Fasting Cardio Benefits: Should You Eat Before a Workout?

To Eat or Not to Eat

The basic meaning of fasting is ot to to abstain from food. How long your fasting lasts depends on the reason for fasting. Most people fast for religious or spiritual reason but in the fitness industry people fast to loose weight.

If you plan to workout while fasted it is very important to schedule the best time for you to workout while fasted. Because of our different lifestyle, this schedule will differ from person to person.

Should you grab a bite to eat or a small meal before a workout? Or should you start your sweat session with an empty stomach? Fitness gurus say that working out first thing in the morning after fasting overnight burns more fat. Does science support this idea?

It’s true that your body is primed to burn fat when you haven’t eaten in eight or more hours. In fact, some studies show that you burn up to 20% more fat if you exercise before eating. That’s because muscle glycogen, a source of fuel for muscle contractions is low, and your body must tap into fat as an energy source. If your intent is to burn body fat, exercising after a fast has potential advantages.

However, the benefits apply mainly to moderate-intensity exercises, like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling than it does high-intensity exercise. If you’ll be doing vigorous exercise, like heavy weight lifting, or a high-intensity interval session, your muscles are dependent on carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, as a source of fuel. If you haven’t eaten in more than eight hours, you may have a hard time sustaining high-intensity exercise. The fatigue that goes along with fasting works against you when you’re trying to maximize your fitness level and burn the most calories. Exercising in a fasting state may keep you from performing your best, as you’re limited by fatigue and that means burning fewer calories.

You’ve probably heard of athletes who carb load before a race or other event where they need to perform at their best. There’s a reason they do this. They’re trying to maximize their muscle glycogen stores, so their muscles have enough fuel for a strong performance. They don’t want to “bonk out” in the middle of a race or other event.

Another Problem with Fasted Cardio

Fasted cardio may modestly boost fat loss since your body has to tap into fat as a source of fuel. But you may lose muscle as well, and that’s not desirable. If you overdo the cardio by doing a 10-mile run in a fasted state, it places stress on your body, not only from the exercise but the fact you’re running when you’re low on fuel. In response, your adrenal glands pump out more of a stress hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol has some good effects. For example, it helps keep your blood sugar from dropping too low when you’re fasting, but it also boosts muscle breakdown. It also sends your body into a catabolic or muscle breakdown state. Over a longer period of time, it also causes weight redistribution so that more fat ends up around your abs and waistline and less in the thighs and hips. So, cortisol isn’t favorable for body composition.

Fasted Cardio Can Impact Exercise Motivation Too

People respond differently to fasted cardio. Some people do it and feel reasonably well, but others feel fatigued, weak, or have problems with focus and motivation. Your brain needs a constant supply of glucose, and you don’t supply that glucose in a fasted state. It’s possible to adapt over time to a low carb diet and exercising in a fasted or low-carb state, but it takes time for this adaptation to take place. If you have blood sugar issues, particularly if you have a history of hypoglycemia or type 1 diabetes, exercising in a fasted state can be dangerous.

The Bottom Line

If you do low or moderate-intensity exercises such as walking, jogging, or cycling, you’ll likely have no problem doing it in a fasted state, especially if you exercise for 30 minutes or so. But, if you’ll be lifting heavy weights or exercising at a vigorous pace, it’s best to consume a snack within a few hours of a workout. You don’t have to eat a full meal. Choose a snack that has about a three to one ratio of carbohydrates to protein. For example, an apple or banana with peanut butter gives you healthy carbs and protein. Yet, this snack is still light enough that you won’t feel too full or heavy.


Exercise Physiology. McGraw Hill. Powers and Howley. 2009.

British Journal of Nutrition. Volume 110, Issue 4 28 August 2013, pp. 721-732.

Fun Cardio Workout Ideas

Cardiovascular exercise is necessary to improve your aerobic condition and maintain heart health. Unfortunately, most forms of cardio revolve around jogging or biking, and can get boring fast. Try these five forms of cardio for a workout that is not only fun, but also highly effective. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes 5 days a week minimum. However, you can break it up in 15 minutes block 2 times for the day. You can also pick from 2 activities below. For instance you can jump rope for 15 mins then box for 15 mins. There are so many ways you can get a workout in between your other activities. Be creative and have fun.

Here are fun cardio activities that will get your heart rate up.

Use a boxing bag

You may not be a martial artist, but anyone can use a boxing bag. Find a pair of comfortable gloves, watch a few videos on throwing basic kicks and punches, and find a sturdy bag that can take your abuse. Focus on mastering the fundamentals of each strike or throwing combinations while moving your feet and body to avoid imaginary hits. It may sound easy, but you’ll be breathing hard in no time.

Try to perform ten 1 minute rounds with 1 minute of rest in between. As you get in better shape, try to increase your boxing rounds to 2-3 minutes each while keeping rest the same. This type of full body exercise will greatly increase your beats-per-minute while burning plenty of calories. Additionally, you can take out your stress and frustration while learning a valuable skill.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is not just for school kids. Jumping rope provides a gentle, yet challenging way of elevating your heart rate that requires minimal space and equipment. You can do it inside or outside, and you can also take your jump rope to a park, beach, gym, or practically anywhere else you like to go.

Using a jump rope can be a challenge since it takes a while to develop the necessary rhythm and coordination. Make sure your jump rope is long enough for you to easily jump over, but not so long that it drags along the floor or gets tangled.

Set realistic goals for yourself that you can increase over time. Maybe you want to spend 20 minutes jumping rope, maybe you want to do 1000 total jumps, or maybe you’re still trying to get 10 clean hops in a row without messing up. There’s no wrong way to do it. Not only is jump-roping a great way to get good exercise and have fun, but jumping rope can also help those who are less than nimble become more footloose and spry.

 Run Ladders

Lay an agility ladder down on the ground or draw a long row of approximately twelve adjacent 1-foot by 1-foot boxes on the ground to perform ladder drills. The goal is to quickly get from one end of the ladder to the other without stepping on the lines. The fun part comes when you try to do so using the most creative footwork possible.

You can just run straight through by putting one foot in each box. You can put two feet in each box. You can hop all the way through on one leg. You can put one foot in each box and one foot out. You can run it backwards, sideways, or while pivoting in circles.

Think of running ladders as a fancier form of hopscotch. If you can’t come up with imaginative ways to move your feet, watch some videos online. Not only is this a great way to get moving, but it’s fun to invent, experiment with, and practice your own original dance-like steps.


Plyometrics have a formal sounding name, but they’re just any exercise where you’re jumping around in an explosive and energetic fashion. You can squat down and jump up as high as you can. You can lunge from your left foot to your right foot like a skater. You can try to skip up your driveway on one leg. Any type of repetitive and dynamic jumping motion that moves your body in different patterns and directions can be an effective plyometric exercise.

Find a few different moves you like and perform each one 10 times, one right after another. Rest for a minute after completing this first round of exercises, and try to complete 2-3 total rounds with one minute of rest in between each round. You’ll burn plenty of calories while having fun and you’ll also be developing your leg strength, balance, and coordination.


Sprinting can be intimidating, but if done right it can be a manageable and effective way to quickly get in excellent shape. While you’re sprinting, your body’s heart rate will quickly spike to near maximum levels and then slowly lower as you rest or walk back to your starting position. This effect boosts your metabolism, increases your aerobic capacity, and improves fat burning for hours after you complete your workout.

Find a distance you can comfortably sprint across at 80-90 percent of your greatest effort. Slowly run back and forth a few times to warm up. When you feel ready, run your first sprint at 70 percent maximum speed, then the next one at 80 percent, then 90 percent, then 100 percent. After you run a few sprints as fast as you can, gradually work your way back down to a slower pace. Walk back to your starting position after each sprint you complete and rest for a few seconds. By slowly ramping up your sprinting speed to a maximum and then going back down you adjust the difficulty incrementally without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. It may sound tough, but the challenge is exhilarating.

 Step Aerobics

Step aerobics is fun and easy. All you need is a step platform . Besides being a good cardio workout, stepping on and off the platform firms and lifts your booty. You can increase the intensity of the workout by raising the platform or by wearing a weighted vest.  Start by having the platform flat then raise the platform as your fitness level increases. If you have arthritis, this might be a good option because its low impact .


Jumping on a trampoline has to be one of the most fun things you can do. And guess what, you can also enjoy this activity with your kids. Trampoline parks are popping up all over my city and most offer fitness classes. However, if you have space at home you can buy one for yourself . This way you can bounce off all the fat and have fun.

 Weighted Hula Hooping

Hooping, if done with the right amount of intensity can increase your heart rate, burn calories and is a good exercise that is  comparable to brisk walking. This activity also helps to improve flexibility and stability in your hips and back. It takes time to get use to the motion of the tube around your waste but with practice and time you will be a master hooper.

Whether it’s boxing, jumping, sprinting, or any other type of activity that elevates your heart rate, there are many ways to get cardiovascular exercise that don’t involve jogging or biking. Try some of these methods for your next cardiovascular workout. 30mins per day for 5 days a week is all you need. You can even split up the sessions. Have fun and get creative. The goal is to get your heart rate up by all means necessary.

Creative Ways to Exercise Without a Gym Membership

Gym Membership Woes

Believe it or not there are some individuals that enjoy going to the gym and working out. They look forward to their workouts and feel strange when they miss one. Beside the health benefits of exercising such as weight loss, energy and control of high blood another reason why they love going to gym is because of the unsung reason  “me time” . When you are exercising  you are focused on 3 things:Me, myself and I . Sounds selfish but Yoga is build on this principle. While exercising you are able to zone everyone out and tune your reps and sets in.

However, if  the idea of paying money and going to workout on sweaty machines with a bunch of other random people is wholly unappealing no worries, working out at home can offer you the same rewards. Trying to add gym  membership dues to your budget, getting yourself to the gym, and having to fight for machines and equipment  is for the birds. Ain’t nobody got time for that especially after a long day at work.  Besides you do not want to pay for a membership and become a statics. I am referring to the  statistics  reporting that 80% of people with gym membership do not go regularly. Fortunately a gym membership isn’t the only way to get a good workout and stay in shape. There are lots of creative and fun ways to get your workout in without all the hassle.

Workout while You Work

For starters, you might already be exercising throughout your day and not even realize it. If you have a physical job or one where you are on your feet and walking around all day, you are likely getting exercise without even thinking about it. You can try to maximize this by adding in a few extra reps here and there or taking a longer route to get some extra steps in. For example, if your job requires lifting and moving objects, you could add in a couple of squats or arm lifts while you are working.

Walking is also a great way to stay active. Make a conscious effort to get up and go for a walk on your work breaks, walk places instead of driving. Use hand weights or weighted vest and trying rucking. Find a park that you enjoy and go for an afternoon hike. Hiking in nature is not only great exercise it is also a great stress reliever.

If you do not have time to read, you can catch up on your “reading” by listening to your favorite audiobooks as you walk. Put your ear piece in and instead of sitting and talking on the phone, you can walk as you talk on the phone. However, you should aim for brisk walking which is very difficult to do while you are talking.

If you want something a little more active than a walk, the internet is a great place to find free workout videos. From yoga to high-intensity interval training, to pilates, you can find just about any workout you might want to try. Make some space in your home or the park, pull up a video on your tv, tablet, phone or computer, and get moving. The sky is the limit when it comes to fitness app. Try the free version of the apps until you master the exercise. Once you master the moves you really don’t need the app anymore. You can then create your own routine.

Exercise Equipment

Instead of paying monthly for a gym membership, invest in some weights, exercise bands, or other home gym equipment that you can easily use with your at-home workouts. If you have space, you can invest in bigger workout equipment such as a treadmill or exercise bike. Having your own equipment is a great way to step-up your workouts in the comfort of your own home. Search the web for used fitness equipment. There are plenty.

If buying workout equipment is beyond your budget, you can get creative and find things around your house to use. Things like canned goods, water jugs, or a sack of potatoes can substitute for weights and add an interesting and fun element for your workout. You can also double task by turning your household chores into workouts. If you have to scrub the tub, do reps on each arm. Add squats or lunges while you go around cleaning your house. FYI one gallon is equivalent to approximately 8 lbs.

If the weather is nice, and you are sick of working out at home,  go outside. Play sport with kids, such as soccer, basketball, football or any activity that involves moving. They will wear you out. You do not have to be good at the sport to gain the benefit or movement. You can also do some of the activities by yourself causing you to move even more.  Whatever it is, just get yourself outside and moving. All movement counts.

Dance like No One is Watching

Although we might not like the same music, everyone loves music. Therefore put your favorite music on and start dancing. Dancing is another creative way to get a workout without even thinking about it. If your dancing is slow then add weights. If your dancing is already fast and up beat, no need to add anything , just dance.  You don’t even need to be good at dancing. Start a dance marathon and keep yourself moving to every beat for as long as you can. Have fun and do what feels good. Isolate body parts and do reps to the beat and work on some fun new dance moves. Just dance like no one is watching. So what if you have no rhythm.

Started at the Bottom

Take the stairs as much as possible. Pick a few days of the week to wear comfortable clothes and shoes to work then go in the stairwell or finds some stairs or steps. Go up and down as quickly as you can. The steeper the stairs the more challenging the workout will be.  Use your lunch break wisely.  Research shows that in order to give your brain enough time to register that your are full you need to eat slowly. Therefore give yourself 20 minutes to eat then take rest of your lunch time to go up and down the stairs.

So, if you hate the gym, or just don’t want to pay for a membership, that doesn’t mean you can’t still be active and get an amazing workout in. There are lots of creative ways to stay active and get some exercise. Don’t limit yourself by believing that a gym membership is the only way to get fit. Figure out what works best for you and keep doing it! Enjoying your workouts makes you more likely to make them a habit and to stay healthy and strong. All you need is 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week and strength training 2 days a week.

How Do Fit People Stay Fit ?

5 Things Fit People Do That You Don’t

Ever looked at someone with a better body than you or someone who has outperformed everyone else on a task where fitness was key and wondered how they did it? What about someone who has their numbers in check. What numbers do I mean? Blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, weight and waste line.  A byproduct of being fit is preventing high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and obesity. Getting fit will prevent you from getting sick.

Heart disease kill more women than cancer. You can prevent heart disease and some cancers by exercising.

If you want to prevent the above diseases then do what fit people . Get active. Here a few thing things that you can add to you daily routine to keep you healthy.

1. Girl I Got A Secret

Fit people don’t browse online looking for game-changing supplements and miracle gadgets. Manufacturers of these products don’t make their money from fit people; they make it from naive people searching for the magic bullet. Fit people know there’s no secret to getting a strong, lean body. They focus on the basic things that work, and they do these things repeatedly to achieve the fitness and physique goals they want.

2. What floats Your Boat

Dumbbells, cycle and group fitness classes, these few of the activities you can do at home or the gym to stay fit. A fit person doesn’t just train with the vague goal of weight loss. And they certainly don’t sign up to any and every fitness class at their local gym. No one wants to do the same boring activities day in and day out. Working out can be fun.

Fit people figure out what floats their boat and they dedicate themselves to this area. Maybe they did start running simply with the intention of losing weight…but when they learned they liked it, they started setting concrete goals, aiming to run specific distances in specific times. Fit people have genuine long-term reasons or passions that keep them eating correctly and training correctly.

3. Performance Enhancement

The people you admire the most eat for the physical exploits they undertake. Their physiques are byproducts of this training routine. The fittest people you know are focused on taking in enough calories. Calorie restriction is counterproductive to their training goals.

4. Performance Improvement

A fit person doesn’t care how much they sweat or if they’re making strange faces. They don’t worry about if a workout was ‘too short’ or ‘too long’ because somebody else said so. They set workout goals (surprisingly small ones, more often than not) and they do what they need to do on the day to achieve them.

5. Cheers to the Freakin Weekend

Remember how they know there’s no magic bullet? The same logic applies here. How can you expect to get the results you want when you lead a double life? When you eat as healthily as possible and train as often as you can Monday-Friday, but then throw it all out of the window as soon as the weekend arrives. Fit people don’t do this. They don’t need to, because they weren’t eating too strictly or pushing themselves too hard in the gym in the first place. The sun still rises and then sets on a Saturday and a Sunday just as it did in the week. Fit people are indiscriminate with their days; days are blocks of time, and fit people use them wisely.


As with all forms of success, the key to success with your fitness is identifying the right things you need to be doing and having the discipline and determination to do them each day. Go forth and get fitter.

Does Gardening Count as Exercise?

Work videos and ad with fit chics or dudes pushing sled or flipping tires are fun to watch but are quite intimidating. Do you watch them and think that the only way to get active is to engage in those form of activities?  You not have to worry because being physically active is not limited to only intense workouts. In fact, you don’t even have to workout. You can reap some of the health benefits of working out by doing some of the things that you are currently doing.

Everyone has those days when there’s no time to exercise, but what if you could get in a workout while doing household chores? Actually, you can—by changing the way you do housework. With a little creativity, you can learn how to burn extra calories performing household tasks. Not only will you save time and money your housework and health just might improve.

Our idea of what constitutes as exercise is  too narrow.  This is because the images that portrayed are ones of people working out in the gym or running a marathon. I have never seen anyone promoting the benefits of doing house work to increase physical activity.

If  think you have to cycle, bike or run around the block a few times to get a workout that counts then you need to open your mind to other possibilities ? It’s time to change your thinking! Exercise is movement and short periods of exercise count too. You can even earn fitness points for doing things around the house, as long as you do them with vigor.

How do we know this? A study carried out by researchers at Queen’s University in Canada showed the importance of unstructured physical activity for cardiovascular health and fitness. In the study, researchers quantified the activities of healthy adults. When they added up the minutes the participants spent moving throughout the day and compared it to their cardiovascular health, they came to a surprising conclusion. The time spent vacuuming the rug, climbing the stairs, and scurrying through the parking lot to get to a job, are beneficial for heart health. In the study, the researchers measured the minutes the participants moved using an accelerometer, a device worn around the waist that monitors activity. The participants didn’t do structured workouts, only the daily activities they normally do, like cleaning house, climbing stairs, and running errands.

There is one caveat. Non-structured physical activity is most effective when you do it vigorously, not leisurely. When you scrub the bathtub, for example, clean that basin with vigor, not at a leisurely pace. By the way, scrubbing the bathtub for 15 minutes burns 60 calories. But, even if you do it in a more leisurely manner, you’re doing something other than sitting. That’s important because we now know that sitting is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, even in people who do a structured workout.

Another study published in the journal Lancet looked at the movement habits of 130,000 people from around the world found that being physically active for at least 30 minutes per day was linked with a longer lifespan and reduced odds of developing a serious illness. This includes non-structured exercise like doing outside chores and indoor housework. Nothing like accomplishing two tasks at once: a chore and a workout!

Making Unplanned or “Incidental” Exercise Work for You

If you can’t do a structured exercise, make the most of the time you have to move. Pick up the pace when you walk. Interestingly, walking speed is correlated with the risk of mortality. Slowpoke walkers have a higher risk of dying than speed demons. You’ve heard it before, but park as far from destinations that you visit as possible, so you have further to walk. Walk when you talk on the phone. That’s another benefit of a smartphone; you can move while you use it.

Rethink whether to hire someone to do tasks like gardeing, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, or shoveling snow. These activities are intense enough to offer cardiovascular benefits, so why not do them yourself? And stop being so energy efficient. When you walk, swing your arms with vigor, use long strides, and keep the pace snappy. Forget about elevators. Make friends with the stairs and make sure you’re wearing a pair of shoes that can safely navigate a staircase; high heels aren’t the best choice. You can even strap on a weight vest when you walk.

Ready to tackle the chores and get fit? Here are five unique ways to exercise while keeping house:

Cook Without Appliances

Modern kitchen appliances make food preparation almost effortless, but exerting effort in the kitchen can be a good thing, especially for your health. Next time you bake, put the mixer in the cupboard and pull out the whisk instead. You’ll work your arms, tone muscles, and burn calories. Chopping, kneading, peeling, and grating can be done manually, too. For additional exercise, hand wash the dishes.

Iron to Music

Believe it or not, ironing burns significant calories—anywhere from 75 to 150 per hour. But you can add to that total by plugging in some music and turning your ironing session into a workout session. Move your feet while ironing, or better yet, set down the iron between shirts and do a series of aerobic steps, jumping jacks, or dance moves. Ironing to music makes this mundane household task more active, engaging, and fun.

Clean the Old-Fashion Way

Scrubbing is about as active as a brisk walk, and you’ll accomplish important housework while doing it. Say goodbye to the mop, grab a sponge, and get on your hands and knees for some good old-fashioned cleaning. There’s plenty to scrub, including the floor, bathtubs, kitchen counters, and sinks. And don’t forget the walls, door knobs, and windows. An hour or two of scrubbing is great exercise for the entire body.

Organize and rearrange the Closet

Don’t just clean the closet, organize and rearrange it. Moving hangars, folding clothes, repositioning shelves, and sorting shirts and shoes are all active chores that burn calories and work muscles. When you’re done with the bedroom closet, move on to the other closets in the house. Then box up items to donate. You’ll appreciate the results of your hard work, including improved fitness.

Vacuum Hard-to-Reach Spaces

Pushing a vacuum across the living room carpet is one thing, but vacuuming stairs is quite another. It takes considerable effort to maneuver vacuum brushes and crevice tools between stairs, around vents, and under furniture. You may be surprised at all the dirt you find in those hard-to-reach spaces, but don’t be surprised by the extra calories you burn. Vacuuming alone earns you more than 200 per hour.

The Bottom Line

Household chores are necessary, but so is daily exercise. When time is at a premium, do them together. The above activities will help you burn extra calories while you conquer the housework

It’s not just the exercise you do at the gym that counts. So, do the things you do around the house. The bottom line is we need to be more active regardless of whatever form that activity comes in. But, keep in mind, you gradually lose muscle mass after the age of 30 and working your muscle using resistance is the way to reduce that loss. Including 2 to 3 sessions of strength training or resistance training  in your weekly routine is wise even if you’re an active person. But, know that every movement that you make with intensity counts toward getting fitter and healthier.  You will lose or maintain your weight and also decrease the risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.  You don’t have to invest in a gym membership to stay fit. The gym is wherever you happen to be even at the office.


Health News Daily. “Attention Exercise Haters: Everyday Activities Improve Fitness”

The Lancet. Volume 390, Issue 10113, P2643-2654, December 16, 2017

Health Stats. Calories Burned Estimator

Common Reasons for Not Exercising and How To Fix Them

Don’t Be a Victim of a Sedentary Lifestyle

People have all sorts of excuses not to exercise. Reasons that range from “I work all day” to “I’m too tired” are commonly used to justify not moving. However, your body and your longevity need you to exercise, and that’s not to mention the benefits of stress management on your mental and emotional health.

A sedentary lifestyle is the new epidemic threatening wellness. Fitness guidelines advise Includes 150 minutes of aerobic exercise on a weekly basis, along with at least two sessions of strengthening. That can be broken down into smaller 10-minute segments of activity to make it even easier to achieve, but how many people can accomplish this?

Listed below are five commonly heard excuses not to exercise. Do any sound familiar? Don’t let yourself be a victim of weak reasons. Challenge yourself to avoid living a sedentary lifestyle.

1. “I have no time.”

Lack of time is probably one of the most common excuses for not exercising. Whether you’re working 12 or more hours each day, parenting, or getting pulled in too many directions by those around you, you owe it to yourself to make time to exercise.

So what is the trick to fitting exercise into your day? Break exercise time up into small amounts. Free online workout videos are a beautiful thing. Cue up a short 10-minute video, or even a five-minute one, to get started. Squeeze a video or download an exercise app to do in the morning, during your afternoon lunch break, after dinner, or before bed.

Although many jobs may leave people feeling like they are “walking all day,” it’s not quite the same as a fitness routine that targets cardio and strengthening exercises.

2. “I’m too tired.”

Fatigue can be a revolving cycle: feeling tired leads to not wanting to exercise; not exercising leads to more exhaustion, and so the cycle continues. Stopping the cycle is imperative. That can be difficult at first when it seems like a nap should trump exercise. However, it will not take long to experience the rejuvenating benefits of endorphins and increased blood supply throughout the body.

If you find you need support to get started, consider: writing out an exercise contract for yourself, making a plan with a friend to exercise together so you will be less likely to cancel, asking your doctor for an exercise prescription to make the arrangement formal. Whatever it takes, get started.

3. “I have chronic pain.”

While pain is real and can be a valid reason to be cautious with how you exercise, in the majority of cases appropriate exercises have a considerable benefit. For example, if osteoarthritis is causing what feels to be debilitating knee pain, by exercising to strengthen the surrounding muscles pressure will be relieved off of the knees.

Additionally, weight loss through exercise can make a massive difference to knee pain when the knees are no longer required to bear the extra weight.

Regardless of what the underlying medical condition is, always speak to a health care provider before getting started for medical clearance.

4. “I can’t afford to exercise equipment.”

The exercise equipment industry may target those looking to get fit and lose weight, especially with late-night infomercials. However, such equipment is in no way a requirement. Your body weight can provide just the right amount of resistance needed to tone and strengthen your frame. From push-ups and plank holds to burpees and lunges, your own body can get the job done.

5. “I hate the gym.”

If you hate the gym, you are not alone. Being within concrete walls, possibly with few or no windows or view, is not a particularly motivating environment in which to start exercising. In contrast, consider working out in the comforts of home or (even better) with what nature has to offer.

For example, biking, jogging, walking, hiking, snowshoeing, swimming, and even outdoor yoga or fitness boot camps can provide you with both fitness and fresh air. It’s as though you get a double whammy of re-energizing when you combine fitness with fresh air.

6. ”I am not seeing results”

I get it you have been going at it real hard and you are not looking like those fit chics on Instagram. Now you are ready to give up. If you give up now you will never know if see your dreams into fruition. You have to be in it to win it. There is no fast and easy way to weight loss and and being fit. Plan to give it time in the form of months. The fast and furious method is not sustainable. You will get burn out quickly.

7. ”I don’t live near the gym”

This one is quite easy to fix. There are so many workout options that do not require a gym membership. You can workout at home. Start by doing body weight exercises. Youtube has plenty of videos that shows how workout your different muscles and cardio. It is possible to exercise without equipment .

8.”I am self conscious”

Have you ever taken a step aerobics class? If you have a hard time keeping up then you will feel self conscious in one of these classes. It takes a lot of practice to get it right. Everyone started messing up the moves. But you can also do the classes in the comfort of your own home and go at your own pace. Look for fitness classes on youtube or a app.

Whatever your reason is for not exercising, it may be time to stand back and consider strategies to make exercise a regular part of your day. Given the health benefits you’ll enjoy, ranging from prevention of heart disease and diabetes to the overall feeling of emotional well-being, you owe it to yourself to find a way, a time, and a plan, to start exercising now and avoid living a sedentary lifestyle.

How To Become A Healthy Eater

Most of us are unhealthy because of what we eat. How do I know this? Diseases like Diabetes Type 2, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol are due to our bad eating habits. Healthy eating is not a habit for most of us. Some of us think we know what it means to eat healthy but do we?

What exactly is meant by a healthy eating?  Healthy eating involves being conscious about food properties such as ingredients, micronutrients and macronutrients.  It is also someone who is aware of what they’re eating, when they’re eating and why they’re eating. They have a good understanding of their relationship with food to their well being. Much like a car needs gasoline for fuel to keep it running and performing the task for which it was intended, our bodies need fuel to keep them up and running too. Unfortunately, we expect this to happen on french fries and hamburger. You will not get the best utilization of your body if you are not conscious about what you eat and how it affects your performance and mood  in the long run.

There are all kinds of reasons the unconscious eater eats. Emotions tend to drive us, and we satisfy that emotional distress with whatever we might consider “comfort foods” like donuts and potato chips. Anxiety, boredom, anger, loneliness, sadness, and fear are just a few things that may drive us to the fridge or pantry hoping for relief for the emotional distress. We hope food can ease the pain, but it never does. In fact, post bingeing we add guilt to the emotion that causes us to binge making us feel worse.

But happiness also causes us to eat. We celebrate holidays, birthdays, birth and death with food. We enjoy food in good and bad times. And the selection of food is usually not the most nutritious.

Becoming a conscious eater simply means thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth, why and when and considering what exactly your body needs for fuel. Unconscious eating is not an easy habit to break, but it can be done, and not only will your body thank you for the improved nutrition it’s getting, but you’ll reap the benefits of increased strength, stamina and sense of well-being. This will take some effort on your part to exchange the bad for the good.

Start by incorporating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables into your daily diet. Make a commitment to do a food swap every week. Have brown rice instead of white rice. Or replace french fries with sweet potato fries. Explore the produce section in the grocery store and you will discover a variety of nutritionally dense food. Begin to educate yourself about the nutritional needs of your body and as you become a conscious nd healthy  eater you will feel the difference physically and mentally.

Drink Up

Water makes up more than half of your body weight, and you need plenty of fluid to function. It recommended drinking at least 8 cups of water every day. I say to drink enough water until your urine is as clear as water.

Our bodies lose fluid every day through urine, feces, and sweat. In fact, we lose fluid with every breath we take as we exhale. We need to replace it regularly to maintain blood circulation which carries oxygen and nutrients to the trillions of cells in our bodies as well as carrying off waste. Proper digestion and maintenance of body temperature also rely on adequate fluid intake.

While you can certainly get fluids from many sources like milk, juices, coffee, tea, soda, and a number of other beverages, nothing can beat pure water’s health benefits. Perhaps most importantly it’s calorie, caffeine and sugar-free. If you’re a soda or coffee junkie, the very thought of drinking plain old water may leave a bad taste in your mouth. Try replacing at least one of your regular beverages with water each day and strive to increase it. Adding a splash of fruit juice to your water might make it more palatable and help you get in the habit of drinking more H2O on a daily basis.

Some people complain that drinking a lot of water send them to  bathroom at the most inconvenient times. Its a pain in the neck that when you are driving and you want to urinate. I suggest to time your water intake when you know you will have easy access to the bathroom. In addition, stop drinking water a few hours prior to bedtime.

Your first few cups of water won’t send you to the bathroom frequently because you were probable dehydrated. However, as you drink more water and become hydrated you will be making frequent trips to the bathroom. Therefore, be prepared.

Hunger Triggers

It’s no secret that keeping your body limber and strong is important to good physical health and mental well being. There is a multitude of ways we can attain and maintain a good level of strength and stamina to meet our daily needs at any age. Our bodies were made to move, lift, push, pull and stretch and when we spend the majority of our days not performing in those ways we are bound to lose those abilities. Thus, the old adage, “use it or lose it”. We already have all that we need to strengthen and maintain our bodies without having to use any special equipment or a personal trainer.

However, many people complain that exercising can  induce their hunger. This might be because your glucose decreased due to the utilization of carbohydrates during an intense workout session. If this happens to you take note . This way you can be prepared to eat right after working out.

It is recommended that you eat a healthy post workout snack within 30-60mins of your workout.

The snack should be a complex carbohydrate and protein. It’s best to have something available so that you are not tempted to binge. Smoothies are ideal choices because you can easily combine protein, carbohydrates and throw a cup or two greens in.

In conclusion, commit yourself today to implement one of the above then add another. Attempting change too much at once can backfire causing you to become discourage and give up.  Let food be thy medicine and won’t have to take any pills.

Start Working Out At Home to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

New Year New You. Year after year, you make fitness goals. Then, you diligently work toward achieving them for a few weeks or months and then crash! Your plans to get into shape fall by the wayside and you return to your old habit of sitting on the couch and moving only when you have to. Exercise is too important to your physical and mental health to keep repeating this pattern. Research shows that fit people live longer and get more out of life than their less active counterparts. If you’re fit, you can move more easily do the things you enjoy, and you lessen some of the pitfalls of aging such as frailty. Here are five things you can do to bring your fitness goals to fruition. You do not have to go the gym.  Start working out at home to achieve your fitness goals.

Know Your Why

Your decision to start a more active lifestyle might be different from your bestie’s. Therefore, unless  you know why you want to get fit, you’ll have a hard time achieving and maintaining your fitness goals. Studies show you’re more likely to stick with a fitness routine if you have clarity as to why you’re doing it. Plus, research shows that the best reasons for working out don’t relate to weight loss or getting a beach body. The most successful fitness buffs focus on how exercise makes them feel and how it gives them the stamina to do the things they enjoy like sex and playing with their kids.

If you have a clear reason why you’re doing it, you’re more likely to lace up your sneakers, buy workout clothes and gadgets to help facilitate your journey and make it more interesting. For instance, If you have high blood pressure and your doctor recommended that you become more active and lose some weight to improve your blood pressure then you should write it down. Review your “whys” to keep you on track.

Set Small Goals

Once you decide on your “whys”, then its time to set goals. A big mistake people make is to set big goals. It’s okay to dream big, but you have to balance goals with reality. You’re not going to run a marathon or develop six-pack abs in a month no matter how industrious and well-meaning you are especially if you like to eat french fries and hamburger. With an objective like that, you’ll get frustrated by the enormity of the goal and quit. Break those dreams and goals down into smaller, more achievable ones such as eating sweet potato fries instead of french fries or eating a salmon burger instead of hamburger. If you want to run a marathon, start by walking a mile. Once you do that, add a little more. Goals must be realistic, sustainable, and achievable. Whatever goal you set, break it down further. Then, write those smaller goals down and give them a deadline. Don’t leave them open-ended.

Strive for Consistency and Never Give Up

Consistency counts more than intensity. It’s better to do something small day after day than it is to knock yourself out for a week or two and then drop out. Write down your workout sessions, just as you write down appointments. A workout session is a date and commitment with yourself, so treat it like one! What you don’t plan on and place on your schedule, you’re less likely to do. Schedule your session at a time that works for you. For many folks, the first thing in the morning is most convenient. If you do it first thing, there’s less chance of something interfering with your ability to do it. But find what works for you. We’re all a little different.

Keep Your Workouts Challenging and Stimulating

Add variety into your workouts. Doing the same repetitive workouts over and over will zap motivation and leave you grasping for any excuse not to work out. Alternate high-intensity workouts with low-intensity ones for variety and to avoid training too hard. Recovery is an important part of any workout program. Changes in fitness and body composition take place between workouts when your body recovers and rebuilds.

Watch some workout videos on you tube or on your fitness app. Pinterest have tons of amazing posts that you can try out. Trying out an activity counts as exercise as long as you execute the movement in the specified reps and set. You do not have to be an expert. You do not have to stick to one source of fitness inspiration.There are so many options.

Add short bursts of higher intensity exercise to your routine. If you walk, do so at a moderate pace for one minute followed by a 30-second sprint. Keep repeating. Those short bursts of vigorous activity add variety and boost your fitness level quickly. Take your workouts outdoors on good days. Studies show exercising outdoors is a good stress reliever. For the ultimate in variety, do a circuit workout. Select 5 or 6 exercises and do each one for 30 seconds before moving to the next one. Cycle through the exercises at least 5 times without resting between exercises.

Be Prepared

Do you have exercise clothes, socks and comfortable sneakers? Not having the basic essential items for a good workout every time can hinder your fitness goals success. If you plan to work out 5 days a week you will need work out clothes for five days.  Whether you are working out at the gym or at homewhat your workout attire is important. Lightweight cotton clothing is the best because they dry quickly. After a sweaty workout you don’t want to walk around in wet clothes even if it is your own sweat. If you are on a budget look for sales in your favorite stores. If you only have two or three outfits then you will have to do laundry more often.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for working hard but look beyond food as a reward. It takes only one bad day of eating to sabotage all your efforts. But if you decide on rewarding yourself with food then be wise about your selection. Make sure it is something you really really want and will enjoy. If you can afford to, then consider a massage, a makeover, shopping trip or just go hang out with your family or friends? It’s a positive reinforcement for a job well done. You would deserve it if you followed through. The memory of that reward will stick in your mind and give you the motivation to workout even harder.

The Bottom Line?

Use these tips to maximize your fitness level and get the most out of your workouts. With a little hard work and focus, you’ll be surprised at just how to fit you’ll become and how good you will feel. Being physically active enhances every aspect of your life. So, make those fitness goals and stick to them.

Last but not least, although working at home comes with benefits, one pitfall is distraction. Save the laundry and the dirty dishes until after your workout.


Exercise Physiology. Fifth edition. MrArdle, Katch, and Katch. 2001.

Tap that Ass:Build a Better Butt at Home

She Got a Big Butt a Big Butt

There are so many songs about big butts, I do not know where to start. Americans and the world in general have a growing obsession with the perfectly shaped bottoms, buttocks, rump, backside, rear end, booty, behind, bumpa, batty, breech, bum, derriere, ass or fanny. There are so many names for this portion of our body known as the gluteal muscle in the medical field and glutes in the fitness industry.

Each of us has a set of gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus. The largest of the three is the maximus, and the small is the minimus. All three work together to support movement, stability, and cushions the bone in our pelvis and hip. However, depending on your jeans, genes, and lifestyle it varies in shape, density, and size. There is not a one size fit all for butts nor are all butts created equally.

Gone are the days when flat pancake bottoms are celebrated. Both men and women with nicely proportioned, shapely and tight rear ends are admired by many and can turn heads. Consequently people are now seeking ways to enhance their buttocks.

There are surgical and nonsurgical options including garments with extra pads at the butt area that give the impression of a well shaped derriere. And there are also leggings on the market that are tailored and stitched in places to make the butt look more shapely. Of course, these garments and very temporary. Once you take them off your butt goes back to normal.

Butt Enhancement

Plastic surgery such as Brazilian Butt Lift and Butt Implants are on the rise. Some individuals have gone as far as getting butt injections to add roundness and fullness to their butts. These procedures come at a high-cost financially, and they also come with health-related risk including infection and death due to fat emboli.

Brazilian Butt lift involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the butt. Most of the time the fat from the abdomen is used to achieve the look of a rounded plumped butt. Hence the term bubble butt.

Butt implants involve placing silicone filled devices within the tissue of the butt to give volume and a lifted round appearance.

Silicone injections involve injecting tissue expanders to the butt causing it to swell resulting in a fuller plumper rump.

A low risk approach to a powerful and good-looking butt is exercise. It takes longer and requires commitment and discipline, but it works. Furthermore  sculpting your butt via the workout method cost significantly less than the surgical method.

Other than the aesthetic appeal of nice butts. There are plenty of other benefits that come with a sturdy bumpa that can improve the quality of your life. Furthermore, surgical enhancement will not offer any of these benefits.

Studies show that having a srong and powerful booty  can help in movements such as climbing stairs, walking, running and jumping.  Similarly, a strong glute helps reduce lower back aches and increase your ability to lift heavier weights.

Have you tapped that ass today?

Whether your aim is to have glutes like Beyonce’s or Jennifer Lopez’s, there is no easy way out. Sitting on your behind causes your butt to be inactive. Therefore, if you have job that requires mostly sitting, the first thing you should do is stand up often. Changing from a standing to a sitting position starts the glutes activation process.

But in order to maximize your glute plumping potential, you have to put it to work. There are several exercises you can integrate into your routine that do not require equipment. Set aside 20-30 minutes 4-5 days a week and you will transform your butt in no time.

So let us look at 5 exercises you can incorporate in your lower body workouts to achieve the best glute.

1. Lunges

Lunges are very versatile and help target muscles in your butt, legs, and hips. However, for a lunge to be effective, one must pay more attention to how they are doing it. For example, your back needs to be straight and not hunched. Your shoulders need to be back and as you lunge and ensure that your knee is above your ankle. Let your leg form a 90-degree angle. For butt plumping results, add dumbbells.

2. Squats

Squats can be a woman’s best friend. They work your thighs and butt. There are so many variations such as sumo squat, front squat, and jump squat. Pick 3 and master the moves. However, to maximize on a squat, it is essential to use a dumbbell or any other weight at your disposal. This creates resistance and enables your butt to become firm and grow. However, make sure you rest. Muscle growth occurs at rest.

3. Hip Bridge

Hip bridge exercise not only works on the butt but also helps tone the lower back. To successfully execute a hip bridge workout, you need to lie on your back and place the arms on the sides. Bend the knees and plant the feet flat on the floor. Proceed to lift your hips up and then lower them back down. Repeat this movement several times to achieve maximum results.

4. A Step Up with a Knee Lift

A step up with knee lift works several muscles in the thighs, hip, and butt at the same time. For this exercise, look for a step or something that resembles the same. Ensure that the step is a foot away and proceed to step with your right leg and drive the left knee upwards. Drive the left foot down to the position you started from and proceed to do so with the right foot. Continue this process ensuring that you repeat on both sides.

5. Frogger

For a frogger, start in a plank position. The body should be in a straight line. Proceed to jump into a deep squat. Place your hands in front of you and then jump back into a plank. Repeat this motion several times for maximum results.

Building muscle requires proper nutrition to support growth. Therefore, make sure your diet is as good or even better than your workouts.

The increase density and size of your butt occurs when you add mass to your ass. In order to add mass to your ass you should add weights or resistance to the exercises. Resistance bands, kettlebells, and free weights are home friendly and easy to store.

Perform 6-12 reps,  3-6 sets with 30-90 sec rest in between sets. Muscle growth occurs at rest, therefore do not train your glutes on consecutive days and only train two times per week.

Kettlebells for Your Workout at Home

A kettlebell is one of the newest  kid on the block in the fitness industry. You probably have not seen one unless you to go the gym. I can not think of another way to describe it but to say it looks like a cannon ball with handles. What do you think? Am I right? They look bulky and intimidating, but don’t be scared. The are fun. Even if you workout at home you should consider adding kettlebells to you fitness routine.

Kettlebell History

First, let’s start with some kettlebell history. Russian farmers used them to weigh crops in the 1700s, then they started showing off how many times they could lift their kettlebells, and this turned into competitions. Soon after, the Russian Army began using them to train soldiers.

The Russian origins of the kettlebell also explain the strange weights in which you will find kettlebells. Original kettlebells were measured in poods. One pood is equal to 16 kilograms or a little over 36 pounds. Kettlebells will also be found in ½ pood sizes as well. ½ pood is almost 8.2 kilograms or a bit heavier than 18 pounds.

So why use kettlebells? Why add these strange things to a workout? Let’s look at five of the most significant reason:

They are different! Kettlebells are not used in the same way that dumbbells and other traditions weights are used. Because the mass is concentrated at only one end of the weight and not balanced over the hand, the body has no choice but to use stabilizing muscles with every lift. This means that while you are targeting specific muscles, you will also be hitting a wide range of muscles to help you control that kettlebell.

Get stronger and skip the treadmill! Kettlebells are used in large swinging motions instead of short, repetitive movements. When you are doing kettlebell workouts, your muscles are getting stronger because of the weight, AND your heart is getting a workout from the constant motion.

This isn’t bodybuilding! Kettlebells are perfect for most of us because we are not trying to look like Arnold. Kettlebell exercises are intended to add functional muscle while burning fat.

Cheapest home gym ever! Remember when we said to skip the treadmill? Well, you can also skip whole racks of weights and whatever other stuff is being sold on infomercials. One kettlebell can give an entire body workout and takes up less space than a bowling ball.

They are fun! No one will continue a workout routine if it feels like going to a second job. Kettlebells are enjoyable to use, and your entire body can be worked out in minutes.

You may be asking, “How to get started?” Well, just like any new workout, take it slow. None of us are The Rock. Take the time to watch some youtube videos or seek out one of the many great books or DVDs on the topic. Start with a light, manageable weight until you feel comfortable with the form. Then, check your excuses at the door and get exercising.