20 Worst Foods For Your Health and Longevity

20 Foods Detrimental to Your Health: Understanding Their Impact and Healthier Alternatives

Making informed choices about what we eat is crucial for long-term health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore 20 foods that are best avoided due to their adverse health impacts, particularly on heart health, weight and suggest healthier alternatives.

Understanding Health and Nutrition

Food plays an integral role in shaping our overall health and well-being. More than just a source of energy and essential nutrients, the food we consume significantly influences the functioning of our bodies. The impact of diet extends beyond our physical appearance; it affects our mood, cognitive abilities, and even our daily performance. Every meal we consume can contribute to our long-term health, either positively or negatively, depending on our choices.

Understanding the relationship between food and health is vital for making informed dietary choices. Different nutrients, food types, and eating patterns can affect our physical condition, mental health, and susceptibility to certain diseases. By comprehending these interactions, we can tailor our diets to suit our health goals better, whether maintaining a healthy weight, enhancing physical fitness, or minimizing the risk of chronic illnesses. This knowledge empowers individuals to take control of their health through conscious and beneficial dietary decisions.

Recognizing how certain foods can lead to chronic health problems is essential. We’ll explore why these foods are harmful and how making healthier choices can benefit you in the long run.

The 20 Worst Foods for Your Health and Their Alternatives:

  1. Sugary Drinks (like sodas) Lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Alternative: Opt for water, herbal teas, or infused water with fresh fruits.
  2. Processed Meats (like sausages): High in nitrates and salt, increasing heart disease risk. Alternative: Choose lean cuts of fresh meat or plant-based proteins.
  3. White Bread: Its high glycemic index can spike blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Alternative: Switch to whole grain or sourdough bread.
  4. Fried Foods (like French fries): Rich in trans fats, raising bad cholesterol. Alternative: Bake or air-fry foods for a healthier option.
  5. High-Calorie Coffee Drinks: High sugar content contributes to obesity—alternative: Black coffee or coffee with minimal added sugar and milk.
  6. Ice Cream: High in sugar and saturated fat, increasing cardiovascular risks. Alternative: Frozen yogurt or homemade fruit sorbets.
  7. Candy Bars: Contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome—alternative: Dark chocolate or fruit-based snacks.
  8. Fast Food Meals: Loaded with trans fats and calories, affecting heart health. Alternative: Home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients.
  9. Commercial Pizzas: High in saturated fats and processed ingredients. Alternative: Homemade pizzas with whole-grain crust and fresh toppings.
  10. High-Sodium Snacks (like chips): Excess salt raises blood pressure—alternative: Unsalted nuts or homemade popcorn.
  11. Margarine: It often contains trans fats. Alternative: Use natural spreads like avocado or nut butter.
  12. Canned Soups: High in sodium, can lead to hypertension—alternative: Homemade soups with fresh ingredients.
  13. Cereal Bars: Often high in sugar. Alternative: Bars made with whole foods and natural sweeteners.
  14. Diet Sodas: Linked to weight gain and metabolic issues. Alternative: Sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice.
  15. Frozen Meals: High in sodium and preservatives. Alternative: Meal prep with fresh ingredients.
  16. Baked Goods (like pastries): High in sugar and fats—alternative: Baked goods made with healthy fats and natural sweeteners.
  17. Processed Cheese: High in sodium and unhealthy fats. Alternative: Natural cheeses in moderation.
  18. Energy Drinks: High caffeine and sugars can affect heart rhythm—alternative: Natural energy boosters like green tea.
  19. Artificial Sweeteners Can lead to glucose intolerance—alternative: Natural sweeteners like stevia or honey.
  20. Alcohol (in excess): This leads to hypertension and heart failure. Alternative: Limit intake or opt for non-alcoholic beverages.


Understanding the long-term effects of these foods on your health is vital. By choosing healthier alternatives, you can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Remember, every small step towards a more nutritious diet makes a significant difference!

Is Walnut Oil Healthy?


When it comes to oils, there are so many available options. Some are good for you and can help improve your heart health while others or not so good for you. Even if not edible, you can find other uses and benefits for the oil. But first, if you plan to use the oil for cooking, baking or splashing some on your salad you need to know if it will clog your arteries. As you know there is a very close relationship between the fats and oils in the food we love to eat and cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack. Some oils are better for you when not heated or when used for low temperature cooking.

Nut oils such as walnut oil has it place in the kitchen cabinet and medicine cabinet. However, you are here to find out if walnut oil is healthy.

Walnut oil is one of those oils that you don’t hear about very often. Most don’t use this oil in their day to day lives, but perhaps they should. Walnut oil is made from dried nuts, typically Persian walnuts. This is what gives it a very nutty scent and flavor. If it is good quality, it should be topaz in color. It is usually produced in either France, New Zealand, California, or Australia. The oil can be a bit on the expensive side, but if you use it properly, it should last a long time. Walnut oil has many uses that are not limited only to cooking. I know it can be challenging to keep up with all the different oils on your supermarket shelf But what you really want to know is if walnut oil is healthy?

How is Walnut Oil Made?

To make walnut oil, first, the nuts must be roasted to loosen the oil and enhance the flavor. Next, the nuts are cold-pressed in order to draw out the oil from them. You need five pounds of walnuts to make one liter of oil. The oil can be either unrefined or semi-refined, but most of the time, it is unrefined. You can do this process on your own with a walnut oil extraction machine, but beware. The extraction machine can be quite pricey, but they are well worth it in the long run. Nonetheless, walnut oil needs to be refrigerated and kept away from the light once opened. When exposed to light, the oil becomes rancid.

Refined vs. Unrefined

The difference in refined and unrefined oils, all depends on the process in which it is made. Unrefined oils are cold-pressed oils that have not been bleached or deodorized. While unrefined oils include oils such as raw, pure, virgin, or extra virgin oils. This is determined by how many times the materials were pressed to extract the oil. Extra virgin oil means that the oil was extracted after the first pressing. If your oil doesn’t taste like the product it was derived from, then you have a refined oil.

Nutritional Value

Walnut oil contains a large amount of omega-3 fats, which is one of the good kinds of fat. It is also rich in antioxidants. These two factors contribute to its viability in heart health and the prevention of cancer. Walnuts have also been known to improve brain function. Studies have shown that consistent consumption of walnut oil reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease. This is also linked to the notable presence of antioxidants in walnut oil. The potassium found in walnut oil has also been known to defend against hair loss, speeding up the process of hair growth. It also has plenty of vitamins such as vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, and E. However, walnuts are among the most allergenic foods, so you should be sure that you are not allergic before consuming walnut oil.

Nutritional Facts

One tablespoon of walnut oil contains:
• Calories: 120
• Total Fat: 14g
• Saturated Fat: 1g
• Polyunsaturated Fat: 10g
• Monounsaturated Fat: 2g
• Trans Fat: 0g
• Sodium: 0mg
• Total Carb: 0g
• Protein: 0g

What is Walnut Oil Used For?

Walnut oil can be an excellent tool for cooking, but that isn’t all that it is suitable for. Here are a few uses that will encourage you to keep it in your home:


We will start with the most apparent use for walnut oil. Walnut oil is excellent to use in cold sauces or to add a twist to certain desserts. It is also useful for adding flavor to fish or steak, as well as a nice pasta. Most of all, it is perfect for making salad dressings and vinaigrettes. However, be sure not to attempt to use it for frying. This will destroy the oils unique flavor.

Skin Care

Like most tree oils, walnut oil can do wonders for your skin. Walnut oil provides high levels of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, vitamin E, and niacin. This helps in enhancing the texture and quality of the skin. It also helps protect the skin from eczema. A few teaspoons a day should do the trick. Finally, the high levels of antioxidants in the walnut oil help to prevent the acceleration of the aging process. Why wouldn’t you want to postpone wrinkles?


Walnut oil also has anti-fungal properties. This makes it an excellent option for protecting the health of your scalp and relieving irritation. It adds shine to your hair and fights off dandruff. The potassium found in walnut oil has also been known to defend against hair loss, speeding up the process of hair growth.

Wood Finishing

Walnut oil has been traditionally used in France as a furniture polisher. This is because it is non-toxic and has a natural resistance to water and alcohol. After the surfaces have been cleaned and dusted, it is time to bring out the walnut oil. Use a brush or cloth, and your surface will be nicely polished.

Smoke Point

The smoke point (burning point) of an oil is the temperature in which the oil begins to smoke.  This is an approximate number but is important to know because the oil becomes unhealthy somewhere around this number.  When using walnut oil, you must be very wary of the smoking point. If you allow the oil to burn, it will ruin its flavor entirely. The smoking point of walnut oil depends on whether it is unrefined or refined. Either way, the smoking point is not very high, which is why walnut oil isn’t a suitable choice for high-temperature cooking. The smoking point of refined walnut oil is 400-degrees Fahrenheit, while the smoking point for unrefined walnut oil is 320-degrees Fahrenheit. However, you should keep in mind that most of the available walnut oil is unrefined. If you are planning on using oil for high-temperature cooking, you are better off using avocado or pecan oils.

Drying Time

When using walnut oil to polish wood, you must pay attention to the drying time. Typically, you want to let walnut oil layers dry for at least 24 hours between coats; longer if possible. If you need it to dry more quickly, then you can heat it in a pot less than one-third full until you begin to see fumes. However, it needs to be done carefully. If cooked too long the oil will become flammable.

Alternative to Walnut Oil

As stated, before walnut, oil can be quite expensive. So, if you don’t have any in your home, if you are allergic to nuts, or simply don’t like walnut oil, then there are alternatives that you can use in its place. Here are a few of your other options:

Olive Oil – Olive oil can be used as a substitute for walnut oil in most recipes. If you are using it in a recipe that requires high heat, then use regular or light olive oil. If not, then you should go for extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil has a pleasant fruity taste to it.

Hazelnut Oil – Hazelnut oil is best used for cold dishes, just like walnut oil. So, if you are making a vinaigrette or dressing, then this is the way to go. It has a nutty taste that is similar to walnut oil, which makes it one of the best alternatives. Hazelnut oil is great for salads and pasta dishes.

Almond Oil – Almond oil is another nut oil that is rich with flavor and great for salads. Just like walnut oil, it is high in vitamin E. It is also great for desserts but doesn’t quite have the same effect as walnut oil. However, it does have a higher smoking point than walnut oil, so it can be used for recipes with a higher heat requirement.

Sunflower Oil – Sunflower oil has a much milder taste to it than walnut oil, so I wouldn’t count on it for flavor value. Like almond oil, it can be used for higher temperature cooking but is also good for cold dishes. It is high in vitamin E and low in saturated fat, which makes it an excellent alternative to walnut oil.

Is Walnut Oil Healthy?

Walnut oil is high in heart-healthy fats as well as antioxidants. It reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. The oil can even be used for hair and skin treatment. Overall, it is safe to say that walnut oil is safe to consume but for cooking.

Is Pomegranate Seed Oil Edible ?


promegranate seed oil

The pomegranate is a fruit rich in nutrients and many other “good stuff” the body needs. It has been linked to cancer prevention, treating arthritis, aiding digestion, preventing heart disease, and so many other health benefits. It also makes some delicious juices and is a welcomed addition to any salad, meat dish or baked goods.

So, since the fruit itself has so many proven benefits to human health, could the oil from its seeds be just as beneficial, and is it edible?

To learn this, you will just have to read this article. You will also learn more about its uses and what you stand to gain from adding this oil to your cupboard.

Where does it come from?

Pomegranate oil, or pomegranate seed oil, is derived from the seeds of the pomegranate fruit. This fruit has been used by humans for centuries as a food source, for medicinal purposes, and even as an ingredient for fabric dye. Many of these practices continue today, and persons all over the world have adopted pomegranate and its by-products into their daily lives.

To make pomegranate oil, the seeds are removed and dried to prepare them for extraction. At the extraction phase, the seeds undergo a process known as cold-pressing. This produces an unrefined or “extra virgin” form of pomegranate oil which retains the bulk of the seed’s phytoactive compounds and nutrients.

The seeds may be further processed by using chemical solvents to expel oil that could not have been extracted by cold-pressing alone. This produces refined pomegranate oil which is bleached and deodorized to remove harsh smells, taste, and chemicals before it gets shipped to customers.

What is it used for?

The Pomegranate fruit tree is one of the most cultivated fruit trees in all of human history. As a result, humans have found many uses for pomegranate over the years.

Here are some ways pomegranate seed oil has been used:

Hair and skincare

Pomegranate seed oil has been used for hair care because it has a large concentration of punicic acid. This acid helps to fortify and strengthen hair, and improve scalp health. The oil is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin E which promote proper blood circulation in the scalp, which helps to strengthen blood vessels and hair follicles, which fosters healthy hair growth.

Pomegranate oil can also act as a moisturizer for the hair and scalp to help treat conditions such as dry scalp and dandruff, and reduced flakiness and itchiness. It can also be helpful in reducing thinning and turning limp, lifeless hair into beautiful tresses.

As it relates to skincare, pomegranate oil is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenol which enable it to act as a natural barrier or shield from UV rays and free-radical damage. These same antioxidants also support cell regeneration which in turn repairs damaged skin, prevent wrinkles and blemishes, and helps to improve the overall appearance of the skin. It is also able to provide moisture and hydration to the skin, making it softer and more radiant.

Pomegranate oil is also said to have antimicrobial properties which help to prevent acne and inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria, virus, and fungi. Its anti-inflammatory properties are useful for reducing swelling and redness.

Cancer prevention

Antioxidants present in pomegranate oil helps to protect the cells against damage. This is important because DNA damage can promote the growth of cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate. Pomegranate seed oil may also be beneficial in retarding tumor growth.

Preventing cardiovascular disease

Consuming certain oils can increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease due to the presence of saturated and trans fats which increases bad cholesterol levels.

Pomegranate seed oil, on the other hand, contains phytochemicals which can help to regulate and lower bad cholesterol levels. This lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It can also help to prevent obesity.

Strengthening the immune system

Between the phytoestrogens present in pomegranate seed oil which helps to prevent hormone imbalance, and the vitamins B, C, and other minerals, consuming this oil helps to strengthen the immune system and helps the body to fight against infection.

Treating muscle aches and inflammation

Pomegranate seed oil naturally has anti-inflammatory properties which can be beneficial to persons who suffer from occasional muscle and joint pains, or more serious conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis. This is allowed to the fatty acid conjugates such as punicic acid present in pomegranate oil which helps to reduce swelling and ease muscle pain and soreness in the body.

Nutritional facts

Pomegranate oil is an excellent source of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is responsible for blood calcium regulation and bone metabolism. It is also crucial for blood clotting. It is also rich in Vitamin C which helps the body to absorb iron and repair body tissue.

Vitamin B5 is also present in pomegranate oil is responsible for making new red blood cells and converting the food you eat into energy. Vitamin E in the form of tocopherols provide antiaging benefits and improves the appearance of the hair and skin.

This oil also contains several protective polyphenolic compounds such as punicic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanidins and tannins which help to neutralize feed radicals which can cause cancer and damage to other body cells.

Other constituents include oleic acids (or omega-9 fatty acid), linoleic acids (or omega-6 fatty acid), stearic acid and palmitic acid

Type of Fat

Pomegranate seed oil is higher in unsaturated fat, being 68% polyunsaturated fat, and 5% monounsaturated fat. Its fat composition is only 6% saturated fat.

Taste and smell

Extra virgin pomegranate seed oil has a sweet and sour taste and a fruity or tangy smell. When refined, it loses much of its flavor and becomes bland with a light-oily smell.

Smoke Point

Pomegranate seed oil has a smoke point of around 340°F (or 170°C) and therefor is not suitable for high heat.


Using pomegranate seed oil has the following benefits:

• It is great for skin and hair- Since pomegranate seed oil contains Vitamin E and other antioxidants, using it as a part of hair and skincare routines can improve their health and appearance

.• It has anti-inflammatory benefits- Using pomegranate seed oil can reduce swelling and pain caused by numerous conditions, from acne and psoriasis to arthritis and osteoporosis

.• It can boost the immune system- Pomegranate seed oil contains several vitamins and minerals which can help to ward off infection and prevent disease.


Using pomegranate seed oil has the following drawbacks:

• It can cause stomach issues- When ingesting pomegranate seed oil, only a small amount is required to receive its benefits. Consuming more than the recommended amount can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps and other gastrointestinal issues.

• It can cause an allergic reaction- Pomegranate seed oil is very concentrated and rich. For this reason, it is recommended that persons dilute it before using it topically. If not, it can cause skin irritation and rashes

.• It is expensive- Pomegranate seed oil is a luxury oil, and the price tag reflects it. This is because approximately 200 pounds of pomegranate seeds are needed to make just one pound of pomegranate seed oil.

What’s the best way to use it?

Pomegranate seed oil is best used as a drizzle for salads, or as a marinade. It may also be used to make juices and smoothies, and wines and cocktails.

You may also use it in baked goods such as cakes and tarts for added aroma and flavor.

It is not advised to use it for frying, or any other high-temperature cooking method.


The closest oils to pomegranate seed oil In terms of cosmetic benefits are argon oil and Abyssinian oil.

If you wish to use it as a drizzle or marinade, you can pretty much use any edible oil with a low saturated fat content such as pumpkin seed oil and grape seed oil.

Things to note

While there has been extensive research on pomegranate seeds, the effects it can have in the early stages of pregnancy are still uncertain. However, there are strong indications that it can cause complications and induce miscarriages.

Pomegranate seed oil has been linked to lowering blood pressure, however, if you are already on medication to lower your blood pressure, combining the two can be dangerous. It is best to consult your doctor before adding pomegranate oil or its supplements to your diet.

Pomegranate oil has also been linked to treating symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and sleeplessness but more research is needed in this area.

Pomegranate seed oil has a shelf life of 6 months to up to two years when stored properly. Since this oil is prone to oxidation, you should probably refrigerate it to extend its shelf life.

Pomegranate oil is a pretty good carrier oil and can be added to serums, face creams, and balms for added benefits.

Conclusion- Healthy or Unhealthy?

By now you have probably gathered that pomegranate seed oil is healthy and edible. However, not all pomegranate oil is suitable for consumption, as some are made solely for cosmetic purposes.

Your best bet is to go with cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil. This way, you can ingest it and use it topically.

Is Soybean Oil Healthy?

soy beans and oil

Soybean oil is one of the most popular cooking oils used in the world. Its usage dates back to 2000 B.C in Ancient China where archaeological evidence suggests that it was grown extensively for personal use and trade. Nowadays, it is used in homes and restaurants because of its low price point and versatility.

But being common does not mean that it is healthy. Could the beloved soybean oil that may very well be in your cupboard at this moment filled with the wrong kind of fat?  .

Is soy bean oil healthy or will it clog up you arteries? But before we answer that question, let’s look at where it comes from, what it can be used for and some nutritional data.

Where does it come from?

Soybean oil is derived from soybean seeds. Unlike other seed oils, these seeds are not cold-pressed in order to extract its oils. This is because it is much harder to extract oil from these seeds. Therefore, heat is applied, along with chemical solvents, bleach, and deodorizers.

Soybeans are heated and pressured then mechanically pressed. However, only a small portion of oil is expelled at this stage. A chemical solvent named hexane is added to the soybean meal to extract the majority of the oil.

The oil is then heated and steamed in order to remove the hexane which can be toxic to humans. It is then bleached to remove impurities and deodorized to remove oxidants. It is then hydrogenated before it is bottled and sold.

Hydrogenation includes the introduction of hydrogen gas to the oil which extends its shelf life, raises its smoke point and also improves its flavor.

What is left is a light-colored or deep yellow oil that may darken after storage.

What is it used for?

Soybean is most popularly used as a cooking oil but its uses don’t stop there. Here are some ways soybean oil is used outside of the kitchen:

Hair and skincare

Soybean oil increases the keratin and amino acids in the hair fibers which help to keep them strong and healthy. This reduces your chances of experiencing hair breakage and balding. It also adds visible shine and instantly improves the appearance of your hair

Using soybean oil topically protects your skin from harmful UV rays and reduces transepidermal water loss by acting as a protective barrier. The linoleic acid, isoflavones, antioxidants, and vitamins found in soybean oil also nourishes the skin, which helps it to look soft and youthful.

Vitamin E in soybean oil can improve the appearance of blemishes and acne scarring. It also promotes the regeneration of new skin cells.

Lowering cholesterol

While many refined oils are filled with saturated fats which cause an increase in your bad cholesterol levels, soybean oil contains more unsaturated fats which help to increase good cholesterol and regulate the bad cholesterol. This helps to prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis and ischemic attacks.

Weight gain

If you are looking for a healthy way to gain weight, soybean oil provides a healthy solution. This is due to the fact that it has high levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, along with phytochemicals and vegetable starch which can help to add pounds in a healthier way in comparison to using vegetable oils and butter.

Promoting bone health

Soybean oil contains adequate amounts of phytosterols which help to eliminate free radicals and increase estrogen productivity. Estrogen is responsible for regulating bone metabolism so increasing its productivity will have a positive impact on bone health and will lower the chances of developing bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopenia in women.

Improving memory

High levels of saturated fats lead to the formation of amyloid plaques on the brain cells. This causes them to become inflamed and in turn leads to memory loss. Since soybean oil is rich in Vitamin K, and unsaturated fats (such as linolenic and linoleic acid) and low in the bad saturated fats, it helps to boost memory and learning, and can also treat cognitive, neurodegenerative, and cerebrovascular disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

Nutritional facts

One tablespoon of soybean oil contains:

• Calories: 120

• Total Fat: 14g

• Saturated Fat: 2.1g

• Monounsaturated Fat: 3.1g

• Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g

• Trans Fat: 0.1g

• Carbohydrates: 0g

• Protein: 0g

Soybean Oil is also a great source of vitamins including Vitamin E, K, and choline.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which helps to protect body cells, boost nervous system function and fight heart disease. It is also great for the hair and skin.

Vitamin K is crucial for blood clotting and bone formation, along with regulating calcium levels in the body.

Choline is a B-vitamin which is necessary for cell membrane structure and the synthesis of the brain chemical, or neurotransmitter, called acetylcholine.

Type of Fat

Soybean oil is high in monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, but low in saturated fat. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are able to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and osteoporosis.

The unsaturated fatty acids present in this oil are oleic acid, linoleic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid.

The saturated fatty acids present in soybean oil are stearic acid and palmitic acid.

Taste and smell

Soybean oil has a mild neutral flavor which does not affect the taste of food. It has a light-smell which some people have described as being bean-like.

Smoke point

Soybean oil has a high smoke point of over 450°F (or 234°C).


Soybean oil is loved because:

• It is low in saturated fatty acids- When used in moderation, it helps to keep cholesterol in check and prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.• It is great for the skin- Vitamin E in soybean oil make it a great moisturizing agent, and it can help to brighten and improve the quality of the skin.• It is inexpensive- Soybean oil is one of the cheapest cooking oils available. You can also find it on the shelf of any supermarket.• It has a neutral flavor- Soybean oil has a mild, neutral flavor which makes it perfect for cooking as it will not change the flavor of your food and won’t clash with other flavors when used to make meals.


Soybean oil also has some negative effects. These include:

• It can lead to unwanted weight gain- If you are not trying to gain weight, you should avoid this oil because it is high in calories and fat.• It can contribute to diabetes- Oen study declared that a diet high in soybean oil more harmful to your health than a diet high in fructose or coconut oil. This is because it causes glucose intolerance and insulin resistance which can lead to or worsen diabetes.• You can have an allergic reaction- If you are allergic to members of the Fabaceae/ Leguminosae family, you may suffer a severe allergic reaction.• It is a proinflammatory-If you already suffer from an illness which causes inflammation, consuming soybean oil can worsen your symptoms and increase inflammation.• It can contain trans fat- During the hydrogenation process, trans fat may be introduced into the oil. And even though the oil may say “trans-fat-free”, it is important to note that if the amount of trans fat per serving is half a gram or less, manufacturers may state it as 0g on the label.

What’s the best way to use it

Its high smoke point makes it a great choice for deep-frying and stir-frying. It can also be used in baking as an alternative to butter, or as grease for a baking pan.

Soybean oil can even enhance the flavor of salads, sandwich spreads and mayonnaise.


If you have a soy allergy or simply run out of soybean oil when cooking, you can substitute it for canola oil which has a mild taste and a high smoke point.

You could also use sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil or peanut oil.

Things to note

Soybean oil was declared a safe oil for women who are pregnant or nursing. Its fatty acids can even benefit women who are in the gestation phase.

Most vegetable oil is made using soybeans. Additionally, the majority of margarine made in the US contain this oil.

Soybeans are grown on a large scale especially here in the US and in order to produce a high-quality, constant supply of soybeans for producing oil and other byproducts, a large percentage of these crops are genetically modified. Though some experts claim that it is completely safe, others argue that they may have some long-term health effects to humans and the environment.

Soybean oil is prone to oxidation at high temperatures because it is so rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Despite having a high smoke point, it is not very heat stable for extended periods and has had negative effects in studies that were conducted on animals.

Conclusion- Healthy or Unhealthy?

Soybean oil isn’t the worst cooking oil out there health-wise, but it certainly isn’t the best. Once used in moderation it should be okay, but there are much better alternatives with similar and additional benefits such as olive oil and corn oil.

What is Ghee Used For

What is Ghee Used For

If you like butter on your toast or popcorn, you will you will love Ghee. In fact ​ghee is clarified butter. It becomes clarified butter by removing the milk solids.  It is first heated and then strained so that the fat is a bit less concentrated. This is done to prepare it for high temperature. Without the solids form milk ghee can be heated to much higher temperatures without burning. However, it has quite a bit of fat and calories per tablespoon and is high in saturated fat which is not the healthiest fat. 

So, what is ghee used for? Ghee has been used for thousands of years for its healthy properties. It has been deemed as a healing food in Indian medicine. It is highly regarded as a part of yoga nutritional therapy, where ghee is seen as a nutrient as well as a preservative for food and medicine. In Ayurvedic medicine ghee, along with a few other herbs is believed to give strength to the ojas. This is supposed to be our vital energy cushion that is in the root of our well-being and immunity.

History of Ghee

​Ghee was created due to the need for butter that could have a shelf life and maintain its physical integrity. It simply wasn’t possible to transport butter over long distances. However, you should not consider ghee just another kind of butter. Ghee’s creation happened in northeast India, but that isn’t where it became popular. Its popularity increased once it made its way to Southern India. Butter would often melt by midday in Southern India, due to high temperatures. Ghee solved this issue with its high shelf-stability. It eventually made its way to being a very important part of Indian culture. Indian mythology even tells stories about ghee’s creation.

Nutritional Facts

​Ghee is the highest in fat thus far with 14 g per tablespoon. It is about 62 percent fat. That ends up being 9 g of saturated fat, but no trans-fat. It also contains 35 mg of cholesterol, but no sodium, carbohydrates, or protein. However, it does have more calories than both butter and margarine, with 120 calories per serving. Ghee is also a descent vitamin source, containing vitamins A, E, and K2. It gives you about 11 percent of your daily recommended vitamin intake. Finally, it is a rich source of CLA. This is a metabolism-regulating micronutrient.

  • Amount Per – 1 tbsp (14 g)
  • Calories – 120
  • Total Fat – 14 g
  • ​ Saturated fat – 9 g
  • ​Monosaturated fat – 4 g
  • ​Polyunsaturated fat – 0.5 g
  • Cholesterol – 35 mg
  • Sodium – 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates – 0 g
  • Protein – 0 g
  • Vitamin A – 8%
  • Vitamin E – 2%
  • Vitamin K – 1%

Types of Ghee

​If you go through the internet, you will find mixed reviews for ghee. Some act as though it’s god’s gift to earth and others will say that it is bad for you. However, as with most food products if you consume it in moderation then you will be fine. Here are a few different types of ghee and what they can be used for.

Cow Ghee

–    Cow ghee is not merely used for cooking alone. It can also be used as oil for massages. Cow ghee is high in saturated fat but very low in polyunsaturated fat. Therefore, it has a much higher heating point than vegetable oils. Cow ghee stimulates the secretion of stomach acids, which helps with your food digestion. This also means that it helps relieve constipation. It is also rich in antioxidants, especially if the cow is grass-fed. This gives the ghee a large amount of K2 and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). CLA has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system and helps with weight loss.

Organic Ghee

–    Unlike mass-produced ghee, organic ghee is cooked in small portions without the use of steam kettles. In addition to other kinds of ghee, organic ghee also boosts energy levels quite a bit. This can be perfect for athletes or anyone that does a large amount of physical work. Organic ghee contains Omega-3 and Omega-9, which are essential fatty acids. It also reduces inflammation and dryness of the skin, it can increase flexibility, and it is great to consume during and after pregnancy. Organic ghee always comes from grass-fed cows.

Cultured (Desi) Ghee

–    Cultured ghee is a bit different than regular ghee because it is made with yogurt, while regular ghee is made from milk. Cultured Ghee is mainly for those who are very dairy sensitive. If this does not apply to you then regular ghee should work just fine. It also has a more butter-like taste than normal ghee, due to the cream in the fermentation process. Cultured ghee is known as desi ghee in India.

Vegetable Ghee

–    Vegetable ghee is a vegetarian alternative to traditional ghee. It is made purely of hardened vegetable oils and has absolutely no milk products. It is great for baking, sautéing, and deep-frying as well as being a great spread for bread and vegetables. It is completely cholesterol-free and has a milder taste than traditional ghee.

Flavored Ghee

–    Flavored ghee basically has the same properties as traditional ghee, except there is added flavor (pretty obvious right). This ghee is best made at home so that you can have control of whatever flavors that you want to be infused. Just follow the steps below on how to make ghee. Add whatever spices and herbs that you desire and then you are good to go.

How to Make Ghee

​Ghee can be pretty expensive to buy in-store, so you may be better off making it at home. An easy way to make it is to get unsalted butter and simmer it over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes. You will know that you are on the right page when a crust forms on top. Scrape off the crust and then pour the remaining liquid into a container. You do not need to refrigerate it, in fact, many people say it is better if you don’t. You can also buy ready to make ghee in most grocery stores.

Ghee vs. Butter

​Ghee has components that promote heart health. It has been shown to decrease cholesterol levels in those who consume it regularly. Ghee is also lower in lactose. As stated before, anyone that struggles with lactose intolerance is better off with ghee. Ghee has almost no lactose found in it. On the other hand, butter is low in trans-fat. Trans-fat is largely associated with heart disease, which obviously is something you want to avoid. Overall, butter is known as a very neutral substance to consume. Small amounts of butter have been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This still does not mean that you should go crazy with your butter consumption.

What is Ghee Used For

• Cooking – Ghee can be used to cook nearly everything that butter is normally used for. It is great for baking, sautéing, and deep-frying as well as being a great spread for bread and vegetables

.• Skin Care – It reduces inflammation and dryness of the skin. This is because it has essential fatty acids that induce hydration. This can even be used for dark circles under your eyes and chapped lips

.• Lower Blood Pressure – This is due to the presence of Omega-3.• Hair Care – The fatty acids nourishes the scalp, which restores your hairs health.

Is Ghee Healthy

​Overall, it would appear that ghee can be a very versatile and has a place in your kitchen as well as your skin and hair care regime. However, if you eat more than the recommended amount of ghee then you can experience some negative consequences such as weight gain. It is still fat after all.

Is Sunflower Oil Good For You?


Sunflower Oil: What’s the scoop?

Sunflowers are a beautiful addition to any home garden, but did you know that they can be a great addition to your kitchen? Not in a vase or anything like that, but in its oil form.

Sunflower oil is said to have many health and cosmetic benefits and works well as a cooking oil. But how true are these claims?

We will be giving you an inside scoop on Sunflower Oil and answer all your burning questions in this article. Let’s start with where it comes from.

Where does it come from?

Sunflower Oil is made using the seeds from the Sunflower plant.  Done mainly in Russia, Argentina, and Ukraine, the oil is extracted using different methods.

One method, the cold-pressing method, involves removing the hulls and breaking the seeds into smaller pieces. They are then run through rollers or rotating cylinders to squeeze the oil out of the seeds. This produces extra virgin Sunflower Oil which may or may not be refined before it hits supermarket shelves. It is golden at this stage and cannot handle high temperatures.

Another method known as warm pressing is similar to the cold-pressing method, however, the seeds are heated slightly before they go through the rollers. This increases the viscosity of the oil in the seeds which makes extraction easier. Although more oil is expelled, the taste is different, sometimes slightly roasted.

Some companies extract Sunflower Oil using a chemical solvent known as hexane. This may be done in the initial stages, or after cold/warm-pressing the seeds. This process expels a larger amount of oil from the seeds. Afterward, the oil that is expelled is boiled so that the hexane is evaporated. It is then processed with lye to remove the chemical taste, then steamed and bleach to remove the lye and to give it a more pleasant taste and color.

This is also known as refined sunflower oil which is more heat stable and can withstand high-temperature cooking. It is much lighter in color and has fewer nutrients than crude Sunflower Oil.

What is it used for?

Sunflower oil is popular in Eastern European cuisine as a salad topper and even a butter. Many snacks have also been made using this oil. But the uses of Sunflower Oil does not just stop there. It has many applications outside of the kitchen. These include:

Hair and skincare

Sunflower Oil is perfect for treating dry scalp and reducing product build-up. It can also stimulate hair growth and preventing balding by increasing blood circulation when massaged into the scalp.

Adding Sunflower Oil to your hair care regimen deeply nourishes and hydrates hair, strengthens follicles, prevents hair breakage and reduces fizziness. It is also not too greasy and won’t weigh hair down, giving you noticeable shine and bounciness.

Sunflower Oil is rich in Vitamin A, C, D, and E which contribute to keeping the skin hydrated and protects it from the harmful UV rays from the sun and pollutants in the air. These vitamins, along with fatty acids, also help to regenerate new skin cells and eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

Omega-6 fatty acids in Sunflower oil also help to combat inflammation and roughness to enhance the skin’s appearance and can also help to prevent premature signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. If you have eczema, using Sunflower Oil both topically and orally can result in near remission of the condition.

Improving oral health

Sunflower Oil is great for oil pulling. It can even reduce and prevent plaque-related gingivitis. Sunflower Oil can also fight against C. Albicans. This is a bacteria which is the most common cause of infection in people.

Lowering cholesterol

Sunflower Oil is on the American Heart Association’s list of best fats as it has less saturated fats and more unsaturated fats. When used to replace other fats and oils in your diet, Sunflower Oil helps to lower the LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and increase the HDL levels (good cholesterol) in your body. This, in turn, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Boosting immune systems and energy levels

The Vitamin E in Sunflower Oil directly helps to boost the immune system because it acts as an antioxidant in the body. This helps to ward off disease and infection which in turn helps to keep you feeling your best physically.

Since Sunflower Oil is not made up primarily of saturated fats, you won’t feel sluggish or tired after consuming it. Instead, its unsaturated fat content will help you to feel energized.

Preventing cancer

While more research is needed to find out the extent of this benefit, Sunflower oil has great potential in cancer prevention. Antioxidants, such as tocopherols, contained within Sunflower Oil helps to eliminate free radicals in the body. Free radicals are dangerous because they are capable of transforming healthy cells into dangerous cancer cells. By reducing the number of free radicals in the body, you are lowering your chances of developing cancer in the future.

Nutritional facts

One tablespoon of Sunflower Oil contains:

• Calories: 120
• Calories from fat: 122
• Total Fat: 14g
• Saturated fat: 1.8g
• Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g
• Monounsaturated Fat: 6g
• Carbohydrates: 0g
• Proteins: 0g

Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K are also present in Sunflower Oil.

▪ Vitamin A helps to prevent cataracts, increase collagen production and boost the immune system.
▪ Vitamin B helps to promote a healthy nervous system and aids in digestion.
▪ Vitamin C helps to repair body tissue, maintain bones and teeth and prevent heart disease
▪ Vitamin D is useful for maintaining healthy teeth and bones, absorbing calcium in the body and boosting one’s mood.
▪ Vitamin E helps in keeping the skin and hair healthy, preventing cancer, and preventing cancer.
▪ Vitamin K is important for promoting blood clotting and healing wounds.

Minerals such as selenium are also present in Sunflower Oil. This acts as an antioxidant which helps to boost the body’s immunity against chronic disease and fight inflammation.

Type of Fat

The fat content of Sunflower Oil is dependent on the type of Sunflower Oil that is produced. This is dependent on genetic and the climate in which the sunflowers are grown. However, for all three types, there are more unsaturated fats than saturated fats. These types include:

• High Oleic- 82% oleic acid
• Medium Oleic- 69% oleic acid
• High Linoleic- 21% oleic acid

Taste and smell

Unrefined Sunflower Oil has a mild taste and fatty odor. When refined, it is both tasteless and odorless.

Smoke point

Unrefined Sunflower Oil has a smoke point of 225°F (or 107°C). This makes it unsuitable for high-temperature cooking. However, when refined, the smoke point increases to 450°F (or 232°C)


Here are some reasons why you should add Sunflower Oil to your cupboard:

• It can withstand high temperatures- This makes it a great addition to your cupboard because you can use it for every style of cooking.
• It is low in saturated fats- This makes Sunflower Oil heart-healthy as it helps to lower cholesterol and prevent excessive weight gain.
• It is inexpensive- Sunflower Oil is relatively inexpensive and also easy to access. This means that adding it to your diet won’t have a significant impact on your budget.


Adding Sunflower Oil to your cupboard can be a bad idea since:

• It can cause an allergic reaction- Before adding any natural oils to your skincare regimen, it is always advised that you perform a skin patch test approximately 48 hours before. If you are already allergic to plants in the Asteraceae/ Compositae family such as daisies, ragweed, marigold, and chrysanthemums, there is a high chance that you might suffer an allergic reaction to Sunflower Oil.
• It can worsen diabetes- If you have diabetes, you should avoid consuming too much Sunflower Oil as it can increase fasting insulin along with blood sugar. This can lead to atherosclerosis.

What’s the best way to use it

Since refined Sunflower Oil has such a high smoke point, it can be used for frying and stir-frying. Using it won’t affect the flavor too much so it can be used with a variety of foods.

It can also be used in baking as an ingredient, or to grease your pan or grill.


Safflower oil has a similar profile to that of Sunflower Oil and can be a great alternative. You may substitute it for vegetableoil, canola oil, and rapeseed oil for a similar flavor.

Other alternatives which provide the same or similar fatty acid benefits include fish oil and hemp seed oil

Things to note

• The natural shelf life of sunflower oil is one year. To avoid nutrient loss and reduction in its quality, you should store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or in a dark-colored glass.
• If you are pregnant or nursing, you should probably avoid using sunflower. This is because there has not been enough research about whether it is good or bad for women in this condition.

Conclusion- Healthy or Unhealthy?

Incorporating Sunflower Oil into your diet can be a healthy move especially if you suffer from obesity or are at risk of developing chronic disease. However, it is important to bear in mind that excessive amounts of Sunflower Oil in the diet can quickly have adverse effects due to the high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids.

When consuming Sunflower Oil, you should monitor how your body reacts to it. If you feel energized and healthy, then keep on using it. But, if you notice that your cholesterol levels have gone up, and you begin to feel sluggish, then maybe you should reduce consumption or even remove it from your diet.


Is Rice Bran Oil Good For You?

We all use cooking oils to make our meals, but using the wrong kind can have some very negative long-term side effects. What makes a cooking oil “good for you” are not only the effect it has on food, flavor and texture-wise. Instead, it is its ability to benefit the body in different ways.

Does Rice Bran oil fall under the category of a cooking oil that is good for you, or is it just another bad, unhealthy oil? Let’s take a look at it.

Where does it come from?

Rice is already a staple food in the diet of Asian cultures, so its use is much more common in those parts of the world. Rice Bran oil has become increasingly popular in the rest of the world over the last few years because it is a seemingly better alternative to other vegetable oils.

The oil is made by extracting the thin outer layer of rice, called the chaff or husk. This is the most nutritious part of rice and contains many nutrients and vitamins. The husks are dried and cold-pressed and the crude rice bran oil collected. Another means of extracting the oil is by using chemical solvent such as hexane.

The rice bran oil can then be sold as-is, or bleached, deodorized and neutralized for cosmetic purposes.

What is it used for?

Despite being popularly used in countries such as Bangladesh, China, and India for deep frying and stir-frying, rice bran oil has many other uses outside of cooking. These include:

Hair and skincare

Rice Bran Oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are like hair food. These nourish the hair and help to combat frizz and dryness. It also helps to keep hair follicles healthy, promote hair growth and make hair more manageable. Rice Bran has also been praised for preventing early greying for both men and women.

It can also be used as a skin moisturizer and protects it from all the dust particles and pollutants in the air. Rice Bran oil can also be used as a moisturizer to protect against UV, which help to prevent conditions like melanoma, along with delaying aging and wrinkling.

Rice Bran Oil is also a great natural makeup remover and can help to prevent acne. Its Vitamin E content helps to keep skin soft and radiant. Dark circles can also be prevented and treated with this oil as it increases blood circulation in the region and reduces puffiness. Its sterol content can also help to lighten the skin under the eye.

Lowering cholesterol

Both the American Heart Association (AHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend rice bran oil for improving serum cholesterol levels. It is considered a heart-healthy oil due to its optimal balance of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It is also naturally trans fat-free. This greatly reduces your chances of developing a heart condition.

Treating symptoms of menopause

Taking rice bran supplements or adding it to your meals can help to prevent or combat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. This is as a result of its antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties.

Preventing cancer

Studies conducted in Asia show that by adding Rice Bran oil to your diet, you can significantly decrease your chances of developing colorectal cancer.

It also has chemopreventive properties which inhibit cancer cell proliferation and reduce inflammation in persons suffering from skin, breast and gastrointestinal cancer.

Preventing allergic reaction

It has been discovered that Rice Bran oil is hypoallergenic in nature. This means that the chances of having an allergic reaction when used in cooking are slim to none and it can also calm preexisting allergic reactions. It may even prevent hypersensitivity to other allergens.

Weight loss

While Rice Bran oil is high in calories, when used in moderation, it can help you to lose weight. When using this oil, a little goes a long way and it retains the nutrients and the flavorof the food being cooked. This makes it a great alternative to other vegetable oils in your diet which results in high caloric intake.

It is also full of antioxidants which can help to boost your metabolic rate. This will help you to shed those pounds faster.

Nutritional facts

In one tablespoon of Rice Bran oil, there are:

• Calories: 120
• Total Fat: 14 g
• Saturated fat: 2.7g
• Monounsaturated fat: 4.8g
• Polyunsaturated fat: 5g
• Carbohydrates: 0g
• Proteins: 0g

While Rice Bran oil is lacking in the mineral department, it will give you some important vitamins.

In just a single tablespoon of Rice Bran oil, you will have already consumed 22% of the recommended Vitamin E daily intake. Vitamin E in the form of tocopherol is an oxidant which boosts immunity and protects cells against oxidative damage.

It also contains 3.3 micrograms of Vitamin K which helps your blood to clot. Evidence also suggests that it contributes to bone health and can even prevent atherosclerosis.

There is also 161 mg of phytosterols which help to lower blood cholesterol.

Type of Fat

Rice Bran oil is said to have one of the perfect balance of fats. It consists of MUFAs (monounsaturated fats) which boosts your HDL levels or “good cholesterol” levels. It also consists of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) which help to lower your LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels.

There are saturated fats in Rice Bran oil which may increase your risk of developing heart disease, however, experts are currently reevaluating that idea.

Taste and smell

Rice bran oil has a neutral color and mild taste which makes it ideal for cooking. It has also been said to have a slightly nutty flavor which does not clash with food. When refined, it has a light or odorless smell.

Smoke point

Rice Bran oil has a pretty high smoke point of around 490°F (or 254°C).  Plus, it maintains its nutritive quality even during high heat cooking.


Incorporating Rice Bran oil into your diet is a good choice for many reasons. Some of these reasons include:

• Foods absorb less oil- The bad thing about using frying as a method of cooking is that the food tends to absorb the oil. Hen cooking with rice bran oil, up to 20% less oil is absorbed. This is because of its low viscosity (thickness).
• Long shelf life- Owing to its antioxidant components, rice bran oil has a much longer shelf life
• It’s great for the skin- Rice Bran oil provides both protection and nourishment for the skin, keeping it hydrated and safe from pollutants in the air.
• It helps to lower cholesterol- Substituting your unhealthy cooking oils for Rice Bran oil can help to greatly decrease your bad cholesterol levels and increase the good cholesterol level. This, in turn, helps to boost your metabolism, promote weight loss and prevent numerous diseases.


You can’t look at the benefits without acknowledging the drawbacks. Some of these include:

• It is a natural laxative- By increasing the amount of rice bran in your diet, this can cause unpredictable bowel movements and stomach discomfort. You may also experience intestinal gas or constipation.
• It can cause skin irritation- While Rice Bran oil has great benefits when applied topically, it can cause skin irritation if exposed to a rare straw mite.
• Might be difficult to access- Though Rice Bran oil is extremely popular in Asia, it is not the go-to oil here in America so it might not be on your supermarket’s shelves. There is also the option of ordering it online though it might be more expensive than what you would pay for it in India or China.

What’s the best way to use it

Since it has a high smoke point it is suited for high heat cooking methods such as frying, stir-frying, sautéing and searing.

It can also be substituted for other oils in baking, roasting, and grilling.


The best alternative to Rice Bran oil is olive oil because it shares the same health benefits. It also has a similar composition to that of peanut oil.

Other alternatives include Sunflower oil, Canola oil, and Flaxseed oil. In baked goods, butter may be used.

Things to note

• Rice Bran oil should be stored in a cool, dry place. When it is stored properly, it can last for one or two years.
• There has been a lot of research conducted with regards to Rice Bran oil, but not enough. For this reason, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not consume it in large amounts or as a supplement until more information is gathered.
• Rice Bran Oil has the ability to decrease the amount of medicine the body absorbs. So, if you are on medication, ingesting Rice Bran oil may decrease its effectiveness.
• The use of hexane in to extract many Rice Bran oil is a turn off for many because it is flammable, toxic and used in a high-temperature environment. This results in the introduction of undesirables in the oil. This may reduce its health benefits. Your best bet is buying Rice Bran oil that was extracted using the cold-press or any other low/no heat method, although these tend to be a bit more expensive.

Conclusion- Healthy or Unhealthy?

Rice Bran oil does have some pretty useful health and cosmetic benefits. However, you might not want to toss everything out and stock up on Rice Bran oil until there have been more conclusive studies. Rice Bran oil should be used in moderation and can be used as an alternative for other oils in your cupboard now and then.


Is Butter Healthy For You?

Butter is a product used by many people to prepare a variety of meals. It is normally made by churning cow milk. This churning process separates the butterfat from the buttermilk. However, there are different versions made from the milk of sheep, goat, yak, or buffalo. There is also sweet cream butter, which is different altogether. You can use butter to make anything from eggs to pasta. Even though butter has proven to be very useful, does not mean that it is good for you. So, we have to ask the question. Is butter healthy to cook with?

Nutritional Facts

Butter is mainly composed of fat with about 12 grams per tablespoon. This breaks down into about 7 grams of saturated fat, 0.4 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 3 grams of monosaturated fat and 0.5 grams of trans fat. This makes butter about 80% fat. That isn’t very comforting if you ask me. It is fairly complex as far as dietary fats go, with over 400 different fatty acids. So, that tablespoon of butter is going to cost you about 100 calories. It also consists of 31 mg of cholesterol, 2 mg of sodium, 3 mg of potassium and only 0.1 g of protein. On the upside, it will provide you with Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Vitamin A is the most present in this product, with 1 tablespoon providing about 11% of your Reference Daily Intake (RDI). Vitamin A helps to maintain teeth health, as well as soft tissue, white blood cells, and your immune system. Vitamin D is essential to maintaining healthy bones by regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. It also provides small amounts of Vitamins E, B12 and K2. Vitamin E is beneficial to your immune system. It helps to prevent coronary heart disease, as well as strengthens eye health and lowers the risk of cancer. Vitamin B12 contributes to your body producing red blood cells and helps to prevent Anemia. Finally, Vitamin K2 helps to regulate calcium deposition. This furthers the question, is butter a healthy choice to cook with?

Types of Butter

Sweet Cream Butter

–   You can find sweet cream butter in pretty much any dairy section of any grocery store. They normally have an option of either salted or unsalted versions. The organic versions of these are typically better to use because the cows have not been exposed to pesticides or harmful chemicals.

Grass-Fed Butter

–   This butter comes from cows that have been grass-fed as opposed to commercial grain-based feeds. This type of butter provides much better fuel for your body. These cows produce milk with more healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins, such as a better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio as well as many fewer toxins. Overall, it is a much healthier product to cook with.

Cultured Butter

–   Cultured butter is made by adding live bacteria before the beginning of the churning process. This gives the butter a much higher fat content but also gives it a much richer taste. However, it does help with digestion, for those who fear dairy products because they make their stomach hurt. It also comes with salted and unsalted versions, but my advice to you is to go unsalted and then add your desired amount of salt during the cooking process. Cultured butter is also fantastic for baking.

Whipped Butter

–   This type of butter has milk and air whipped into it. This makes it much fluffier than traditional butter. It melts and spreads very easily and it is also fairly simple to make at home. You can also stretch butter that you already poses, this makes it great for large gatherings. The stretching of the butter makes it a bit lower in saturated fats and calories. Whipped butter may just be the way to go!

Compound Butter

–   Compound butter is butter that adds spices such as, fresh herbs, garlic or paprika. Basically, whatever your heart desires. There are no specific downsides or benefits to this type of butter. It just depends on what you would like to add to it.

Brown Butter

–   When you heat butter in a hot pan, the water evaporates out. You will see this happening, for it will bubble away during the process. The butter will turn much darker. This butter is great for making pasta or cookies. Really it will make anything you normally eat butter with several times better.

Vegan Butter

–   Vegan butter is butter that has no animal products in it. It is made with a blend of vegetable oils, plant-based milk, vinegar, salt, nutritional yeast and turmeric (which is great for maintaining bone health). It is still high in calories and saturated fat. This means it is just as bad as traditional butter, but it’s vegan.

How is Butter Used

Butter is used to cook a variety of dishes such as pasta, eggs, chicken, and asparagus. It can also be used as a spread for your morning toast or bagel, as well as a pancake or waffle. Furthermore, it is pretty much essential in baking. However, it is not good to use in any dish that requires high-temperature searing. You should also avoid using it when cooking tortillas or tamales, it makes them much too moist. Finally, avoid using butter when you are greasing a pan. The high-water content will make the butter evaporate much to quickly and whatever you are cooking will stick to the pan. It is a much better idea to use oil or a cooking spray. However, the question still stands, is butter healthy to cook with?

Healthy or Unhealthy

So, after all of these facts, you may still be wondering if butter is a healthy cooking choice. I would say it depends on the kind of butter that you are using. If you find a good grass-fed butter it will be much better for you then a sweet cream butter. However, even with that said butter needs to be used in moderation for it is high in calories and saturated fat. Good substitutes for butter include ghee, coconut oil, and olive oil. Margarine is not a good substitute for butter. All of this information may seem a little overwhelming but have no fear. Eat your butter alongside heart-healthy foods and you should be ok.