. Lastly I am happy to tell you that the balls are very easy to handle and fun to slam against the wall or floor. It is a good way to let out your anger and frustration. Slam the ball as hard as you can. Not only are you working your core, you will also be getting a great cardiovascular workout, training for endurance, power, strength, and speed. There is hardly any machine that can give you a full body workout. You will need a few pieces of equipment to achieve a full body workout. No worries. A medicine ball can give you a full body workout. No need to go to the gym.

Is Medicine Ball Safe?

Just like any other equipment, injuries can occur if used incorrectly. Since injuries can also be linked to intense workouts or improper training while working out, it’s best to get accustomed to the feeling of the ball before trying any intense activity. Furthermore, if you drop the ball on your toe or throw it at someone you can hurt yourself or them. However, compared to a dumbbell falling on your toe you will have less damage. Proper form is also key, but at the same time watch out for the ball when it bounces back. You don’t want to break a nose, nor do you want to slam the ball on your foot and break a toe.

What is Medicine Ball Made of?

There are many types of medicine balls; most are typically made of soft vinyl and filled with gel. This type of medicine ball won’t float or bounce therefore they make the perfect ball for any exercise that you want to slam against the floor or wall that won’t bounce back at you and fracture your nose.

Leather medicine balls have a leather exterior and are the oldest ball on the block. Some are soft, and they don’t usually bounce or float

Some medicine balls are specifically made for wall slams and are better at the bouncing ball off the wall and floor, so it’s important to make sure you choose the right medicine ball for whatever exercise you’re looking to incorporate into your workout regime.

Medicine balls with handles will help you incorporate more speed, and ones with grips are the most common and can be used for almost all types of medicine ball exercises, another benefit that they provide is they will typically float in the water so you can also use them for any aquatic exercises.

Air filled medicine balls are the floating balls. They are also portable because you can take the air out of them for traveling.

Medicine Ball Slams

The most popular way to use the ball is ball slam. There are two main ways to slam a medicine ball with a myriad of variations that you can use. The first most common way is the floor slam and the other being the wall slam. As you get used to doing these repetitions, you will notice that it will become easier and easier to do. You can always increase the weight of the medicine ball as well as add reps of different various exercises in between your medicine ball slams. For example, you can do 5 medicine ball slams and then five push ups or you could also do 15 medicine ball slams followed by 1 pull up, then 14 ball slams followed by 2 pull-ups, then 13 ball slams followed by 3 pull-ups, etc. You can also do things such as jumping up vertically as high as you can before each slam to exert as much energy as possible and come to exhaustion faster.

If you are working out at home and want to add variation and intensity to your workout, then medicine will be great. Also, at some point in your routine you will need to change it up. This will prevent you from plateauing and continue to change in your physique. Not only will the medicine ball slam help you achieve your wellness or fitness goals, but it will also teach your body how to move as one unit as well as increase hip extension, coordination, and core control.

The Wall Slam

The medicine ball wall slam will work your shoulders, triceps, calves, back, glutes, quads, and core when done correctly. Here a few you can try.

  • Wall Balls
  •  Side Throws
  • Crunch Throw
  • Chest Pass and Shuffle
  • Overhead Throws
  • Squat and Throw
  • Underhand
  • Throws for Height
  • Half-kneeling
  • Rotational Throw

The Floor Slam

The floor slam is the most basic and easiest (no wall needed) to do between the two types of medicine ball slams. Keeping your core tightened when doing either the wall slam or the floor slam is going to give you the best workout as well as making sure you keep yourself in the squat position. This will put more stress on your legs and give you a better burn when you’re working out. Try one of the below. Which one did you like best?

  • Floor Slam
  • Russian Twists
  •  Rainbow Slams
  •  Pushup Shuffle
  •  Pushup Pass
  •  Medicine Ball Slam
  • Burpees
  • Explosive Floor Press
  • Rainbow Split Squat Jumps
  • Wood Choppers

Now that you know the benefits of medicine ball slam, if you are ready to include them in your routine, you must first decided how you will incorporate them in your workout. The possibilities of exercises are endless, but you still will want to make sure to purchase the right one that fit your workout style. Training with medicine ball will bring fun and excitement into your workouts. There’s a multitude of different exercises that you can do whether its different variation of the ball slam or just adding in different exercise in between sets slams

Health Advantages of Exercising at Home

Why Home Workouts Are Better for Your Health

The best place to work out is at home. Why? When your gym is at home, you have control over when you work out, and you don’t have to worry about what you wear or how you look. Convenience is a beautiful thing but working out at home has other perks as well. You control the environment. As it turns out, the “health” club can be a surprisingly unhealthy place to be.

Health Clubs, Air Pollution, and Health

Air pollution is bad for your health; no argument about that. You’re exposed to it when you’re outdoors breathing in exhaust fumes and the chemicals produced by factories and businesses in your area. Some of the pollutants that most of us breathe in daily include ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. Many of these molecules are small enough to enter your lungs and be absorbed into your bloodstream.

Why is this a problem? Air pollution has been linked with a higher risk for a variety of health problems, including asthma, lung cancer, irregular heart rhythms, emphysema, and heart disease. In fact, the World Health Organization states that 7 million deaths each year are linked with exposure to pollutants in the air. However, it’s not just outdoor pollution that’s a problem; indoor areas can be a hotbed for compounds you don’t want to breathe. Believe it or not, health clubs and gyms, so-called healthy places to hang out, fall into this category.

Is exercising at a health club risky? A study published in the journal Building and Environment monitored the air quality in 11 indoor fitness centers to see how clean the air in gyms and health clubs where people work out is. Gym goers beware. In this study, the concentration of volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and particulate matter in the air was unacceptably high at the workout centers they tested.

Should people who belong to health clubs be concerned about what they’re breathing? A high level of carbon dioxide probably doesn’t pose long-term risks to health, but when carbon dioxide builds up in a closed space, it can make you feel tired or lightheaded. However, some types of volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde are more troubling since exposure is linked with cancer in animals. Where do these compounds come from? Yoga mats, carpeting, flame retardants, and chemicals used to clean the equipment.

Your Breathing Rate Increases When You Exercise

The way you breathe at a health club makes the problem worse. When you exercise, especially at a high intensity, you breathe rapidly. With each deep breath, you suck these compounds into your lungs. Think about how hard you breathe when you do a high-intensity workout. Then consider what might be entering your lungs. Also troubling is the fact that many health clubs and gyms don’t have good ventilation. When you take a spin class at a health club, you may be crammed into a small space without good air flow.

The Clean Up is Just as Bad!

Ever notice how people grab a spray bottle of cleaning solution to disinfect the machine they used, so someone else doesn’t have to deal with their sweat and germs? If you read the label on what they’re spraying on the equipment and into the air, you’ll see it’s not earth friendly. Standard cleaning products are full of stuff you don’t want to breathe, and when you have a crowded health club full of people spraying those products, you know what happens: the bad stuff builds up.

Most people are so focused on their workout that they don’t think about this issue. After all, it’s called a health club; it MUST be a healthy place to be, so the thinking goes, but it’s not necessarily so. The smaller and more crowded a club is, the less healthy the air is likely to be.

Other Risks of Working Out at a Health Club

Despite attempts to keep a health club clean by using hardcore cleaning products, yoga mats are still a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. According to the New York Times, podiatrists are seeing a rash of cases of Athlete’s foot and plantar warts among health club goers, especially among those who do yoga or Pilates. Whereas people take the time to clean exercise machines, they often neglect to disinfect the exercise mat they just had their feet on. Yuck! Most health clubs don’t clean these mats every day, so you can expect bacteria and fungi to be left behind at the end of a workout class.

Other sources of hidden dirt and germs at the health club: gym bags, exercise balls, locker room floors, gym bags, machines that aren’t wiped off, and towels. Yes, even the “clean” towels may be a source of germs. Many health clubs use the same hampers to hold clean towels and dirty towels.

Wait, there’s more. When flu and cold season rolls around you have to contend with the person next to you on a machine coughing and sneezing because they didn’t want to miss a workout despite being sick. A study published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine found the virus that causes the common cold was on 63% of surfaces that come into contact with hands.

When you work out at home, there’s no guarantee you won’t get the flu, but who needs the extra exposure? When you’re breathing in fast and hard during a workout, your chance of sucking in a virus or bacteria is higher.

The Bottom Line

Working out at a health club may NOT be so good for your health. Enjoy the freedom and control you have when you exercise at home. It’s easier to focus on your workout when you’re not distracted by other people. Home workouts are more convenient, less expensive, and, now you know, they’re better for your health too.


EPA.gov. “What Are the Six Common Air Pollutants?”

“7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution”. WHO. 25 March 2014. Retrieved 25 March 2014.

EPA.gov. “An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)”

The New York Times. “Communal Yoga Mats: Beware of Germs”

Fitness. “Germs at the Gym”

Spark People. “5 Dirty Secrets about Your Workout”