weight bar

​​ Key Principles for Building Muscle at Home


People decide to put on muscle for a variety of reasons. Some want to become better at their sport. Some want to look buff at the beach or in a T-shirt. Regardless of the reason behind the goal, it is important to make your muscle-building program the best it can be. Here are four factors that are keys to success in putting on muscle mass.

1. Working Out

Working out, and lifting weights specifically, is absolutely essential in building muscle mass (unless your new job requires lifting or swinging heavy things). Simply doing a few push-ups will likely not be enough. It is important to get the most out of your workouts and do the exercises that most relate to your goals. Compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups are a great choice for putting on mass and are frequently used by athletes. Consider working the three main lifts (bench press, squat, and deadlift) into your workout plan if they are not already in it. Mixing up reps can be an effective strategy for these lifts. If one day you bench for three sets of ten reps, consider doing five sets of five reps the next time you bench press.

Remember that safety is the most important thing when working out. Know your limits and workout with a partner.

2. Nutrition

The easiest way to ruin the work you have done in the weight room is with poor nutrition. When you are engaged in a muscle-building program, make sure you focus on eating a lot of protein. Protein is absolutely crucial for putting on muscle. Lean protein like turkey is a great option. If you are not able to get enough protein from your diet, consider investing in a protein powder. You can buy several different types of protein powder at the pharmacy for relatively cheap.

3. Recovery

Giving your body the rest it needs is another important factor in building mass. If you are lifting regimen is intense or you are new to weight lifting, your body will be under an enormous amount of strain. Plan rest days each week. During these rest days, you can choose to relax or do some sort of light activity like walking or leisurely swimming or cycling. You may find that you get stronger by giving your body time to rest.

Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep at night.

4. Hydration

Proper hydration is essential in any fitness regimen. You don’t have to carry around a milk jug with motivational quotes on it that you have turned into a water bottle, but carrying around some sort of refillable water bottle helps you remember to hydrate throughout the day. Hydrating properly will enhance your performance in the weight room and will help you as you work towards your goals.

Becoming more muscular is a popular goal. If you have chosen to make this your own goal, you are not alone. Putting on muscle requires work and attention to several factors that influence the success or failure of a muscle-building program.

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